Archive of articles published on the 5th of June 2008
RAND study finds increase in piracy and terrorism at sea
Wide variations in appropriateness of rectal cancer surgery across England
Extended infant antiretroviral prophylaxis reduces HIV risk during breastfeeding
Road traffic deaths in China have soared almost 100 percent in 20 years
Moores UCSD Cancer Center study links vitamin D, type 1 diabetes
Cassini sees collisions of moonlets on Saturn's ring
A nutritional supplement could improve the clinical situation of ICU patients
A glass apart
Volcano taming
Talking to cells
A new way to think about Earth's first cells
Alaska Space Grant program launches B.E.A.R.
How best to treat chronic pain? The jury is still out
U of I study shows how to lose weight without losing bone
How cell's master transcribing machine achieves near perfection
Initiating drinking at younger age heightens women's risk for alcohol dependence
Zebrafish enable scientists to study the migration of neurons that enable sexual maturity
Otters reveal their identity
Building on pyramids of trash
Europe gets together to harness quantum physics
Primary care visits reduce hospital utilization among Medicare beneficiaries at the end of life
Argonne research unveiling the secrets of nanoparticle haloing
Teenagers attending college less likely to engage in risky sexual behavior
Researchers determine risk factors for infection after liver transplantation
Duke chemist has new way to tell right from left
Members of European Parliament discuss food labeling and heart health
NOAA study shows eastern tropical pacific ocean dolphin populations improving
A supra new kind of froth
Another new wrinkle in treating skin aging
Niacin's role in maintaining good cholesterol
New research explores role of serotonin
Mountain ranges rise much more rapidly than geologists expected
Motivation of small business managers affects firm growth
Admiring celebrities can help improve self-esteem
Study of glacial earthquakes shakes up idea of how ice streams move
Plastic brain outsmarts experts
Brucella abortus S19 genome sequenced; points toward virulence genes
Terrorism risk determines homeland security spending
Pass the popcorn: Blockbuster sequels -- financial boom or bust?
Where mathematics and astrophysics meet
Researchers observe spontaneous 'ratcheting' of single ribosome molecules
Finding the source: Cells that initiate a common infant tumor identified
New NHS guidelines on recreational drugs in nightclubs are all the rave
Findings offer insights into role of breastfeeding in preventing infant death, HIV infection