Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of December 2009
Can modern day gadgets help combat prejudice? from Science Blog
Blackberry Users Irked by Outage from CBSNews - Science
Months to Live: Weighing Medical Costs of End-of-Life Care from NY Times Health
Economic Scene: Last Call on Reforming Health Reform Bill from NY Times Health
Drug Industry Girds for Rise in Its Share of Overhaul from NY Times Health
Ambitious South Korean Parents See Tall as All from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Southwest: Texas: Samples to Be Destroyed from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Science and Health: Spray Flu Vaccine Is Recalled from NY Times Health
Audit Says State Wasted $92 Million on Medicaid from NY Times Health
White Christmas: The Coldest Places in the Solar System from
Researchers find new patterns in H1N1 deaths from Science Blog
Pollution linked to hospitalizations for pneumonia in older adults from Science Blog
Air pollution linked to hospitalizations for pneumonia in seniors from Science Blog
Physician-assisted suicide: A perspective from advocates for people with disability from Science Blog
Duck Sex Is Even More Screwed Up Than Human Sex
More H1N1 vaccine is recalled from LA Times - Science
Yale researchers reveal secrets of duck sex: It's all screwed up from Science Blog
Preventing heart attacks by targeting the immune system from Physorg
Michael Jackson's FBI file more snooze than sizzle from LA Times - Science
Judge dismisses petition requiring the use of condoms in porn films from LA Times - Science
School classroom air may be more polluted with ultrafine particles than outdoor air
Could acetaminophen ease psychological pain?
More cardiac rehab reduces death for elderly heart patients
Pollution linked to hospitalisations for pneumonia in older adults
Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought
UNL research aims to understand homelessness among women from Physorg
Study analyses risks, benefits to Israel of increasing reliance on natural gas
Routine screening for postnatal depression not cost effective
How nurses can better support families of dying children
Glitter-sized solar photovoltaics produce competitive results
Mystery solved: Scientists now know how smallpox kills
An inexpensive 'dipstick' test for pesticides in foods
Chicago Cancer Genome Project studies genetics of 1000 tumours
The past matters to plants
Researchers identify tuberculosis strain that thrives on antibiotic
MIT: Chemical energy influences tiny vibrations of red blood cell membranes
Air pollution linked to hospitalisations for pneumonia in seniors
Housing growth near national parks may limit conservation value
Brown dwarf pair mystifies astronomers
Filipino troops try to keep volcano evacuees safe from Physorg
Nanoscale changes in collagen are a tipoff to bone health
Anaemia drug not helpful for kidney disease patients
New warbler discovered in Laos
Use of 3-D imaging on patients with pancreatic carcinoma
Final moments of bee landing tactics revealed
Enzyme necessary for development of healthy immune system
Yale researchers reveal secrets of duck sex: It's all screwed up from Biology News Net
How the daisy got its spots ... and why from Biology News Net
Researchers find new patterns in H1N1 deaths from Biology News Net
... from European Space Agency
The number of 85-year-olds will increase by a third by 2020 from Physorg
Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought from Physorg
Controlling the TV with a wave of the hand from Physorg
Tracing the traces: Nanogram concentrations of a toxic compound detected in chlorinated tap water from Physorg
MSU researchers creating model of HIV care for developing nations
High risk of colorectal, endometrial and Lynch syndrome cancers for MSH6 mutation carriers
Australian fossil unlocks secrets to the origin of whales
Is nicotinamide overload a trigger for type 2 diabetes?
