Biology News Net

Friday th 25th of October 2013

Recognizing cancer diseases at an early stage - 17:30

Next-gen sequencing identifies genes associated with speech disorder - 17:30

Wednesday th 23rd of October 2013

Berkeley Lab researchers get a detailed look at a DNA repair protein in action - 19:30

Child born with HIV still in remission after 18 months off treatment, experts report - 19:30

Tuesday th 22nd of October 2013

The yin and yang in the life of proteins - 17:30

High school student discovers skeleton of baby dinosaur - 17:30

Thursday th 17th of October 2013

Stem cell transplant repairs damaged gut in mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease - 18:00

Frog-killing fungus paralyzes amphibian immune response - 18:00

Unlocking a brighter future for locked-in syndrome - 18:00

A stunning new species of dragon tree discovered in Thailand - 18:00

Wednesday th 16th of October 2013

Study shows how Staph toxin disarms the immune system - 16:00

Tracking viral DNA in the cell - 16:00

Tuesday th 15th of October 2013

Ghrelin, a stress-induced hormone, primes the brain for PTSD - 18:30

Restoring surgeons' sense of touch during minimally invasive surgeries - 18:30

Adult stem cells help build human blood vessels in engineered tissues - 18:30

Monday th 14th of October 2013

Young apes manage emotions like humans - 19:00

The role of 'master regulators' in gene mutations and disease - 19:00

Thursday th 10th of October 2013

New antiviral response discovered in mammals - 18:00

Stem cell breakthrough could set up future transplant therapies - 18:00

Ancient DNA reveals multiple stages of settlement in Europe - 18:00

Gene movements observed in vivo - 18:00

Wednesday th 9th of October 2013

'Chimpanzees of a feather sit together': Friendships are based on homophily in personality - 17:00

Scientists use blur to sharpen DNA mapping - 17:00

Tuesday th 8th of October 2013

Non-specific and specific RNA binding proteins found to be fundamentally similar - 15:30

Evolutionary question answered: Ants more closely related to bees than to most wasps - 15:30

Monday th 7th of October 2013

3-D printed microscopic cages confine bacteria in tiny zoos for the study of infections - 17:00

Dr. Thomas Suedhof wins Nobel Prize for two decades of work at UTSW on on how brain cells communicate - 17:00

Sunday th 6th of October 2013

Massive DNA study points to new heart drug targets and a key role for triglycerides - 17:30

Gene activity and transcript patterns visualized for the first time in thousands of single cells - 17:30

Friday th 4th of October 2013

Researchers uncover metabolic enzymes with 'widespread roles' in opium poppy - 18:30

Stem cells engineered to become targeted drug factories - 18:30

Thursday th 3rd of October 2013

Stem cells help repair traumatic brain injury by building a 'biobridge' - 17:30

DNA nanotechnology opens new path to super-high-resolution molecular imaging - 17:30

2 new enigmatic spider species with peculiar living habits from Uruguay - 17:30

Exploring the future of our coral reefs - 17:30

Wednesday th 2nd of October 2013

Key mechanism behind herpes revealed - 16:30

Cocaine use can make otherwise resistant immune cells susceptible to HIV - 16:30

Tuesday th 1st of October 2013

Microbial restoration of the inflamed gut - 16:30

New target to fight HIV infection identified - 16:30

Monday th 30th of September 2013

When cells 'eat' their own power plants; Pitt scientists solve mystery of cellular process - 17:00

New insights into DNA repair process may spur better cancer therapies - 17:00

Niacin, the fountain of youth - 17:00

Friday th 27th of September 2013

Study: New medical device extremely effective at preventing HIV in women - 15:20

Cell nuclei harbor factories that transcribe genes - 15:20

New survey of DNA alterations could aid search for cancer genes - 15:20

Baculovirus-recognizing human cell receptor identified for the first time - 15:20

Thursday th 26th of September 2013

New gut bacterium discovered in termite's digestion of wood - 16:01

New dwarfism mutation identified in dogs - 16:01

An analgesic molecule discovered in its natural state in Africa - 16:01

Stem cell scientists identify key regulator controlling formation of blood-forming stem cells - 16:00