Biology News Net

Monday th 22nd of July 2013

Declining sea ice strands baby harp seals - 19:00

The love hormone is 2-faced - 19:00

Vaccinating boys plays key role in HPV prevention - 19:00

Tuesday th 16th of July 2013

Genetic secrets of the world's toughest little bird - 18:00

New mode of cellular communication discovered in the brain - 18:00

Monday th 15th of July 2013

Surprise finding reveals how adaptive our immune systems can be - 17:30

Biochemists uphold law of physics - 17:30

Wednesday th 10th of July 2013

Scientists decode mystery sequences involved in gene regulation - 17:30

Researchers perform DNA computation in living cells - 17:30

Jagged graphene edges can slice into cell membranes - 17:30

Research suggests Madagascar no longer an evolutionary hotspot - 17:30

Tuesday th 9th of July 2013

Tumor-suppressor Protein Gives Up Its Secrets - 17:30

Bird vaccine for West Nile Virus - 17:30

Sunday th 7th of July 2013

New mouse model reveals a mystery of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Stanford scientists say - 17:50

Sugar makes cancer light-up in MRI scanners - 17:50

Peering into the protein pathways of a cell - 17:50

Wednesday th 3rd of July 2013

New mechanism for human gene expression discovered - 17:00

Lifesaving HIV treatment could reach millions more people following landmark study - 17:00

Tuesday th 2nd of July 2013

Genomes of cholera bacteria from Haiti confirm epidemic originated from single source - 17:00

Wednesday th 26th of June 2013

Crabgrass' secret: The despised weed makes herbicide to kill neighboring plants - 17:50

A 700,000 year old horse gets its genome sequenced - 17:50

Comparing genomes of wild and domestic tomato - 17:50

Monday th 24th of June 2013

Reading DNA, backward and forward - 17:31

Bacterial DNA may integrate into human genome more readily in tumor tissue - 17:31

Pleasure response from chocolate: You can see it in the eyes - 17:31

It's all in the genes -- including the tracking device - 17:30

Enhancing RNA interference - 17:30

Thursday th 20th of June 2013

Natural underwater springs show how coral reefs respond to ocean acidification - 16:00

'Forrest Gump' mice show too much of a good thing, can be bad - 16:00

Researchers discover how a mutated protein outwits evolution and fuels leukemia - 16:00

Berkeley Lab confirms thirdhand smoke causes DNA damage - 16:00

Monday th 17th of June 2013

Printing artificial bone - 18:00

The Rett Syndrome protein surrenders some of its secrets - 18:00

Submarine springs reveal how coral reefs respond to ocean acidification - 18:00

Preventing eggs' death from chemotherapy - 18:00

Wednesday th 12th of June 2013

Research paints new picture of 'dinobird' feathers - 18:00

Fraternal singing in zebra finches - 18:00

Fossil kangaroo teeth reveal mosaic of Pliocene ecosystems in Queensland - 18:00

Jammed molecular motors may play a role in the development of ALS - 18:00

Tuesday th 11th of June 2013

From hot springs to HIV, same protein complexes are hijacked to promote viruses - 17:30

Video gamers really do see more - 17:30

Thursday th 6th of June 2013

Molecular VELCRO for chromosome stability - 18:40

Wednesday th 5th of June 2013

Scientists discover oldest primate skeleton - 16:00

Monday th 3rd of June 2013

A new species of marine fish from 408 million years ago discovered in Teruel - 18:30

Researchers discover a new way fish camouflage themselves in the ocean - 18:30

Molecular switch for cheaper biofuel - 18:30

Narcolepsy study finds surprising increase in neurons that produce histamine - 18:30

Tuesday th 28th of May 2013

Decoding the genome of the camel - 16:00

How do plants grow toward the light? - 16:00

Rats have a double view of the world - 16:00