Archive of feed items published on the 10th of September 2010
The cost of over-triage on our nation’s health system from Science Blog
Flying fish glide as well as birds from Science Blog
Fight over bid to suspend California's global warming law gets ugly from LA Times - Science
For The Birds? Nope, But These Flying Fish Just Glide Like Them
Lack of trust in hospitals a major deterrent for blood donation among African-Americans from Science Blog
Toyota plant in Australia to build greener engines from AP Science
Soldiers' helmets could control brain activity with ultrasound from Physorg
Disembodied performance from MIT Research
Pushing ions through carbon nanotubes from MIT Research
Facebook inches past Google for Web users' minutes from Physorg
Toyota plant in Australia to build greener engines from Physorg
EBay wins a round in court against Craigslist from Physorg
US videogame sales continue downward slide from Physorg
Gadgets: Pioneer speaker system rocks out from Physorg
US asks firms to reveal gas extraction liquid from Physorg
Hackers make 57,000 booby-trapped websites weekly: experts from Physorg
Japan rapid scanning system can digitise book in one minute (w/ Video) from Physorg
Seeing into space from BBC News: Science & Nature
The cost of over-triage on our nation's health system from Physorg
China preps next lunar space mission from Physorg
Basic physical capability can predict mortality in later life from Physorg
Renewable energy needs more community power from Physorg
European Union could create incentive for new drug treatments from Physorg
Sea temperatures around Japan hit record high from Physorg
Freshwater turtles 'in decline' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Flying fish glide as well as birds from Physorg
Diagnostic errors 'greatest threat to patient safety in hospitals,' claims senior doctor from Physorg
Lack of trust in hospitals a major deterrent for blood donation among African-Americans from Physorg
Winging It: Flying Fish Aerodynamics Directly Measured for the First Time from Scientific American
Nanoparticles for cultural heritage conservation from Physorg
Random numbers game with quantum dice
Keeping stem cells from changing fates
Bionic speech recognition
New dual recognition mechanism discovered in tuberculosis
In attracting mates, male bowerbirds appear to rely on special optical effect
Carnegie Mellon researchers develop method to help computer vision systems decipher outdoor scenes
Main climate threat from CO2 sources yet to be built
Diagnostic errors 'greatest threat to patient safety in hospitals,' claims senior doctor
Basic physical capability can predict mortality in later life
Improvement in prediction of blood clots in cancer patients
Mexican-Americans with heart rhythm disorder have increased risk for second stroke
Child's 'mental number line' affects memory for numbers
Ancient Greeks saw Halley's comet from BBC News: Science & Nature
Texas A and M chemical engineer's work could lead to improved DNA analysis
Study says shortage of FSC wood statewide could lead to price premium for green construction
Simplified clinical tool affects treatment decisions for heart health
Health reform fails the disadvantaged
Energy technologies not enough to sufficiently reduce carbon emissions, NYU's Hoffert concludes
Most influential tweeters of all
Mental maturity scan tracks brain development
Lack of trust in hospitals a major deterrent for blood donation among African-Americans
People learn new information more effectively when brain activity is consistent, research shows
Romantic partner may play role in reducing vulvovaginal pain
Paediatric vaccine stockpile policies need to be revisited, researcher says
Sloth movement secrets revealed from Physorg
The cost of over-triage on our nation's health system
Simplified heart-risk guideline may miscalculate risk for millions
Researchers expand yeast's sugary diet to include plant fibre
Investigators discover a new hot spot for the genesis of signalling neurones in the adult brain
There is more to motor imagery than mental simulation
The brain needs to remember faces in 3-dimensions
Biofeedback for your brain?
