Archive of feed items published on the 10th of November 2013
Con Men Prey on Confusion Over Health Care Act from NY Times Health
Aided by Army of ‘Vapers,’ E-Cigarette Industry Woos and Wins Europe from NY Times Health
Applied Science: Work Up a Sweat, and Bargain Better from NY Times Health
Economic View: The Co-Villains Behind Obesity’s Rise from NY Times Health
Corner Office: Bernard Tyson of Kaiser Permanente, on Speaking Your Mind from NY Times Health
Opinion: A Cure for the Allergy Epidemic? from NY Times Health
News Analysis: Good Deals on Pills? It’s Anyone’s Guess from NY Times Health
Richard Witkin, 95, Witness to the History of Aviation, Dies from NY Times Science
Doomed European Satellite May Fall to Earth Tonight, But Where? from
Hydrogenotaxis: Methane-Producing Methanococcus Maripaludis Swims To Hydrogen
Preeclampsia during pregnancy may be linked with kidney failure risk from Science Daily
Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week from Live Science
Acid levels in diet could have profound effects on kidney health from Science Daily
Gene puts African Americans at higher risk for kidney failure, study says from Science Daily
Genetic study on South Asians helps to understand human skin color variation from Science Daily
Women have greater shortness of breath than men when exercising from Science Daily
Lowering salt intake improves heart, kidney health of chronic kidney disease patients from Science Daily
Cocktail Accessories Modeled after Nature s Survival Mechanisms from Scientific American
Gravity Maps Reveal Why the Dark Side of the Moon Is Covered with Craters from Scientific American
The future of Twitter from CBSNews - Science
Europe not sure where its satellite will crash to Earth today from CBSNews - Science
Space Station Crew and Olympic Torch Return to Earth Tonight: Watch Live from
What India's space scientists and street children have in common from BBC News: Science & Nature
Euscorpius Lycius: A New Scorpion Species In Southwestern Turkey
How Huh? Became Part Of Universal Language
SN 2013ek: Another Stellar Explosion In NGC 6984
Ambri liquid metal battery: Prototype deployment set for 2014 from Physorg
Nature Glows With Neon Animals and Plants from National Geographic
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – Nov. 10, 2013 from
Single-cell genome sequencing gets better from Physorg
Un-junking junk DNA from Physorg
All aboard the nanotrain network from Physorg
Genetic difference in blood clotting may underlie racial health disparity from
Historical events linked to changes in Earth’s temperature from
ScienceShot: Ban on Ozone Destroyers Slowed Global Warming from Science NOW
Changing the Way You Think About Change from Live Science
The 7 Deadly Sins of Networking from Live Science
Un-junking Junk DNA from Newswise - Scinews
Ozone-hole treaty slowed global warming from News @ Nature
Chemical ban linked to warming pause from BBC News: Science & Nature
Remembrance Day goes smartphone-friendly in Calgary from CBC: Technology & Science
Frugal Mars mission launchpad for India in global space market from Physorg
Ozone pact helped cool the planet, study reports from Physorg
Tehran schools ordered shut over air pollution from Physorg
A look at what next-next-gen games could offer from Physorg
Italy assures no risk of satellite debris on its territory from Physorg
Sea turtle deaths alarm Central America from Physorg
Simple dot test may help gauge progression of dopamine loss in Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
New therapeutic target identified for ALS from Science Daily
Doctors study effects of explosions on soldiers' brains from CBC: Health
Investigational drug effective in treating iron deficiency in kidney disease patients on dialysis from Science Daily
Use of calcium-channel blocker, antibiotic associated with small increased risk of kidney injury from Science Daily
Peripheral prism glasses are cheap, effective vision rehab tool from Science Daily
Study reveals TWEAK-Fn14 as key drug target from Science Daily
Allergic to insect stings: Allergy shots decrease anxiety, depression from Science Daily
You can have a food allergy, and eat it too from Science Daily
The great disappearing act: Bone marrow receiver cured of allergy from Science Daily
Reducing 2.1 million ER visits, one count at a time from Science Daily
Oral allergy syndrome, high blood pressure medications can create lethal cocktail from Science Daily
Holiday health: Asthma with a side of allergies from Science Daily
Allergy shots during pregnancy may decrease allergies in children from Science Daily
Hospital noise complaints muffled with redesign from CBC: Health
Study: more cancer, fewer deaths from Science Alert
FEATURE: Does your left brain know what your right brain is thinking? from Science Alert
AAPS Presents Awards to Exemplary Researchers from Newswise - Scinews
AAPS Announces 2013 Fellows from Newswise - Scinews
Montreal Protocol Helped Slow Down Global Warming from National Geographic
Interbreeding helps plants survive from Science Alert
Tiny self-assembling transport networks, powered by nano-scale motors and controlled by DNA created from Science Daily
Un-junking junk DNA from Science Daily
Single-cell genome sequencing gets better from Biology News Net
Microbes swim to hydrogen gas from Science Daily
'Realism' to dominate climate talks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Satellite likely incinerated after re-entering Earth's atmosphere: officials from Reuters:Science
1-tonne GOCE satellite likely disintegrated in atmostphere from CBC: Technology & Science
Veterans Bring the Whig Party Back from Live Science
Soyuz spacecraft undocks from International Space Station from CBSNews - Science
'Space Ferrari' falls to Earth from BBC News: Science & Nature
Landing Day Photos: Soyuz Capsule Returns Olympic Torch, Expedition 37 to Earth from
1-tonne GOCE satellite likely disintegrated in atmosphere from CBC: Technology & Science
A reconfigurable antenna array integrated with RF switches from Science Daily
World's first commercial nanostructured bulk metal from Science Daily
Radio silence: Europe's GOCE satellite falls to its fiery doom from MSNBC: Science
Sinosphere Blog: No Quick Fixes for China’s Overwhelmed Organ Transplant System from NY Times Health
Advertising: Using Humor to Talk About Birth Control from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: Daring to Complain About Obamacare from NY Times Health
Editorial: High and Low Premiums in Health Care from NY Times Health
GOCE gives in to gravity from European Space Agency
International space crew returns Olympic torch to Earth from Reuters:Science
Video: Satellite weighing over a ton falling back to Earth from CBSNews - Science
Video: Skype helps deployed military parents stay in touch with their kids from CBSNews - Science
ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano lands safely back on Earth from European Space Agency
Space station trio brings Olympic torch back down to Earth from MSNBC: Science
Soyuz Spacecraft Carrying Olympic Torch, Crew of 3 Returns to Earth from
Health Website Tests a Tycoon and Tinkerer from NY Times Health
Talk of Penalty Is Missing in Ads for Health Care from NY Times Health
Leonard Herzenberg, Immunologist Who Revolutionized Research, Dies at 81 from NY Times Health
Welcome home: Soyuz spacecraft, with 3 crew, returns safely to Earth from CBSNews - Science
ISS crew returns safely to Earth with Olympic torch from Physorg