Archive of articles published on the 3rd of July 2008
Instances of mass die-offs in wild lions precipitated by extreme climate change
Circulating tumor cells can reveal genetic signature of dangerous lung cancers
Statins have unexpected effect on pool of powerful brain cells
A microsatellite-guided insight into the genetic status of the Adi tribe
Nanostructures improve bone response to titanium implants
UI researchers make first measurements of the solar wind termination shock
New antibiotic beats superbugs at their own game
Extended cyclone relief efforts aided from space
Woman aquires new accent after stroke
Rubber 'snake' could help wave power get a bite of the energy market
Tasty meal out of reach
Giving nature a helping hand
Blood vessel inhibitor shows promise against metastatic thyroid cancer
University of Hawaii researchers discover new pathway for methane production in the oceans
Looking for the Fountain of Youth? Cut your calories, research suggests
Scientists set out to measure how we perceive naturalness
USC researchers identify tumor suppressor that manages cellular cleaning and recycling proceses
Sophisticated communication a prerequisite for people's independence
'Smart' materials get smarter with ability to better control shape and size
Geologists push back date basins formed, supporting frozen Earth theory
Resveratrol found to improve health, but not longevity in aging mice on standard diet
Red wine ingredient wards off effects of age on heart, bones, eyes and muscle
Stem cells from umbilical cord used in the treatment of hepatic diseases
Infant formula blocks HIV transmission via breastfeeding
Local elite rule over small villages in Indonesia
Eclipses again prove key for Einstein
Nature reserves attract humans, but at a cost to biodiversity
U-M instrument shows what planet Mercury is made of
Unique stellar system gives Einstein a thumbs-up
Ancient marine invertebrate diversity less explosive than thought
Einstein was right, McGill astrophysicists say
New research sheds light on the molecular basis of crib death
Organizing an Earth Systems Science Agency
Volcanic activity shaped Mercury after all
Mercury's surface dominated by volcanism and iron-deficiency
Acidifying oceans add urgency to CO2 cuts
In unique stellar laboratory, Einstein's theory passes strict, new test
Radicals shake up molecules in a tug o' war
'Mind's eye' influences visual perception
Species have come and gone at different rates than previously believed
Prevalence of religious congregations affects mortality rates
UCLA researchers clarify function of glucose transport molecule
New study points to agriculture in frog sexual abnormalities
Visualizing atomic-scale acoustic wavesin nanostructures
Screening for heart disorders in competitive athletes would save lives
Malaria on the increase in the UK