European Union could create incentive for new drug treatments
CRISPR critters: Scientists identify key enzyme in microbial immune system
High stress hormone levels linked to increased cardiovascular mortality
Appetite hormones may predict weight regain after dieting
Paris building to be warmed by commuters' body heat from Physorg
Rosette Nebula Sparkles In New Photo from
In order to save biodiversity society's behaviour must change
Caught in the act: Fireballs light up Jupiter
Prospects improve for vital world water treaty
New standard offers more protection for wild medicines and collectors
UN-HABITAT and WWF join hands in Congo conservation plan
Scientists observe single ions moving through tiny carbon-nanotube channel
A tectonic zip
Researchers give robots the capability for deceptive behaviour
UC Davis study finds low liver cancer survival rates among Laotian/Hmong-Americans
Space Colonists Could Use Bacteria to Mine Minerals on Mars and the Moon from Scientific American
AIDS doctors, activists call for more health funds from Physorg
Physicists investigate fate of five-dimensional black strings from Physorg
Researchers Doggedly Investigate What Canines See from Physorg
Japanese researchers succeed in quantum cryptographic key distribution from single-photon emitter at 50 km from Physorg
The making of a queen: Road to royalty begins early in paper wasps from Science Daily
First detailed image of disc around young star from Science Daily
Astronomer unveils the mysteries of 'Green Pea' galaxies from Science Daily
IV drips can be left in place, study shows from Science Daily
Hope for malaria may be inside African mosquitoes from Physorg
Disembodied performance: New opera features robots as performers from Physorg
Blue whales have perfect pitch from Physorg
Mapping new paths for stressed-out Internet from Physorg
EBay Wins a Round in Court Against Craigslist from CBSNews - Science
Facebook Beats Google in Key Web Statistic from CBSNews - Science
Genetically modified salmon safe, FDA says from CBC: Health
Immigrants' mental health in spotlight from CBC: Health
New Corner Brook hospital gear welcomed from CBC: Health
Mapping New Paths for a Stressed-Out Internet from Newswise - Scinews
Southern Soils Mitigate Manure Microbes from Newswise - Scinews
Wildflower uses self-imposed armour to fight off disease from Physorg
SEINet offers desert plant guide online from Physorg
US Widens Probe into Alleged HP Bribery from CBSNews - Science
Commonwealth officials downplay fever threat from CBC: Health
E.P.A. Meeting Stalled by Security and Cost from NY Times Science
3D TV fails to ignite consumer demand from CBC: Technology & Science
Stem cell research: What progress has been made, what is its potential? from Science Blog
OU study on genetics in fruit flies leads to new method for understanding brain function from Science Blog
Mapping new paths for a stressed-out Internet from Science Blog
Mount Sinai researchers analyze impact of chemical BPA in dental sealants used in children from Science Blog
IV drips can be left in place from Science Blog
Diaries of a 19th Century Military Wife Uncovered from Live Science
Life's origins in need of metals from Physorg
Improved climate forecasts sought out by new report from Physorg
Bottom line may be boosted by diversity at the top from Physorg
For rapid non-linear information processing in the brain, small synaptic impulses are key from Physorg
Mental health affected by perceived life-threat from Physorg
Wave of gene expression gives root tips wild ride from Physorg
Objects impacting Jupiter detected first by amateur astronomers from Physorg
Potential lab in outer space to open for amateur astronomers from Physorg
Big pay gap still remains between sexes from Physorg
New report seeks to improve climate forecasts from Science Daily
Structural details of a key protein for cellular signal transduction from Science Daily
US Widens Probe into Alleged HP Bribery from CBSNews - Science
EBay Wins a Round in Court Against Craigslist from CBSNews - Science
Facebook Beats Google in Key Web Statistic from CBSNews - Science
IV drips can be left in place from Physorg
Gene activity in humane intestines changed with probiotic bacteria from Physorg
Accessing the risk of arsenic ingestion with mineralogy from Physorg
