Archive of articles published on the 13th of October 2008
Astrocytes and synaptic plasticity
Caltech biologists spy on the secret inner life of a cell
Response to immune protein determines pathology of multiple sclerosis
Despite 'peacenik' reputation, bonobos hunt and eat other primates too
Embryonic heart exhibits impressive regenerative capacity
Scientists trace molecular origin of proportional development
In a last 'stronghold' for endangered chimpanzees, survey finds drastic decline
Migratory moths may hitch their rides, but they're anything but drifters
Lack of vitamin D linked to Parkinson's disease
Study examines association between caffeine consumption and breast cancer risk
Vitamin D deficiency may be more common in Parkinson's disease patients
Drinking alcohol associated with smaller brain volume
Hospital-based smoking cessation program after heart attack adds to success
Best treatment determined for childhood eye problem
Vision loss more common in people with diabetes
Sunlight exposure plus low antioxidant levels may place older adults at risk for eye disease
Men who never smoke live longer, better lives than heavy smokers
Forsyth scientists trigger cancer-like response from embryonic stem cells
Duke team explains a longtime visual puzzler in new way
Researchers write protein nanoarrays using a fountain pen and electric fields