Biology News Net

Sunday th 26th of January 2014

Academics discover variation in circadian clock protein in fruit flies - 18:30

Shortening guide RNA markedly improves specificity of CRISPR-Cas nucleases - 18:30

From one cell to many: How did multicellularity evolve? - 18:30

Friday th 24th of January 2014

Study expands the cancer genomics universe - 17:50

Thursday th 23rd of January 2014

Palau's coral reefs surprisingly resistant to ocean acidification - 17:50

The lung microbiome: A new frontier in pulmonary medicine - 17:50

Monday th 20th of January 2014

Dispersal patterns key to invasive species' success - 19:30

Thursday th 16th of January 2014

Prion discovery could help keep deadly brain diseases in check - 20:00

Wednesday th 15th of January 2014

Gold nanoparticles help to develop a new method for tracking viruses - 19:30

Coral reefs in Palau surprisingly resistant to naturally acidified waters - 19:30

Genes and calls reveal 5-fold greater diversity of Amazon frog species - 19:30

Tuesday th 14th of January 2014

Study: Autophagy predicts which cancer cells live and die when faced with anti-cancer drugs - 20:00

Bacterial 'syringe' necessary for marine animal development - 20:00

Monday th 13th of January 2014

Bacteria-invading virus yields new discoveries - 18:00

Thursday th 9th of January 2014

A new pathway for neuron repair is discovered - 18:30

Mystery solved: How nerve impulse generators get where they need to go - 18:30

War elephant myths debunked by DNA - 18:30

Lions are critically endangered in West Africa - 18:30

Wednesday th 8th of January 2014

First shark genome decoded - 20:30

Molecular engines star in new model of DNA repair - 20:30

Emperor Penguins breeding on ice shelves - 20:30

New study finds extreme longevity in white sharks - 20:30

Friday th 3rd of January 2014

Important mutation discovered in dairy cattle - 23:30

Amber fossil reveals ancient reproduction in flowering plants - 23:30

25 years of DNA on the computer - 23:30

Loss of function of a single gene linked to diabetes in mice - 23:30

Thursday th 2nd of January 2014

Sleep to protect your brain - 00:30

To grow or to defend: How plants decide - 00:30

Research into fruit fly cells could lead to cancer insights - 00:30

Friday th 27th of December 2013

Rock And Rho: Proteins that help cancer cells groove - 00:00

Saturday th 21st of December 2013

Adult stem cells found to suppress cancer while dormant - 12:50

Parasitic DNA proliferates in aging tissues - 12:50

Birth control at the zoo - 12:50

How the cells remove copper - 12:50

Wednesday th 18th of December 2013

Going against the flow: Halting atherosclerosis by targeting micro RNA - 10:35

Radioactivity muddles the alphabet of DNA - 10:35

Thursday th 12th of December 2013

From friend to foe: How benign bacteria evolve to virulent pathogens - 20:20

Speeding up gene discovery - 20:20

A new species of horse, 4.4 million years old - 20:20

Wednesday th 11th of December 2013

Scientists discover chemical modification in human malaria parasite DNA - 20:30

Tuesday th 10th of December 2013

Europe's rarest orchid rediscovered on 'lost world' volcano in the Azores - 18:00

Eurofins' scientists discover genetic differences between 'identical' twins - 18:00

Monday th 9th of December 2013

Breakthrough in treating leukemia, lymphoma with umbilical cord blood stem cells - 19:30

Thursday th 5th of December 2013

Ancient 'fig wasp' lived tens of millions of years before figs - 19:00

Crop-infecting virus forces aphids to spread disease - 19:00

Wednesday th 4th of December 2013

Study identifies protein that helps developing germ cells wipe genes clean of past imprints - 18:30

CU-Boulder-led team finds first evidence of primates regularly sleeping in caves - 18:30

Tuesday th 3rd of December 2013

Study documents catastrophic collapse of Sahara's wildlife - 19:00

Beetles that live with ants: A remarkably large and colorful new species from Guyane - 19:00

Monday th 2nd of December 2013

How a legless, leaping fish that lives on land avoids predators - 19:00