Early exit for hot Jupiter due to deadly tides from Physorg
First James Webb Space Telescope primary mirror segment to achieve final step from Physorg
Solar plane flight delayed in Switzerland from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists Gather for Symposium on Epitaxial Graphene from Newswise - Scinews
UAB Engineering Lifts Off with More Projects for NASA from Newswise - Scinews
FOR KIDS: Giving the brain a hand from
Scientists elucidate structure details of protein Sam68 from Physorg
Researchers analyze impact of chemical BPA in dental sealants used in children from Physorg
Colonization of Mars might be microbes away from Physorg
Stem cell research: What progress has been made, what is its potential? from Physorg
Researchers identify new neurological deficit behind lazy eye from Physorg
Cement chemistry partly to blame in BP oil spill from Chemistry World
Bristol-Myers To Buy ZymoGenetics from C&EN
Appeals Court Lifts Stem Cell Injunction from C&EN
Obama Backs R&D Tax Credit from C&EN
Airgas Takeover Saga Continues from C&EN
Cockroach brains, coming to a pharmacy near you from
New internet map could help save it from CBC: Technology & Science
NYU researchers identify new neurological deficit behind lazy eye from Science Blog
Sizing up stockpiles of children’s vaccines from Science Blog
LiXEdrom: Innovative measuring chamber for X-ray study of liquid jets from Science Blog
Worms May Hold Clues to Neurological Disorders from Live Science
Hippo-like Mammals Once Basked in Toasty Arctic from Live Science
Can a Goldfish Really Grow to 30 Pounds? from Live Science
Are More Kids Intentionally Hurting Themselves? from Live Science
Energy House from BBC News: Science & Nature
Nabucco backing first step, EBRD says from UPI
Syrian drought 'really bad' from UPI
Kiev letting Gazprom in? from UPI
Enbridge reports Lakehead spill in Ill. from UPI
Many roads lead to superconductivity from Physorg
World's first transcontinental anesthesia from Physorg
US widens probe of HP bribery allegations from Physorg
Southern soils mitigate manure microbes from Physorg
Study on genetics in fruit flies leads to new method for understanding brain function from Physorg
Image: C3-class solar flare erupts on Sept. 8, 2010 from Physorg
Nokia dumps CEO, turns to Microsoft exec from Physorg
LiXEdrom: Innovative measuring chamber for X-ray study of liquid jets from Physorg
New neurological deficit behind lazy eye identified from Science Daily
Many roads lead to superconductivity from Science Daily
Neurons: Faster than thought and able to multiply from Science Daily
World's first transcontinental anesthesia: Researchers pioneer anesthetics via videoconferencing from Science Daily
Hike water prices to stop waste: expert from CBC: Technology & Science
First Mars Landers Might Have Found Organic Material In 1976, and Destroyed It By Accident from PopSci
Cholera stalks West Africa as rains spread disease from AP Health
Genetically Modified Beets Stir Belated Debate from NY Times Science
BP had lawyers examine spill report from UPI
India worried about Iranian gas deals from UPI
Drug holds promise to halt debilitating condition of diabetes from Physorg
Anesthesiologists put patient to sleep via video from CBC: Health
Moonstruck: A September Showcase for Lunar Lovers from
Turtle species facing rapid decline from UPI
Moscow plans arctic environment conference from UPI
Pelosi faces oil sand critics from UPI
Iran scrambles to address energy sanctions from UPI
Opposition fuming over secret nuclear deal from UPI
EPA requests info on hydraulic fracturing from UPI
TRMM satellite measures Hermine's severe Texas rainfall from space from Physorg
Cholera stalks West Africa as rains spread disease from Physorg
Making massive stars from Physorg
White House Spurns Solar Panel from NY Times Science
Munich Deploys Custom Bacteria at Oktoberfest to Devour Ubiquitous Stink of Stale Beer from PopSci
Ruling allows NIH to temporarily resume funding for embryonic stem cell research from LA Times - Health
FDA says e-cigarette companies must seek regulatory approval from LA Times - Health
Prince Charles urges 'green' living from UPI
Discovery offers hope of saving sub-Saharan crops from devastating parasites from Physorg
