Biology News Net

Thursday th 26th of September 2013

Study of 'sister' stem cells uncovers new cancer clue - 16:00

Tick tock: Marine animals with at least 2 clocks - 16:00

Wednesday th 25th of September 2013

Do elite 'power sport' athletes have a genetic advantage? - 18:30

'X-shape' not true picture of chromosome structure, new imaging technique reveals - 18:30

Sustainable livestock production is possible - 18:30

Whale mass stranding attributed to sonar mapping for first time - 18:30

Friday th 20th of September 2013

Researchers tease apart workings of a common gene - 04:00

The secret life of underground microbes: Plant root microbiomes rule the world - 04:00

The coelacanth leads a monogamous life - 04:00

Novel gene discovery could lead to new HIV treatments - 04:00

Thursday th 12th of September 2013

Darwin's dilemma resolved: Evolution's 'big bang' explained by 5x faster rates - 16:30

Stem cells are wired for cooperation, down to the DNA - 16:30

Tuesday th 10th of September 2013

Discovery about DNA repair could lead to improved cancer treatments - 19:00

5-fold increase in ADHD medication use in children and adolescents - 19:00

Monday th 9th of September 2013

Butterfly wings inspire new technologies: from fabrics and cosmetics to sensors - 16:30

Programmable glue made of DNA directs tiny gel bricks to self-assemble - 16:30

Thursday th 5th of September 2013

Clues in coral bleaching mystery - 17:30

Molecular beacons light path to cardiac muscle repair - 17:30

Programmed cell death activates latent herpesviruses - 17:30

Monday th 2nd of September 2013

Boy interrupted: Y-chromosome mutations reveal precariousness of male development - 17:30

Giant Triassic amphibian was a burrowing youngster - 17:30

Salamanders under threat from deadly skin-eating fungus - 17:30

Frogs that hear with their mouth - 17:30

Thursday th 29th of August 2013

Wake up and smell the reef: Fish larvae sniff their way back home - 18:00

Monday th 26th of August 2013

New function for a well-known immune messenger molecule - 17:30

Watching the production of new proteins in live cells - 17:30

Thursday th 22nd of August 2013

Wolves howl because they care - 17:00

Sticking power of plant polyphenols used in new coatings - 17:00

Wednesday th 21st of August 2013

Genome researchers at Bielefeld University decode the hamster genome - 17:30

Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen's success - 17:30

Growing share of HIV/AIDS burden shifts to changing group of regions - 17:30

Monday th 19th of August 2013

A home for the microbiome - 17:00

Tiny fish make 'eyes' at their killer - 17:00

Droplet Digital™ PCR provides accurate quantification of next-generation sequencing libraries - 17:00

Thursday th 15th of August 2013

Mountain high: Genetic adaptation for high altitudes identified - 18:00

Cell memory mechanism discovered - 18:00

New chemotherapy hope for hard-to-treat childhood cancers - 18:00

The first animal model for sexual transmission of HIV - 18:00

Tuesday th 13th of August 2013

MRSA strain in humans originally came from cattle - 18:30

Baby corals pass the acid test - 18:30

Virus-derived particles target blood cancer - 18:30

Urgent! How genes tell cellular construction crews, 'Read me now!' - 18:30

Sunday th 11th of August 2013

Rethinking 'The Code' - 18:30

Fresh analysis of dinosaur skulls by penn researchers finds 3 species are 1 - 18:30

Monday th 5th of August 2013

The brain's GPS: Researchers discover human neurons linked to navigation in open environments - 18:00

Wednesday th 31st of July 2013

Stem cells in urine easy to isolate and have potential for numerous therapies - 18:00

Computational biology: Cells reprogrammed on the computer - 18:00

Gene decoding obeys road traffic rules - 18:00

Understanding the effects of genes on human traits - 18:00

New 3-D colonoscopy eases detection of precancerous lesions - 18:00