Archive of feed items published on the 28th of January 2010
Scientists urge huge B.C. land preservation from CBC: Technology & Science
Prenatal Phthalate Exposure May Alter Children's Behavior and Cognitive Function from Newswise - Scinews
Louisiana Wins Fight for Hospital from NY Times Health
Health Care Gives Way to Economy and Jobs from NY Times Health
Andrew Lange, Scholar of the Cosmos, Dies at 52 from NY Times Science
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period from Science Blog
Mount Sinai finds prenatal exposure to certain chemicals affects childhood neurodevelopment from Science Blog
Star shoots out material at close to the speed of light from Science Daily
Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery from Science Daily
Birds follow their noses during migration from Science Daily
Pomegranate extract stimulates uterine contractions from Science Daily
Research on global 'sun block' needed now, experts argue from Science Daily
Color of dinosaur feathers identified from Science Daily
Lost Roman law code discovered in London from Science Daily
Wireless optical transmission key to secure, safe and rapid indoor communications from Science Daily
Music in speech equals empathy in heart? from Science Daily
Amplification of global warming by carbon-cycle feedback significantly less than thought, study suggests from Science Daily
Antibiotics might team up to fight deadly staph infections from Science Daily
Innovative technique can spot errors in key technological systems; early alerts for satellites, weather instruments from Science Daily
Nationwide outbreak of Salmonella from Science Daily
Proper vaccine refrigeration vital to putting disease on ice from Science Daily
Almost half of injured Haitians are likely to be children, pediatric emergency study indicates from Science Daily
Energy-harvesting rubber chips could power pacemakers, cell phones from Science Daily
New potential to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from Science Daily
Intensive insulin therapy for septic shock patients does not show survival benefit from Science Daily
New formula helps gauge the winds of change from Science Daily
Saving endangered languages from being forgotten from Science Daily
Researchers continue 'extraordinary measures' to tackle Pompe disease from Science Daily
Technology-testing Proba-2 opens new eye on the Sun from Science Daily
Burning heart tissue with catheter works dramatically better than drug treatments for common heart rhythm disorder from Science Daily
Safety in numbers: A cloud-based immune system for computers from Science Daily
Do children need both a mother and a father? from Science Daily
Larry Magid: The iPad is Underwhelming from CBSNews - Science
Increased co-payments for doctor visits boost health-care costs for seniors
Functional connection between hippocampus and cortex modulates anxiety
Trees retaliate when their fig wasps don't service them
Mismatched alloys are a good match for thermoelectrics
India plans first manned space flight in 2016 from AP Science
Andrew E. Lange dies at 52; Caltech physicist from LA Times - Science
Does evolution always lead to bigger brains?
Black hole hunters set new distance record
Brain scientists extend map of fear memory formation
The Sur, Baleares and Segura basins are the driest in Spain
Even mild kidney disease harms a child's quality of life
The roots of food security
Magnesium supplement helps boost brainpower
Vitamin D supplements could fight Crohn's disease
Clean and green: Supermarket shelves awash in eco-friendly laundry detergents
The fungus among us: An eco-friendly way of decomposing BPA-containing plastic
Prayer increases forgiveness
Fat tissue may be a source of valuable blood stem cells, study says
World Bank wants tiger farms shut from AP Science
Mexico: Maya tomb find could help explain collapse from AP Science
Mortality rates for paediatric rheumatology patients significantly lower than previously reported
Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't hinder computing skills
US Parkinson's rates highest in whites, Hispanics, and Midwest, Northeast
Disarming specialised stem cells might combat deadly ovarian cancer
A mind at rest strengthens memories, NYU researchers find
Effects of forest fire on carbon emissions, climate impacts often overestimated
Energy-harvesting rubber sheets could power pacemakers, mobile phones
Scripps research scientists find potential new way to enhance vaccines
Researchers develop new tool for gene delivery
Discovery of mechanism in brain cell injury in Huntington's offers new treatment approaches
Relationship recall: Attachment style may affect memories of relationship events
The hidden cost of schizophrenia
Elevated brain levels of magnesium enhance learning and memory
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes
Pollen tube growth on camera illuminates fertilisation
Solutions to climate change: Using trees and grasses to capture carbon and produce energy
Hygienic Lab at U. Iowa first to confirm salmonella in nationwide outbreak
Rotavirus vaccine offers new tool to combat severe diarrhoea in developing world
Music in speech equals empathy in heart?
