Biology News Net

Monday th 5th of November 2012

HIV and AIDS prevention--Progress and the challenges ahead - 18:31

Computers 'taught' to ID regulating gene sequences - 18:30

Thursday th 1st of November 2012

Plants recognise pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms - 19:00

A protein’s role in helping cells repair DNA damage - 19:00

Wednesday th 31st of October 2012

Global genome effort seeks genetic roots of disease - 18:30

First ever family tree for all living birds reveals evolution and diversification - 18:30

Tuesday th 30th of October 2012

Honeybees harbor antibiotic-resistance genes - 19:00

Infrared vision in a cichlid fish - 19:00

Monday th 29th of October 2012

Exercise is smart for your heart – and makes you smarter - 18:00

Duke researchers engineer cartilage from pluripotent stem cells - 18:00

Wednesday th 24th of October 2012

Flycatchers' genomes explain how 1 species became 2 - 18:30

Scientists target bacterial transfer of resistance genes - 18:30

Tuesday th 23rd of October 2012

Analysis of dinosaur bone cells confirms ancient protein preservation - 17:30

Genetic patterns of deep-sea coral provide insights into evolution of marine life - 17:30

Next-generation vaccines -- eliminating the use of needles - 17:30

Scientists build 'mechanically active' DNA material - 17:30

Monday th 22nd of October 2012

Evolution of new genes captured - 16:30

A whale with a distinctly human-like voice - 16:30

Immune cells of the blood might replace dysfunctional brain cells - 16:30

Sweden's only coral reef at risk of dying - 16:30

Wits part of study that discovers a unique feature of HIV that helps to create antibodies - 16:30

Thursday th 18th of October 2012

Rutgers researchers unveil 3-D structure of 'molecular machine' that initiates DNA transcription - 16:30

Caltech modeling feat sheds light on protein channel's function - 16:30

Viruses act like 'self-packing suitcases' - 16:30

Tuesday th 16th of October 2012

Genomic hitchhikers in birds shed light on evolution of viruses - 17:30

Great apes, small numbers - 17:30

Monday th 15th of October 2012

A complex logic circuit made from bacterial genes - 15:00

Strengthening a billion-dollar gene in soybeans - 15:00

Wednesday th 10th of October 2012

Human neural stem cells study offers new hope for children with fatal brain diseases - 17:00

Cambrian fossil pushes back evolution of complex brains - 17:00

Tuesday th 9th of October 2012

Learning from past flu epidemics to model outbreaks as they happen - 03:00

Gladstone scientists discover gene 'bursting' plays key role in protein production - 03:00

Super-microbes engineered to solve world environmental problems - 03:00

Friday th 5th of October 2012

Duck-bill dinosaurs had plant-pulverizing teeth more advanced than horses - 02:30

Why we need insects -- even 'pesky' ones - 02:30

No evidence for 30-nm chromatin fibers in the mouse genome - 02:30

New human neurons from adult cells right there in the brain - 02:30

Penn researchers create a universal map of vision in the human brain - 02:30

Tuesday th 2nd of October 2012

Adult stem cells change their epigenome to generate new organs - 17:40

Solar cell consisting of a single molecule - 17:40

Monday th 1st of October 2012

The Great Barrier Reef has lost half of its coral in the last 27 years - 17:00

Zinc deficiency mechanism linked to aging, multiple diseases - 17:00

How immune cells defend themselves against HIV - 17:00

Wednesday th 26th of September 2012

Slave rebellion is widespread in ants - 18:30

Images of 300 million old insects revealed - 18:30

Antibiotics could replace surgery for appendicitis - 18:30

Tuesday th 25th of September 2012

Making and breaking heterochromatin - 18:00

Mouse pancreatic stem cells successfully differentiate into insulin producing cells - 18:00

Making it easier to make stem cells - 18:00

Monday th 24th of September 2012

Large bacterial population colonized land 2.75 billion years ago - 18:00