Archive of articles published on the 27th of October 2008
Stress may make you itch
Credit crunch threatens new medicines
Building the blood-brain barrier
Fire out of Africa: A key to the migration of prehistoric man
Study suggests HIV-infected patients should start HAART sooner
Common epilepsy drug could prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease
Epilepsy drug may help Alzheimer's patients
Solar system's young twin has 2 asteroid belts
Healing process found to backfire in lung patients
Scientists identify new gene responsible for puberty disorders
It all adds up: Early achievement in math may identify future scientists and engineers
A million people suffer from tinnitus -- in province of Quebec alone
Are you phonagnosic?
Biosolids microbes pose manageable risk to workers
Eating whole grains lowers heart failure risk, according to new study
Study reveals factors of exceptional health in old age
Glutamate: Too much of a good thing in schizophrenia?
Seeing color in 'blindsight'
In game of tennis, seeing isn't always believing
Pregnant women consuming flaxseed oil have high risk of premature birth
Franklin Square to study airway bypass procedure for severe emphysema
How we see objects in depth: The brain's code for 3-D structure
The mental health dangers of birth hypoxia
Effects of anesthesia on the heart
GUMC researchers hone in on new strategy to treat common infection
Stress during pregnancy has detrimental effect on offspring
Catching quakes with laptops
Bacteria cause old buildings to feel off-color
Flawed 401(k) laws putting retirement at risk, expert says
New brain link as cause of schizophrenia
Earthworm activity can alter forests' carbon-carrying capabilities
Large hormone dose may reduce risk of post-traumatic stress disorder
Better instructions reduce complications among patients using common blood thinner
Genetic evidence for avian influenza movement from Asia to North America via wild birds
Researchers at UH explore use of fat cells as heart attack therapy
The fluid transducer: Electricity from gas and water
News flash: Candidates' ads actually match deeds in Congress
New hormone data can predict menopause within a year
Cut and run: MSU research predicts risk avoidance in the face of chronic economic loss
Good code, bad computations: A computer security gray area
Does religion make a difference in politics?
Masks, hand washing, prevent spread of flu-like symptoms by up to 50 percent
Cost of diabetes treatment nearly doubled since 2001
Costlier new diabetes drugs don't necessarily produce better outcomes, Stanford researcher says
MSU doctors bring much-needed psychiatric care to rural areas via technology
'Digital dark age' may doom some data
Meta-analysis examines cardiovascular effects of diabetes medications
End-of-life preferences appear to remain stable as health declines
Diabetes treatment becomes more complex, costly
Statins associated with lower risk of death from pneumonia
Breakthrough in treatment for E. coli toxin
In mice, anxiety is linked to immune system
Effects of climate change vary greatly across plant families
Sea urchin yields a key secret of biomineralization
Gladstone scientists identify single microRNA that controls how heart chambers form
King Solomon's (copper) mines?
New process promises bigger, better diamond crystals
U of Chicago scientists invent device that controls, measures dynamics of chemicals in live tissue
Inland ants often prefer salt over sugar, implying salt may be a limitation on their activity
Brain stimulation improves dexterity
Methamphetamine abuse linked to underage sex, smoking and drinking
Similar survival rates for Pacific salmon in Fraser, Columbia Rivers raises new questions
Roads bring death and fear to forest elephants
Research challenges conventional notions about salmon survival
New research on flu vaccination in PLoS Medicine
Scripps research scientists develop a new strategy to fight obesity
New lung cancer research presented at CHEST 2008