Brain responses during anaesthesia mimic those during natural deep sleep
Anti-spasticity medications need further research
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period
Proposed Baffin Bay polar bear quota rejected from CBC: Technology & Science
India manned space trip 'by 2016' from BBC News: Science & Nature
The RSPB's annual Big Garden Birdwatch begins from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mapping the brain from MIT Research
3 Questions: Bradford Hager on Haiti’s coming quakes from MIT Research
Psychotherapy reduces repeat ER trips from CBC: Health
Earth Watch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Discovery points way for new treatment for aneurysms
Microbes produce fuels directly from biomass
Losing sleep, losing brain?
Signing contracts on the telephone
Barefoot runners ease into low-impact landings
Childhood survivors of CNS cancers and leukaemia have lowered educational attainment
Biochemical profile may help diagnose, determine aggressiveness of prostate cancer
Walkerton Tragedy: 10 years of research leads to breakthrough
Study examines sexual orientation and bullying among adolescents
Ginkgo herbal medicines may increase seizures in people with epilepsy
The secret life of smoke in fostering rebirth and renewal of burned landscape
Cracking carbon-carbon bonds from Chemistry World
Web boss sees risk of multiple internets from Physorg
Metal hydrides for high temperature superconductivity
Blood test can predict rheumatoid arthritis before symptoms arise
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease associated with high mortality rates
Study confirms accuracy of transient elastography in NAFLD
American opinion cools on global warming
Innovative technique can spot errors in key technological systems
Surgery helps chronic sinusitis sufferers get relief
Wireless optical transmission key to secure, safe and rapid indoor communications
Condom or no condom? It's not what you say, it's how you say it
Stanford researchers directly turn mouse skin cells into neurones, skipping IPS stage
The color of dinosaur feathers identified
Taiwan Semiconductor profits soar from Physorg
Scientists Produce Unprecedented 1 Megajoule Laser Shot, Step Towards Fusion Ignition from Physorg
Blood test can predict rheumatoid arthritis before symptoms arise from Physorg
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period from Physorg
The hidden cost of schizophrenia from Physorg
Iron soils cause sea blooms from Science Alert
Apple launches iPad
Star shoots out material at close to the speed of light
Research on global 'sun block' needed now
Pomegranate extract stimulates uterine contractions
'Good' bacteria keep immune system primed to fight future infections
Researchers find leukaemia cells metabolise fat to avoid cell death
Severe complications of diabetes higher in depressed patients
Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't hinder computing skills from Physorg
Geothermal power could be solution for Indiana's abandoned coal mines from Physorg
Lighting up nerves could help people with eye condition Retinitis Pigmentosa from Physorg
Don't privatize banks too soon from Physorg
Plant flavanoid may help prevent leukemia from Reuters:Science
The Moon may have formed in a nuclear explosion from Physorg
Sharp to Commercialize a Solar-Powered Mobile Phone for the Chinese Market from Physorg
Sociologists find older adults turning to online options for love, marriage from Physorg
A New Kind Of Lightning Discovered from Physorg
America's 1st Commercial Spaceport Blooms in the Desert from
Full Moon Friday: What You Can See from
Map exposes cow gas gene from Science Alert
President Obama to Propose Abandoning NASA's Moon Plan from
Pesticides most important barrier for the recovery of biodiversity on farmland from Physorg
Antibodies heal lasting wounds from Science Alert
Mayan tomb find may help explain collapse from CBC: Technology & Science
All clear? Head injuries get attention from states from AP Health
Spaceman from BBC News: Science & Nature
2010 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index reveals ways to enhance teens' interest in STEM from Science Blog