We're thinking of you, 'Mars astronauts' tell Chilean miners from Physorg
Hong Kong seizes 1.5 tonnes of smuggled elephant ivory from Physorg
Playing snooker with atoms from Physorg
Special focus on glycomics in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology from Science Blog
Drug holds promise to halt debilitating condition of diabetes from Science Blog
Research shows unemployment programs lacking for people with disabilities from Science Blog
A smart use for wisdom teeth: Making stem cells from Science Blog
Discovery offers hope of saving sub-Saharan crops from devastating parasites from Science Blog
White House Puts Off Solar Enthusiasts from NY Times Science
A smart use for wisdom teeth: Making stem cells from Physorg
Violent Tides Destroy Big, Hot Planets from
Bedbug Anti-Sex Chemical May Treat Infestations from Live Science
NIH Rushes to Hand Out Stem Cell Grants During Temporary Stay from Science NOW
Patient Money: A Broker Can Help Unscramble Individual Policies from NY Times Health
Using a Broker to Buy Health Insurance from NY Times Health
Climate data-sharing 'will be long, expensive process' from SciDev
Green Revolution plan agreed at Ghana meeting from SciDev
Supernova Shrapnel Discovered Inside Meteorite from
Alaska sues over drilling moratorium from UPI
Britain urged to speed up wind-power plans from UPI
New definition of 'old age' proposed from UPI
Android to challenge Nokia's Symbian by 2014: Gartner from Physorg
Program to improve palliative care falls short of hopes from Physorg
New computer virus a throwback from CBC: Technology & Science
Telescope may find volcanoes on other planets from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. resumes funding controversial stem cell research from Reuters:Science
Climate scientists must engage openly with the media from SciDev
Graphene may hold key to speeding up DNA sequencing from Physorg
Study finds that sorghum bran has more antioxidants than blueberries, pomegranates from Physorg
Most powerful microscope in the UK unveiled from Physorg
Fire Tornado Filmed in Hawaii from National Geographic
Graphene may hold key to speeding up DNA sequencing from Science Blog
Violent Tides Destroy Huge, Hot Alien Worlds from Live Science
The Culture of Blasphemy Among Nonbelievers from Live Science
The 10 Deadliest Cancers and Why There's No Cure from Live Science
WikiLeaks to release cache of Iraq war documents: Newsweek from Physorg
Women and visible minorities less likely to be promoted than white men, says study from Physorg
Superconductors face the future from Physorg
Sandia Labs' device helps U.S. troops in Afghanistan disable improvised explosive devices from Physorg
Simple Summer Stir Fry from NY Times Health
Recommended Weekend Reading from NY Times Health
Russia Defers Razing of Seed Repository from NY Times Science
Dwarf galaxy evolution: Reionization alone is not able to stop star formation, research shows from Science Daily
Discovery offers hope of saving sub-Saharan crops from devastating parasites from Science Daily
A smart use for wisdom teeth: Making stem cells from Science Daily
Dry air might boost flu transmission from
Misfolded neural proteins linked to autism disorders from Science Blog
Is genetically modified salmon safe? from MSNBC: Science
Misfolded neural proteins linked to autism disorders from Physorg
Panda in Japan zoo dies during breeding programme from Physorg
San Bruno Fire Pictures: "Hell on Earth" in California from National Geographic
Dog Poo Powers a Streetlight In Massachusetts Park from PopSci
NIH resumes funding stem cell research - for now from Harvard Science
Hippo-like mammals once basked in toasty Arctic from MSNBC: Science
FDA view on salmon draws criticism from UPI
Canadian tapped to head Nokia from CBC: Technology & Science
Function found for Alzheimer’s protein from Science Blog
China's Next Moon Probe to Be Faster, Better Than First from
Klingon Space Opera Makes Cosmic Debut from
Russian Cargo Ship Blasts Off for Space Station from
One-third of Americans back ban on synthetic biology from MSNBC: Science
Podcast: Sexy Dance Moves, Flying Saucers, and a Better Way to Treat Preemies from Science NOW
Misfolded neural proteins linked to autism disorders from Science Daily