New compounds may control deadly fungal infections
Disability may be on the rise again after 20-year decline
Protein link may be key to new treatment for aggressive brain tumour
Sex intervention combats malaria from BBC News: Science & Nature
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers reveal secrets of duck sex: It's all screwed up from Physorg
Taiwan unveils Asia's biggest solar plant: govt from Physorg
Routine screening for postnatal depression not cost effective from Physorg
Court orders woman to turn over Facebook history from CBC: Technology & Science
Science news highlights of 2009 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Canadian police consider GPS for people with Alzheimer's from Physorg
High-blood-pressure treatment for the over-80s too aggressive, warns expert from Physorg
Physician-assisted suicide: A perspective from advocates for people with disability
Gene for devastating kidney disease discovered
The number of 85-year-olds will increase by a third by 2020
How do you improve mammogram accuracy? Add noise
We now know that the brain controls the formation of bone
New, virulent strain of MRSA poses renewed antibiotic resistance concerns
Role of addiction cannot be ignored in obesity epidemic
Be Afraid: A Little Lighthearted Holiday Paranoia From The Consumer Product Safety Commission
Manatee migration mystery solved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Researchers find new patterns in H1N1 deaths from Physorg
Novel nanotechnology heals abscesses caused by resistant staph bacteria
Researchers find new patterns in H1N1 deaths
Fossil shelved for a century reworks carnivore family tree
Dispatcher-assisted bystander CPR best choice for possible cardiac arrest signs
Spider web glue spins society toward new biobased adhesives
Climate debate: What's warming us up? Human activity or Mother Nature?
Scientists take important step toward the proverbial fountain of youth
Blackout hits BlackBerry users from CBC: Technology & Science
Pollution linked to hospitalizations for pneumonia in older adults from Physorg
Extortion attempt involved retracted papers from News @ Nature
Water cycle conference makes a big splash
Best go digital in a pandemic
Chemistry makes the natural 'wonder fabric' - wool - more wonderful
Good cholesterol not as protective in people with type 2 diabetes
ASU scientists improve chip memory by stacking cells
How flu succeeds
Longwood defeats Campbell 88-80 from AP Science
Physician-assisted suicide: A perspective from advocates for people with disability from Physorg
Study sheds light on microscopic flower petal ridges
Formation of the Gulf of Corinth rift, Greece
From now on, 4 PTB primary atomic clocks will contribute to UTC
New direction for NATO must make alliance relevant in current security environment
High-blood-pressure treatment for the over-80s too aggressive, warns expert
Got smell?
Poor face greater health burden than smokers or the obese
Britain bans 'legal high' drugs from Physorg
Stocking stuffer: Card good for eye, dental visit from AP Health
Panasonic plans home-use storage cell from Physorg
Hatchery-raised salmon too crowded from Physorg
New rhizome root harvester to be unveiled at U of I bioenergy symposium
New human reproductive hormone could lead to novel contraceptives
U of A led team makes breakthrough demonstration of pH-regulating protein
Volunteer program provides quality low-risk operative care to patients in need
How to relieve the pain effectively after laparoscopic cholecystectomy?
Dental delight: Tooth of sea urchin shows formation of biominerals
Enhanced sweet taste: This is your tongue on pot
'Dark-matter' events spotted from News @ Nature
Facebook messages to contact dead friend 'creepy' from CBC: Technology & Science
9 Things We Learned About Us in 2009 from Live Science
Blackberry users struggle with email outage from CBC: Technology & Science
Air pollution linked to hospitalizations for pneumonia in seniors from Science Daily
Physician-assisted suicide: A perspective from advocates for people with disability from Science Daily
Secrets of duck sex revealed: It's all screwed up from Science Daily
Final moments of bee landing tactics revealed from Science Daily
Researchers find new patterns in H1N1 deaths from Science Daily
How to Lick Bad Breath and Dry Mouth from Live Science
Ancient Mayans Likely Had Fountains and Toilets from Live Science
How One Odd Duck Says 'No' to Sex from Live Science
Video - What Went Wrong on Mars? from
New insights into mushroom-derived drug promising for cancer treatment from Physorg
New pathway discovered that may prevent tissue damage resulting from inflammation from Science Blog
Car exhaust fumes linked to pneumonia in seniors from CBC: Health
Libel landscape alters for bloggers, PR advisers from CBC: Technology & Science
Modernizing the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men from Science Daily
Powerful Mars Orbiter Makes a Comeback from
Whiskers hold secrets of invasive minks from Physorg
Turtles' Christmas journey tracked by scientists from Physorg
2/3 of Australians unlikely to get vaccinated against swine flu from Physorg