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period from Science Blog
Mount Sinai finds prenatal exposure to certain chemicals affects childhood neurodevelopment from Science Blog
DuPont Plant Investigation from C&EN
India plans 1st manned space flight for 2016 from CBC: Technology & Science
Why Ostriches Can't Fly from Live Science
Cause of blue crab decline is sought from UPI
Another major quake possible in Haiti? from UPI
Antibiotic found to protect hearing in mice from Science Blog
Stem cell breakthrough: Bone marrow cells are the answer from Science Blog
NIST rules on Cowboys' facility collapse from UPI
U.S. recalls China-made noodle products from UPI
The Almond Tree's Secret Weapon from Newswise - Scinews
New AAAS Fellow Takes the Wheel on Researching Greener Autos from Newswise - Scinews
Astronomers find new way to detect supernovas from CBC: Technology & Science
Veterans Affairs looks to dogs to help stress disorder from CBC: Health
Apple's iPad Ambitions from CBSNews - Science
Antibiotic found to protect hearing in mice from Science Blog
Stem cell breakthrough: Bone marrow cells are the answer from Science Blog
2010 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index reveals ways to enhance teens' interest in STEM from Science Blog
Nintendo profit drops despite strong holiday sales from Physorg
AT&T adds 2.7M wireless customers, beating Verizon from Physorg
Protein makes cancers susceptible to chemo from UPI
Most parents don't realize their 4 or 5 year-olds are overweight or obese from Science Blog
Survey Finds Growing Fear of Cyberattacks from NY Times Science
Fewer honey bee colonies and beekeepers throughout Europe from Physorg
World Bank wants tiger farms shut from Physorg
Taiwan pushes e-books but lacks Chinese content from Physorg
Digital quantum batteries inspired by plasma TVs from Physorg
All clear? Head injuries get attention from states from Physorg
Stem cell breakthrough: Bone marrow cells are the answer from Science Daily
Prenatal exposure to phthalates affects childhood neurodevelopment from Science Daily
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period from Science Daily
Almond tree's secret weapon from Science Daily
Most parents don't realize their 4- or 5-year-olds are overweight or obese from Science Daily
Survey reveals ways to enhance teens' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics from Science Daily
Rheumatoid arthritis doesn't hinder computing skills, study shows from Science Daily
Mortality rates for pediatric rheumatology patients significantly lower than previously reported from Science Daily
Blood test can predict rheumatoid arthritis before symptoms arise from Science Daily
Power-generating rubber film developed from UPI
Canada sends 5 million doses of H1N1 vaccine to WHO from CBC: Health
With a Little Help, E. Coli Turns Biomass Directly to Biodiesel from PopSci
What You Eat After Exercise Matters from Newswise - Scinews
MSU researcher advocates new way to treat autism from Physorg
Scientists map changes in science and beyond from Physorg
Study finds prenatal exposure to certain chemicals affects childhood neurodevelopment from Physorg
Glance: How Apple's iPad measures up from Physorg
Levitating Magnet Brings Nuclear Fusion Closer to Reality from Live Science
ESA signs three Galileo contracts from UPI
Deep brain stimulation may aid Parkinson's from UPI
Is iron from soil a factor in algal blooms? from Science Blog
Potential new target for drugs to treat iron deficiency and overload discovered from Science Blog
Mental illnesses are second leading cause of time off work in Spain from Science Blog
MSU researcher advocates new way to treat autism from Science Blog
Oracle CEO: about 1,000 layoffs planned for Sun from Physorg
Seabed biodiversity of the Straits of Magellan and Drake Passage from Physorg
Stem cell breakthrough: Bone marrow cells are the answer from Physorg
Antibiotic found to protect hearing in mice from Physorg
Imitation Google, YouTube sites emerge in China from Physorg
Is iron from soil a factor in algal blooms? from Physorg
Combined approach may be better way to treat autism from Science Daily