Graphene may hold key to speeding up DNA sequencing from Science Daily
Playing snooker with atoms from Science Daily
Research shows unemployment programs lacking for people with disabilities from Science Daily
The precious commodity of water from Science Daily
Drug holds promise to halt debilitating condition of diabetes from Science Daily
LiXEdrom: Innovative measuring chamber for X-ray study of liquid jets from Science Daily
Program to improve palliative care falls short of hopes, study finds from Science Daily
Researchers analyze impact of chemical BPA in dental sealants used in children from Science Daily
New NASA Probe to Dive-bomb the Sun from National Geographic
St. Michael's Math & CS Profs Get $200,000 NSF Grant to Design Nanoconstructs from Newswise - Scinews
TERMIS-North America Announces Speakers for Annual Event from Newswise - Scinews
Is It A Bird? A Plane? No, It's ... A Fish
Leadbetter burgers linked to more E. coli cases from CBC: Health
A Bit Cold: Physicists Devise a Quantum Particle "Refrigerator" from Scientific American
Mental health leaves most costly disability to Canadian employers from Science Blog
Function found for Alzheimer's protein from Science Daily
50-year cancer study launched by Alberta from CBC: Health
State in Play: Ohio Congressman Faces Tough Fight After Health Care Switch from NY Times Health
Genetic find may curb parasitic plant from CBC: Technology & Science
Asteroids miss with astronomers from
Good News for Imperiled Russian Seed Bank from Science NOW
What's Behind the Slowdown in Health Care from NY Times Health
Mental health leaves most costly disability to Canadian employers from Physorg
Social media inflames news cycle of Quran burning from Physorg
Tracking triclosan's field footprint from Physorg
Function found for Alzheimer's protein from Physorg
Tally-ho! Deep Impact spacecraft eyes comet target from Science Daily
Tracking triclosan's field footprint from Science Daily
Mental health leaves most costly disability to Canadian employers, study finds from Science Daily
Quran Story: Will Social Media Fan the Flames? from CBSNews - Science
`Halo: Reach': The Newest Saga Begins Next Week from CBSNews - Science
Sandia researcher: Amateur astronomers open potential lab in outer space for planetary scientists from Science Blog
Amateur Astronomers Open Potential Lab in Outer Space for Planetary Scientists from Newswise - Scinews
Kids' Mental Number Lines Reveal Math Memory from Live Science
'Halo: Reach' aims to grab gamers again from Physorg
Security firms issue warning over email worm from Physorg
Scientists draw bead on crop parasite from UPI
Congo River Fishes Questions from NY Times Science
NumberPlay: A Second Reflection from NY Times Science
This Week In The Future, September 6-10, 2010 from PopSci
Rare Shuttle Rollover Photo Op Evokes Sadness, Pride from
Tractor Beams Get Real: Energy Ray Moves Tiny Objects from
Wisdom teeth could be stem cell source from UPI
Caught in the act: Fireballs light up Jupiter from Science Daily
Perceived life-threat affects mental health, Swedish research finds finds from Science Daily
Quran Story: Will Social Media Fan the Flames? from CBSNews - Science
`Halo: Reach': The Newest Saga Begins Next Week from CBSNews - Science
A Bear Hug? Nissan Ad Raises Eyebrows from NY Times Science
Sun Unleashes Impressive Solar Flare from
NY Times partners with Betaworks on social news service from Physorg
Discovery starts first leg of final flight from UPI
Horizontal space launcher eyed from UPI
Flying fish give up secrets in wind tunnel from UPI
Final seal of BP oil well to begin from LA Times - Science
How To Train Your Robot (To Lie) from Science NOW
Court Denies Class-Action Status in Lilly Drug Case from NY Times Health
Quran Story: Will Social Media Fan the Flames? from CBSNews - Science
`Halo: Reach': The Newest Saga Begins Next Week from CBSNews - Science
US Widens Probe into Alleged HP Bribery from CBSNews - Science
EBay Wins a Round in Court Against Craigslist from CBSNews - Science
Facebook Beats Google in Key Web Statistic from CBSNews - Science
It's a bird, it's a plane — it's a fish! from LA Times - Science
Quran Story: Will Social Media Fan the Flames? from CBSNews - Science
`Halo: Reach': The Newest Saga Begins Next Week from CBSNews - Science
