Biology News Net

Thursday th 29th of May 2014

Filling in the gaps on the protein map - 04:00

Artificial lung the size of a sugar cube - 04:00

3,000 rice genome sequences made publicly available on World Hunger Day - 04:00

Tuesday th 27th of May 2014

Climate warming favors light-colored insects in Europe - 17:40

E-cigarettes: Not a healthy alternative to smoking - 17:40

New jigsaw piece for the repair of DNA crosslinks - 17:40

Monday th 26th of May 2014

Relaxation helps pack DNA into a virus - 18:00

From chaos to order: How ants optimize food search - 18:00

Breakthrough shows how DNA is 'edited' to correct genetic diseases - 18:00

Wednesday th 21st of May 2014

'Supermodel' mouse reveals mechanisms that regulate metabolism, researchers find - 03:31

Bottom trawling causes deep-sea biological desertification - 03:31

Termite genome lays roadmap for 'greener' control measures - 03:30

Tiny bush tiger from Rwanda: A new species of praying mantis - 03:30

Monday th 19th of May 2014

Possible cause and source of Kawasaki disease found - 18:01

How octopuses don't tie themselves in knots revealed by Hebrew University scientists - 18:01

Thursday th 15th of May 2014

This is your brain on meditation - 19:33

Genetic tracking identifies cancer stem cells in human patients - 19:33

Learning from sharks - 19:33

Tuesday th 13th of May 2014

Surprising global species shake-up discovered - 19:30

Human learning altered by electrical stimulation of dopamine neurons - 19:30

Monday th 12th of May 2014

Researchers find new molecule to treat asthma - 17:30

Hijacking bacteria's natural defenses to trap and reveal pathogens - 17:30

Saturday th 10th of May 2014

Paleontologists discover new fossil organism - 17:30

Molecular high-speed origami - 17:30

Role of middle predators in reef systems - 17:30

Monday th 5th of May 2014

A journey between XX and XY - 16:20

New technique tracks proteins in single HIV particle - 16:20

Wednesday th 30th of April 2014

Stem cells from teeth can make brain-like cells - 18:50

Columbia engineers grow functional human cartilage in lab - 18:50

A fattening gene - 18:50

'Charismatic' organisms still dominating genomics research - 18:50

Monday th 28th of April 2014

New genome-editing platform significantly increases accuracy of CRISPR-based systems - 18:30

Variable gene expression in zebrafish - 18:30

Thursday th 24th of April 2014

A scourge of rural Africa, the tsetse fly is genetically deciphered - 18:31

Autism Genome Project delivers genetic discovery - 18:30

Genome yields insights into golden eagle vision, smell - 18:30

Pilot study suggests ways to widen access to fecal transplants for C. diff infections - 18:30

Tuesday th 22nd of April 2014

Bioinformatics profiling identifies a new mammalian clock gene - 17:30

International team sequences rainbow trout genome - 17:30

Scientists identify critical new protein complex involved in learning and memory - 17:30

Thursday th 17th of April 2014

Some immune cells defend only 1 organ - 19:00

In sex-reversed cave insects, females have the penises - 19:00

Wednesday th 16th of April 2014

Scientists explain how memories stick together - 19:06

At the origin of cell division - 18:42

Tuesday th 15th of April 2014

Lifestyle determines gut microbes - 17:40

Breaking bad mitochondria - 17:40

Monday th 14th of April 2014

'MicroRNA' could be key target for bowel cancer treatment - 19:00

Virus-fighting genes linked to mutations in cancer - 19:00

Friday th 11th of April 2014

Berkeley graduate student brings extinct plants to life - 19:17

Splice variants reveal connections among autism genes - 19:16