Fewer honey bee colonies and beekeepers throughout Europe from Science Daily
Potential new target for drugs to treat iron deficiency and overload discovered from Science Daily
Right-handed and left-handed people do not see the same bright side of things from Science Daily
Breakthrough heart scanner will allow earlier diagnosis from Science Daily
Seabed biodiversity of the Straits of Magellan and Drake Passage from Science Daily
Is iron from soil a factor in algal blooms? from Science Daily
California in hybrid vehicle pilot program from UPI
Pirates threaten West Africa's oil boom from UPI
Deadly fish virus now in all Great Lakes from UPI
PetroChina leads Iraqi team at Halfaya from UPI
Study: Leukemia cells metabolize fat from UPI
New ovarian cancer therapy proposed from UPI
Financial crisis in news: Government financial support of news media continues steep decline from Science Blog
Better food makes high-latitude animals bigger from Science Blog
Can Ulcers Lead to Cancer? from NY Times Health
What you eat after exercise matters from Physorg
Mental illnesses are second leading cause of time off work in Spain from Physorg
Potential new target for drugs to treat iron deficiency and overload discovered from Physorg
Distraction Boosts Memory With Age from Live Science
Iran pulls back from Iraqi oil field from UPI
Russia finds 'strategic' oil deposit from UPI
Study: White roofs might help cool cities from UPI
Tiger Trade Slashes Big Cats' Numbers from National Geographic
Engineering Team Explores Power of the Mind; Testing How Mere Thoughts Can Operate Computers and More from Newswise - Scinews
Government of Canada Invests in Research to Help Prevent Violence from Newswise - Scinews
Physicists Investigate Possibility of an 'Unhiggs' from Physorg
Light extinguishes dark-matter claims from News @ Nature
Altered microbe makes biofuel from News @ Nature
Cash crisis for global health fund from SciDev
New therapy may fight rheumatoid arthritis from UPI
Canada brushes off Venezuelan oil riches from UPI
Moscow-Minsk oil row settled from UPI
White Roofs Could Reduce Urban Heat Island Effect By 33 Percent
AstraZeneca's workforce slashed again from Chemistry World
Better batteries with nano-cables from Chemistry World
US helium strategy threatens supply from Chemistry World
Skin Cells Converted Directly To Brain Cells, For First Time Ever from PopSci
Power plants, other infrastructure face hackers from Physorg
Minnesota song-sharing case heads for 3rd trial from Physorg
Chevron sinks billions into Brazil fields from UPI
Flamingos are stars of Fla. racing track from UPI
London courting North Sea developers from UPI
Synthetic molecules can activate genes from UPI
Regional suppliers laud winter gas supply from UPI
Doctor and Patient: Practicing on Patients, Real and Otherwise from NY Times Health
Vancouver hospitals prep for Olympic births from CBC: Health
AMP Releases Statement on Oversight of Laboratory Tests from Newswise - Scinews
TMS Announces Staff Changes in Executive Department Restructuring from Newswise - Scinews
Airports Could Get Mind-Reading Scanners from Live Science
Lens with 'Super Resolution' Could Improve Medical Imaging Applications from Physorg
BP sees Iraq as oil leader by 2020 from UPI
Bone Marrow Cells May Improve Stem Cell Therapy, Study Finds
Attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings may reduce depression symptoms from Physorg
New 'suicide' molecule halts rheumatoid arthritis from Physorg
Couples who say 'we' do better at resolving conflicts from Physorg
Researchers image earliest signs of Alzheimer's, before symptoms appear from Physorg
Stopping schizophrenia before it starts? from Physorg
Most parents don't realize their 4 or 5 year-olds are overweight or obese from Physorg
Mexico: Maya tomb find could help explain collapse from Physorg
Hacker breaks into 49 House sites, insults Obama from Physorg
Judge dismisses charges against Broadcom's ex-CEO from Physorg
Levitating magnet coaxes nuclear fusion from MSNBC: Science
Geologists survey Haiti quake aftermath from SciDev
FOR KIDS: Young scientists at the State of the Union Address from
Could Disappearing Subsidies Mean The End Of Newspapers?
