Archive of articles published on the 8th of May 2008
University research contributes to global warming
UAB first in US to offer speedier precise cancer radiotherapy
Lack of motivation in schizophrenia linked to brain chemical imbalance
There is no such thing as 'the' Indian
Chilean volcano captured blasting ash
Do antidepressants enhance immune function?
Improving anxiety treatment through the help of brain imaging: A potential future treatment strategy
TU Delft demonstrates for the first time how light squeezes through small holes
New target for Alzheimer's disease identified
Depression diversity: Brain studies reveal big differences among individuals
Keeping yields, profits and water quality high
Egyptian elite tombs accessible for all
Skin flaps deliver cancer-fighting therapy, ASPS study reveals
Scientists identify key roadblock to gene expression
Newest GREET model updates environmental impacts
New gas sensors for monitoring carbon dioxide sinks
New cancer gene found
Model successfully predicts large river system fish diversity
Programmed death boosts business
Racial discrimination has different mental health effects on Asians, study shows
Hopkins researchers discover new link to schizophrenia
6-month follow-up diagnostic mammograms recommended for women with probably benign lesions
Computer game's high score could earn the Nobel Prize in medicine
New report: Arthritis is a potential barrier to physical activity for adults with diabetes
Federal polar bear research critically flawed, says study in INFORMS journal
What's bugging locusts?
Bread mold may hold secret to eliminating disease-causing genes
When statins aren't enough: New trial drug points to better management of coronary heart disease
Virus mimics human protein to hijack cell division machinery
New evidence from earliest known human settlement in the Americas
Obese patients face increased risks for infection and dislocation following revision hip surgery
Cane use may reduce risk of knee osteoarthritis progression
Modern ceramics help advance technology
Major shift in HIV prevention priorities needed
Surprising discovery: Multicellular response is 'all for one'
Justice in the brain: Equity and efficiency are encoded differently
Previously unseen switch regulates breast cancer response to estrogen
Magnet Lab researchers make observing cell functions easier
Berkeley researchers identify photosynthetic dimmer switch
New technique measures ultrashort laser pulses at focus
Feedstock makes a difference in feeding distiller's grains
Stroke survivors walk better after human-assisted rehab
Scientists demonstrate method for integrating nanowire devices directly onto silicon
Made-to-order isotopes hold promise on science's frontier
Study finds link between birth order and asthma symptoms
Warming up for magnetic resonance imaging
Dying bats in the Northeast remain a mystery
Priority regions for threatened frog and toad conservation in Latin America
Tomato stands firm in face of fungus