Archive of articles published on the 22nd of October 2009
Sensor biochips could aid in cancer diagnosis and treatment
New UK study suggests minimal relationship between cannabis and schizophrenia or psychosis
Time-keeping brain neurons discovered
American Dietetic Association supports IOM recommendations on school meal programs
First former college football player diagnosed with CTE
Pesticides exposure linked to suicidal thoughts
Physicians have less respect for obese patients, study suggests
Geologist analyzes earliest shell-covered fossil animals
A new technique identifies versions of the same song
Nanowire biocompatibility in the brain: So far so good
Manipulating brain inflammation may help clear brain of amyloid plaques, Mayo Clinic researchers say
New artificial enzyme safer for nature
Pregnant women who are lesbians want to be treated like any other expectant mother
The CoRoT space mission: Early results
How white is a paper?
Scientists of the UGR obtain a bioinsecticide to control the Mediterranean fruit fly
The lotus's clever way of staying dry
IDF releases important new guidelines to improve the treatment of diabetes worldwide
Regulating emotion after experiencing a sexual assault
Getting on 'the GABA receptor shuttle' to treat anxiety disorders
Cocaine exposure during pregnancy leads to impulsivity in male, not female, monkeys
Galaxy cluster smashes distance record
The white stuff: Marine lab team seeks to understand coral bleaching
General anesthetics lead to learning disabilities in animal models
Attending community college does make you richer, study says
Messenger RNA with FLASH
Male Australian redback spiders employ courtship strategies to preserve their life
Geologists studying groundwater arsenic levels in India empower Bengali women, children
Extra care for outwardly healthy workers costs companies millions annually
Flu shots not to be sneezed at
Study reveals an increase in long-term antidepressant drug use
Syphilis survey reveals need for accurate testing for early infection
Boston University scientists first to see RNA network in live bacterial cells
'Perspectives on Energy Policy' report now available
Immune system quirk could lead to effective tularemia vaccine
New evidence of culture in wild chimpanzees
Iowa State study finds high volume video gamers have more difficulty staying attentive
Inventive approach may improve enzyme replacement therapy for Fabry disease
Scientists create NICE solution to pneumonia vaccine testing problems
Synthetic cells shed biological insights while delivering battery power
Biochemical 'on-switch' could solve protein purification challenge
Miscounting bioenergy benefits may increase greenhouse gas release
Accounting error in climate treaties could lead to more deforestation
Color differences within and between species have common genetic origin
Model microbial community for studying expanding dead zones characterized
New study predicts future consequences of a global biofuels program
UBC researchers find key microbial indicator of ocean health
Climate scientists uncover major accounting flaw in Kyoto Protocol and other climate legislation
Researchers make key step towards turning methane gas into liquid fuel
Researchers question evidence linking overlapping sexual partners and African HIV rates
Taking medicine for HIV proves hard to swallow for many people
Female choice benefits mothers more than offspring
New molecules created by UC Riverside chemists have wide applications
Sensing disasters from space
Halloween sex offender policies questioned
NIST physicists turn to radio dial for finer atomic matchmaking
No elder left behind: Researchers say designers can help close tech gap
Team led by Scripps Research and UC San Diego scientists reveals secrets of drought resistance
NASA satellites see Typhoon Lupit now bringing more rains to soggy Philippines
Treaty to limit CO2 should be followed by similar limits on other greenhouse pollutants
Rick's remnants now merged with a low in the Central US
Ethiopia's climate 27 million years ago had higher rainfall, warmer soil
Berkeley researchers find new route to nano self-assembly
New clinical guidelines for exacerbations in cystic fibrosis
Caltech scientists solve decade-long mystery of nanopillar formations
Papahanaumokuakea National Monument facing Hurricane Neki
Vyvanse Capsules CII administration through 2 routes demonstrated similar pharmacokinetic profile
Quick and easy diagnosis for mitochondrial disorders
New research suggests how low doses of radiation can cause heart disease and stroke
Reprogramming a patient's eye cells may herald new treatments against degenerative disease
Now hear this
Even low alcohol consumption has a negative impact on overall health