Study says lead may be the culprit in ADHD from Physorg
Mandatory policy boosts influenza vaccination rate among health care workers from Physorg
Seabirds' movement patterns tied to what fishermen toss away from Physorg
Study finds blood platelets can reproduce from UPI
Mandatory policy boosts influenza vaccination rate among health care workers from Science Blog
New method improves eating skills of dementia patients from Science Blog
Secrets of immunologic memory from Science Blog
Couples who say 'we' do better at resolving conflicts from Science Blog
Stopping schizophrenia before it starts? from Science Blog
Attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings may reduce depression symptoms from Science Blog
UCLA researchers image earliest signs of Alzheimer's, before symptoms appear from Science Blog
Did Obama Move Health Care Forward? from NY Times Health
Homeland Security Science and Technology University Network Summit from Newswise - Scinews
New method improves eating skills of dementia patients from Physorg
With climate change, birds are taking off for migration sooner; not reaching destinations earlier from Physorg
The almond tree's secret weapon from Physorg
Microbe produces biofuel from biomass from UPI
Extra pounds may extend life of seniors: study from CBC: Health
Nokia tops earnings forecasts from Physorg
Like escape artists, rotifers elude enemies by drying up and -- poof! -- they are gone with the wind from Physorg
Uncorrelated activity in the brain from Physorg
How many argon atoms can fit on the surface of a carbon nanotube? from Physorg
Using magnetic toys as inspiration, researchers tease out structures of self-assembled clusters from Physorg
Dinosaur discovery helps solve piece of evolutionary puzzle from Physorg
Study offers evidence that spongiform brain diseases are caused by aberrant protein from Physorg
Secrets of immunologic memory from Physorg
2010 Lemelson-MIT Invention Index reveals ways to enhance teens' interest in STEM from Physorg
Unique Heart Beat Signature Device Could Revolutionise Healthcare from Physorg
Quakes were biggest disaster killers of decade: UN from Physorg
'Dramatic' step for laser fusion from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mayan tomb may explain culture’s collapse from MSNBC: Science
FOR KIDS: Young scientists attend State of the Union address from
Science superstars from
To Get The Most Out Of Exercise, Eat Fewer Carbs
Hack Threat Aimed at Power Plants from CBSNews - Science
Imitation Google, YouTube Sites Surface from CBSNews - Science
Web Trick Forces Wyoming Campaign Shakeup from CBSNews - Science
Diamonds made even stronger by pressure from UPI
Water vapour could be behind warming slowdown from News @ Nature
Light extinguishes dark-matter claims from News @ Nature
Video Show - This Week in Space: w/ Miles O'Brien from
FORUM: So That's It? No Future for Human Spaceflight? from
New simulation tool could shorten manufacturing design process from Physorg
Mortality rates for pediatric rheumatology patients significantly lower than previously reported from Physorg
New dinosaur solves bird puzzle from BBC News: Science & Nature
"Sex Puppeteers" Force Sex Change, Virgin Birth in Bugs via Genes from National Geographic
Robots Display Predator-Prey Co-Evolution, Evolve Better Homing Techniques from PopSci
Michael Griffin Responds to Rumored NASA Cuts from Newswise - Scinews
U.S. Considers 'Internet Access for All' from Live Science
Clawed Dinosaur Most Primitive of its Kind from Live Science
Apple's iPad Vs Lenovo's IdeaPad U1Hybrid Notebook (w/ Video) from Physorg
Epson Develops Graphics Engine-Equipped Application Processor for Effortlessly Rendering Screens from Physorg
One more reason to promote the family dinner from Physorg
Studying Titan's Lakes on Earth from Physorg
Obama Takes On The Economy from C&EN
Experts unveil dino, oldest known ancestor of birds from Reuters:Science
Dinosaur discovery helps solve piece of evolutionary puzzle from Science Daily