US Widens Probe into Alleged HP Bribery from CBSNews - Science
EBay Wins a Round in Court Against Craigslist from CBSNews - Science
Facebook Beats Google in Key Web Statistic from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Cure for Pancreatic Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Video: Highway Fatalities on Decline from CBSNews - Science
Apple Publishes Guidelines for App Approval from CBSNews - Science
U.S. Court Allows Stem Cell Research to Continue from CBSNews - Science
"Fearless" Honey Badger Escapes from Prague Zoo from CBSNews - Science
Video: Dance Moves Attract Women from CBSNews - Science
Video: Attack of the Grizzlies from CBSNews - Science
Video: BP: Don't Blame Us, Blame Them from CBSNews - Science
Google This: How to Milk Doodles for Maximum PR from CBSNews - Science
Burger and Tweets With a Side of Social Media from CBSNews - Science
Would You Like 1 Hump Or 2 With Your Dinosaur? from CBSNews - Science
Tiny Panda Cubs Born at Madrid Zoo from CBSNews - Science
Oracle to Pay Hurd $950,000 Salary from CBSNews - Science
Two Asteroids to Whiz Past Earth from CBSNews - Science
`Superbug' Gene Confirmed in Japan from CBSNews - Science
Quran Story: Will Social Media Fan the Flames? from CBSNews - Science
`Halo: Reach': The Newest Saga Begins Next Week from CBSNews - Science
US Widens Probe into Alleged HP Bribery from CBSNews - Science
EBay Wins a Round in Court Against Craigslist from CBSNews - Science
Facebook Beats Google in Key Web Statistic from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Cure for Pancreatic Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Video: Highway Fatalities on Decline from CBSNews - Science
Apple Publishes Guidelines for App Approval from CBSNews - Science
U.S. Court Allows Stem Cell Research to Continue from CBSNews - Science
"Fearless" Honey Badger Escapes from Prague Zoo from CBSNews - Science
Video: Dance Moves Attract Women from CBSNews - Science
Video: Attack of the Grizzlies from CBSNews - Science
Video: BP: Don't Blame Us, Blame Them from CBSNews - Science
Google This: How to Milk Doodles for Maximum PR from CBSNews - Science
Burger and Tweets With a Side of Social Media from CBSNews - Science
Would You Like 1 Hump Or 2 With Your Dinosaur? from CBSNews - Science
Tiny Panda Cubs Born at Madrid Zoo from CBSNews - Science
Oracle to Pay Hurd $950,000 Salary from CBSNews - Science
Two Asteroids to Whiz Past Earth from CBSNews - Science
`Superbug' Gene Confirmed in Japan from CBSNews - Science
Five iPad Killers from CBSNews - Science
Hundreds Of Looted Artifacts Returned To Iraq from CBSNews - Science
New Zealand Rattled by 20 Aftershocks from CBSNews - Science
Study: Money Does Buy Happiness - To a Point from CBSNews - Science
Speed Of Thought A Little Faster Than...Thought, And What It Means For Computing
Medicating The Mega-Cities
Flying fish glide as well as birds, researchers find from Science Daily
Moonstruck primates: Owl monkeys need moonlight as much as a biological clock for nocturnal activity from Science Daily
Research shows continued decline of Oregon's largest glacier from Science Daily
Computer models suggest treatments for fractures that won't heal from Science Daily
New model may simplify high-dose radiosurgery planning from Science Daily
Brain mechanism linked to relapse after cocaine withdrawal from Science Daily
Video: 'Big Three' Anchors Stand Up To Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Video: Cancer Fighting Dream Team from CBSNews - Science
Video: Critics Question Gas Safety from CBSNews - Science
Video: Resident: Odor Detected Before Fire from CBSNews - Science
WSJ : GoDaddy Internet Registrar for Sale from CBSNews - Science
Searching the Sun for dark matter from Physics World
Video: 'Big Three' Anchors Stand Up To Cancer from CBSNews - Science
Video: Cancer Fighting Dream Team from CBSNews - Science
Video: Critics Question Gas Safety from CBSNews - Science
Video: Resident: Odor Detected Before Fire from CBSNews - Science
WSJ : GoDaddy Internet Registrar for Sale from CBSNews - Science
Titanic 3-D expedition turns to new territory from MSNBC: Science
Concerns About Dengue Fever Rise in India from NY Times Health
World's Tiniest Refrigerator Is 1 Qutrit