Archive of articles published on the 9th of December 2008
Discovery of microbe in roundworm provides animal model for 'emerging pathogen'
Discovery of microbe in roundworm provides animal model for 'emerging pathogen'
The crash of 2008: A mathematician's view
New prognostic model for MDS covers all phases of disease
Study sheds light on cause of bowel disease
Leeds research points to new therapy for hepatitis C treatment
Modeling neonatal diabetes
Why do some bird species lay only 1 egg? UC San Diego study offers some answers
Statins do not interfere with rituximab treatment for lymphomas, Mayo Clinic study finds
Low-income settings require local guideline development for childhood illness
China's paradoxical policies on HIV and drug use threaten health
Oldest old 'hanging in the balance?'
Protein levels indicate risk of death in some colorectal cancer patients
News from the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Nipping violence in the bud in children
Statin warning for pregnant women
UK kidney cancer patients face toxic, out-dated treatments with little hope of change
Computation and genomics data drive bacterial research into new golden age
Dissertation work on leading wave power
Rice University study finds possible clues to epilepsy, autism
Promising new drug blocks mutation in bone marrow cancers
Hepatitis C treatment reduces the virus but liver damage continues
Study reveals effects of unconscious exposure to advertisements
Princeton-led team finds secret ingredient for the health of tropical rainforests
Caltech researchers get first look at how groups of cells coordinate their movements
Report reveals diverse recreation needs on national forests
Psychologists report that a gender gap in spatial skills starts in infancy
Surface-level ozone pollution set to reduce tree growth 10 percent by 2100
People who want access to the NHS should behave more responsibly, says expert
When 2 + 2 = major anxiety: Math performance in stressful situations
Cholinesterase inhibitors reduce aggression, wandering and paranoia in Alzheimer's disease
Developing countries lack means to acquire more efficient technologies
From mother to daughters: A central mystery in cell division solved
Baby fish in polluted San Francisco estuary waters are stunted and deformed
Drug combination improves or stabilizes disease for relapsed multiple myeloma patients
Lazy eye treatment times could be drastically reduced, new research shows
Intense chemotherapy wards off recurrence in half of mantle cell lymphoma patients after seven years
New therapy prevents dangerous side effect for lymphoma patients
First 3-D images obtained of core component of molecular machinery used for cell reproduction
Honey adds health benefits, is natural preservative and sweetener in salad dressings
Doctors raise questions, concerns about FDA suicide warning
New polymer coatings prevent corrosion, even when scratched
Predicted planet seen -- first since Neptune 162 years ago
NPL research shows there could be no end in sight for Moore’s Law
Instore web 3.0 scouting
Production line for artificial skin
Siblings of mentally disabled face own lifelong challenges, according to researchers
Story tips from the DOE's Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dec. 2008
Hubble finds carbon dioxide on an extrasolar planet
Children's cancer group recommends global evaluation system for neuroblastoma to improve treatment
People in the US and the UK show strong similarities in their attitudes toward nanotechnologies
Study finds selenium, vitamin E do not prevent prostate cancer
Neither vitamin C or E associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer, or other cancers
Supplementation with vitamin E or selenium does not reduce risk of prostate cancer
Late Neandertals and modern human contact in southeastern Iberia
The clear future of electronics
Potential breakthrough for T-Cell lymphoma patients with drug that mimics folic acid
Overweight siblings of children with type 2 diabetes likely to have abnormal blood sugar levels
Genetic test for spinal muscular atrophy should be offered to all couples, says the ACMG
Penn research probes genetic underpinnings of nicotine addiction
Genetic markers identified for alcohol response in UCSF Gallo study
E-learning can have positive effect on classroom learning, scholar says
U of I study: Fructose metabolism more complicated than was thought
Boy-girl bullying in middle grades more common than previously thought
Genetic change extends mouse life, points to possible treatment for ALS
Medication used to reduce nausea following tonsillectomies linked with increased risk of bleeding
Financial incentives appear effective for short-term weight loss
Economic cost of cancer mortality is high in US, regardless of how cost is measured
New classification of spinal deformity defines range of normalcy
Thinking like a president: How power affects complex decision making
Conscious vs. unconscious thought in making complicated decisions
Nonhormonal treatment regimens improve survival in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Researchers focus on building telescope at South Pole
Unprecedented 16-year-long study tracks stars orbiting Milky Way black hole
When it's more than the 'terrible twos'
Research team explores causes of death on Mount Everest
Plastic as a conductor
Keeping track
Application quantifies carbon sequestration of urban trees
Fear of nuts creating hysteria of epidemic proportions