Atoms and Molecules: Using magnetic toys as inspiration, researchers tease out structures of self-assembled clusters from Science Daily
Alzheimer's disease imaged long before symptoms appear from Science Daily
Couples who say 'we' do better at resolving conflicts from Science Daily
Lead may be the culprit in ADHD from Science Daily
New simulation tool could shorten manufacturing design process from Science Blog
Improved air quality linked to fewer pediatric ear infections from Science Blog
Research reveals how blood flow force protects blood vessels from Science Blog
Changes to medical education prescribed from CBC: Health
Sky 3-D broadcast to make history from CBC: Technology & Science
No Moon Trips: Obama's Space Vision a 'Paradigm Shift' from
The art of controlling a robot from Physorg
Are new genes always better? from Physorg
A NASA Satellite Look at the Cape Verde Islands and the Region`s Hurricane Relevance from Physorg
Critics, fans weigh in on Apple's iPad from Physorg
Scientists and cast of thousands swarm stage in Europe from Physorg
Researchers find new way to study how enzymes repair DNA damage from Physorg
Getting a Peek at Future of Virtual Worlds from CBSNews - Science
AT&T: We'll Fix our Network from CBSNews - Science
Water vapor slowed recent global warming trend from
Slowdown in warming may be due to water vapour: study from CBC: Technology & Science
New dinosaur species early member of odd family from CBC: Technology & Science
NEC Introduces Super-Resolution ASSP with LVDS Interface for Digital TVs and PC Monitors from Physorg
Research reveals how blood flow force protects blood vessels from Physorg
Study Fumes Over City Park Grass from Physorg
Developmental delay may explain behavior of easygoing ape species from Physorg
Honda Begins Operation of New Solar Hydrogen Station in LA from Physorg
Why can’t ostriches fly from MSNBC: Science
Doctor behind autism-vaccine scare censured from CBC: Health
Rotavirus vaccines could reduce deaths in Third World from LA Times - Science
NASS Releases New Geospatial Data Products from Newswise - Scinews
Like Little Escape Artists, Rotifers Elude Their Enemies by Drying Up and - Poof! - They Are Gone with the Wind from Newswise - Scinews
How Many Argon Atoms Can Fit on the Surface of a Carbon Nanotube? from Newswise - Scinews
Cascadia quake zone gets wired up from News @ Nature
Water vapour could be behind warming slowdown from News @ Nature
Lights out: A protein may switch off cancer cells from Physorg
Symptoms have little value for early detection of ovarian cancer from Physorg
Stratospheric Water Vapor is a Global Warming Wild Card from Physorg
Improved air quality linked to fewer pediatric ear infections from Physorg
Increased co-payments for doctor visits boost health-care costs for seniors from Physorg
New dinosaur boosts dino-bird link from MSNBC: Science
Stopping schizophrenia before it starts? from Science Daily
New simulation tool could shorten manufacturing design process from Science Daily
Mental illnesses are second leading cause of time off work in Spain from Science Daily
Can men be trusted to take male contraceptive pill? from Science Daily
Searching for cadmium in the ocean: Marine scientists investigate micro-nutrients in the Atlantic from Science Daily
Better food makes high-latitude animals bigger from Science Daily
China sets up national energy commission from UPI
Neurons may function more solo than thought from
Haplocheirus Sollers Discovery Solves Evolutionary Puzzle
Olga's track is a puzzle forecasters are putting together from Physorg
Doctors cut back hours when risk of malpractice suit rises, study shows from Physorg
Calgary obstetrician admits to misconduct from CBC: Health
UT-Battelle Licenses Tissue Regeneration Technologies to NellOne Therapeutics, Inc. from Newswise - Scinews
Tropical Depression 11S forms in the southern Indian Ocean from Physorg
Freeloading Flap: Mediterranean Seabirds That Scrounge Off Fishing Boats Have a Smaller Foraging Range from Scientific American
Scientists Cook Up Saturn Moon Cocktail on Earth from
Carried aloft, tiny creatures avoid parasites, sex from
Stellar-Mass Black Hole Discovered In NGC 300
Organic transistor mimics brain synapse from Physics World
Planetary physics shrunk into a lab as MIT pursues fusion from Physics World
Study Finds Growing Fear of Cyberattacks from NY Times Science
Study Finds Less Water Vapor Slows Earth’s Warming Trends from NY Times Science
Spongiform brain diseases are caused by aberrant protein, new research shows from Science Daily
Breakthrough could lead to new treatment for malaria from Science Daily
Immune memory formation seen in early stages of viral infection from Science Daily
New way to study how enzymes repair DNA damage from Science Daily
Does slum tourism make us better people? from Science Daily
Attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings may reduce depression symptoms from Science Daily
Secrets of immunologic memory: New understanding of CD44 receptor's role in immune cell survival from Science Daily
New method improves eating skills of dementia patients from Science Daily
Like escape artists, rotifers elude enemies by drying up and -- poof! -- they are gone with the wind from Science Daily
Microsoft Earnings Up 60 Pct from CBSNews - Science
U.S. wind farm is a first for clean and renewable energy from UPI
'Overweight' adults age 70 or older are less likely to die over a 10-year period from Biology News Net
The almond tree's secret weapon from Biology News Net
Seabirds' movement patterns tied to what fishermen toss away from Biology News Net
Breakthrough heart scanner will allow earlier diagnosis from Biology News Net
Researchers find new way to study how enzymes repair DNA damage from Biology News Net
Did Leonardo paint himself as "Mona Lisa"? from AP Science
NASA to get more money, but must scratch moon plan from Physorg
Fear Of Malpractice Lawsuits Prompts Doctors To Work Less
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Nuisance 911 case under review from CBC: Health
Watchdog: UK university hid climate data from AP Science
Biologists Discover Enzyme Degrades Protein that Suppresses or Promotes Cancer from Physorg
Predator revival sparks dunlin weight loss from Physorg
Amazon profit climbs 71 percent in 4th qtr from Physorg
Immune memory formation seen in early stages of viral infection from Physorg
Virus-like particle vaccine protects monkeys from chikungunya virus from Physorg
'Silent strokes' linked to kidney failure in diabetics from Physorg
Microsoft fiscal 2Q earns up 60 pct on PC rebound from Physorg
Mouse skin cells turned directly into neurons, skipping IPS stage from Science Daily
Surgery helps chronic sinusitis sufferers get relief from Science Daily
Deadly fish virus now found in all Great Lakes from Science Daily
Leukemia cells metabolize fat to avoid cell death from Science Daily
Virus-like particle vaccine protects monkeys from chikungunya virus from Science Daily
Brain scientists extend map of fear memory formation from Science Daily
New 'suicide' molecule halts rheumatoid arthritis from Science Daily
Change in mammography guidelines questioned from Science Daily
Scientists show how molecular switch helps pancreatic cancer beat drugs from Science Daily
Immune cell levels predict skin cancer risk in kidney transplant patients from Science Daily
Dinosaur Skin Color Revealed from CBSNews - Science
Amazon Profits Climb 71% from CBSNews - Science
NASS releases new geospatial data products from Science Blog
NASA's TRMM sees Depression 10P strengthen into Tropical Storm Nisha from Science Blog
Advances in cancer detection research by Virginia Tech engineer featured in British magazine from Science Blog
Immune memory formation seen in early stages of viral infection from Science Blog
Virus-like particle vaccine protects monkeys from chikungunya virus from Science Blog
Congressional leaders urged to reach agreement on health reform from Science Blog
AMP releases statement on oversight of laboratory tests from Science Blog
Scientists show how molecular switch helps pancreatic cancer beat drugs from Science Blog
GMST : Discovering Trends
Married Couples Who Say 'We' Have Healthier Relationships
The Ape That Never Grows Up from Science NOW
How Carnations Conquered Europe from Science NOW
Prion Diseases: No Accomplice Needed from Science NOW
Desiccation Helps Rotifers Beat the Red Queen from Science NOW
Irritable bowel mutations uncovered in Walkerton from CBC: Health
Human vaccine for mosquito-borne virus a step closer toward production from LA Times - Science
Britain grants patent for iPS cells from News @ Nature
Cascadia quake zone gets wired up from News @ Nature
Cassini Takes New Images of Saturn's Moons from
Research breakthrough could lead to new treatment for malaria from Physorg
Fermenting fodder into fuel from Physorg
Probing Question: Why did mammals survive the 'K/T extinction'? from Physorg
Scientists show how molecular switch helps pancreatic cancer beat drugs from Physorg
Early humans caused extinction of Australia's giant animals from Physorg
NASA's TRMM sees Depression 10P strengthen into Tropical Storm Nisha from Physorg
New insights into breast-feeding hormone from Physorg
Neuroscientists making computers smart enough to see connections between brain's neurons from Physorg
New NASA Web Site Launches Kids on Mission to Save Our Planet from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Climate data sound - science head from BBC News: Science & Nature
Watchdog: UK university hid climate data from Physorg
Change in mammography guidelines questioned from Physorg
Last-minute objections filed to Google book settlement from Physorg
Computer mimics nature by watching TV (w/ Video) from Physorg
AA Attendance Alleviates Depression In Recovering Alcoholics
With climate change, some birds are taking off for migration sooner; not reaching destinations earlier from Science Daily
Seabirds' movement patterns tied to what fishermen toss away from Science Daily
Fusion Power a Step Closer After Giant Laser Blast from National Geographic
Save the Ozone Layer, Give Global Warming a Boost? from National Geographic
Samsung Begins Mass Producing 3D TV Panels from Physorg
Comcast, NBC say deal would not hurt competition from Physorg
Social Factors Predict Alcohol Misuse Among Older Drinkers
Prometheus: Over Easy from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New Tyrannosaur Species Discovered from Live Science
Feature: Milky Way's true magnetism revealed from Science Alert
Cave clue points to drier Southwest from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Researchers Aim To Catch Alzheimer's Before Symptoms Appear
Opinion: The 'global warming' scam: a crime against humanity from Science Alert
Immune cell levels predict skin cancer risk in kidney transplant patients from Physorg
Nanocables could lead to more powerful lithium-ion batteries from Physorg
New Species of Tyrannosaur Discovered in Southwestern U.S. from Newswise - Scinews
Is fusion success in sight? from MSNBC: Science
British doctor rebuked over research linking vaccine and autism from LA Times - Science
Did Leonardo paint himself as Mona Lisa? from MSNBC: Science
While Confident Health Care Will Pass This Year, Democrats Still Search for a Plan from NY Times Health
In sync: Squid, glowing companions march in genetic harmony from Science Daily
Engineered metamaterials enable remarkably small antennas from Science Daily
Rotavirus vaccine offers new tool to combat severe diarrhea in developing world from Science Daily
Student-built Rubik's Cube size satellite selected for flight by NASA from Science Daily
Prenatal alcohol exposure can alter the brain's developing pain regulatory system from Science Daily
$30M Super Greenhouse to Help Sustain Global Agriculture from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Perform Complete Genomic Sequencing on Brain Cancer Cell Line from Newswise - Scinews
New species is older relative of T. rex from MSNBC: Science
Experts find source of ancient aqueduct from MSNBC: Science
Mental Health Professionals Not Qualified To Assess Long-Term Effects Of Torture
Hospital puts sea turtles with tumors on fast track from LA Times - Science