Do computers understand art? from Physorg
American scriptwriters increasingly incorporating Spanish in their dialogues from Physorg
First adhere, then detach and glide forward from Physorg
Blackberry Users Irked by Outage from CBSNews - Science
BlackBerry e-mail restored for some after outage from Physorg
Sexual conflict takes shape in ducks from
U.S. mulls regulating drugs in water from CBC: Health
Paleontologist Launches Fossil Shark Hunt from Newswise - Scinews
Fossil evidence of early reptiles' last meal from News @ Nature
News 2009 from News @ Nature
2009 Gallery: Images of the year from News @ Nature
The sex wars of ducks from News @ Nature
Stocking stuffer: Card good for eye, dental visit from Physorg
Do computers understand art? from Science Blog
American scriptwriters increasingly incorporating Spanish in their dialogues from Science Blog
Modernizing the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men from Science Blog
Best of the blog from Physics World
Tech Trick to Find Cell Phones from CBSNews - Science
Glitter-sized solar photovoltaics could revolutionize the way solar energy is collected and used from Science Daily
Tuberculosis strain thrives on antibiotic from Science Daily
Embryo biopsy safe for singleton pregnancies, largest study of PGD children suggests from Science Daily
Scientists improve chip memory by stacking cells from Science Daily
Disability may be on the rise again after 20-year decline from Science Daily
Do computers understand art? from Science Daily
Motility mechanism of malaria pathogens explained from Science Daily
Turtles' Christmas journey tracked by scientists from Science Daily
Whiskers hold secrets of invasive minks from Science Daily
New insights into mushroom-derived drug promising for cancer treatment from Science Daily
EU, Russia discuss nuclear energy from UPI
Iraq's oil headed to China from UPI
How one odd duck says 'no' to sex from MSNBC: Science
UN climate official warns of Indian energy 'crisis' from Physorg
English university funding squashed again from Chemistry World
2009 marks the start of the great divide from Chemistry World
SlipChip serves up protein crystals from Chemistry World
Self-healing networks mimic nature from Chemistry World
French researchers get funding boost from Chemistry World
‘Two-legged’ molecular walker takes a stroll from Chemistry World
Cutting edge chemistry in 2009 from Chemistry World
Top Ten Dinosaur and Fossil Finds: Most Viewed of 2009 from National Geographic
Pain Pills Could Ease Hurt Feelings from Live Science
SOCAR gets help at oil and gas fields from UPI
Kosmos Energy strikes oil at Jubilee from UPI
Psychologists show that future-minded people make better decisions for their health from Physorg
Phragmites partners with microbes to plot native plants' demise from Physorg
Understanding interaction in virtual worlds from Physorg
An easy way to see the world's thinnest material from Physorg
Nabucco is about a new Europe -- adviser from UPI
Iraq on collision course with OPEC from UPI
Iraqi lawyers protest Iranian well seizure from UPI
Subtle change dramatically reduces pathogenic potential of Huntington's protein from Physorg
Scientists discover how the brain encodes memories at a cellular level from Physorg
Study shows a key protein helps control blood pressure from Physorg
K-State psychologists show that future-minded people make better decisions for their health from Science Blog
An easy way to see the world's thinnest material from Science Blog
Phragmites partners with microbes to plot native plants' demise from Science Blog
Soil studies reveal rise in antibiotic resistance from Science Blog
UNESCO fights brain drain with computing gain from SciDev
GPS bracelets considered for Alzheimer patients from CBC: Health
Olymel deli meats recalled over listeria risks from CBC: Health
Students Return to Africa to Help Improve Flooded Roadway from Newswise - Scinews
Study Shows Key Protein Helps Control Blood Pressure from Newswise - Scinews
Wild chimps have near human understanding of fire from Science Daily
Altering malignant cells' structure said to possibly slow spread of cancer from Science Daily
SPARKy devices helps amputees return to normal lives from Science Daily
Older adults may have a higher risk of complications and death after abdominal surgery from Science Daily
System developed to detect plastic anti-personnel mines from Science Daily
Enhanced sweet taste: Endocannabinoids act directly on tongue taste receptors from Science Daily
Australian fossil unlocks secrets to the origin of whales from Science Daily
Brain controls formation of bone, researchers find from Science Daily
Adverse consequences of obesity may be greater than previously thought from Science Daily
Teenagers use violence to boost their social standing from Science Daily
EU climate official lauds Copenhagen from UPI
Keck Telescopes Gaze into Young Star's 'Life Zone.' from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Soil studies reveal rise in antibiotic resistance from Physorg
Deer poaching incidents increase from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fish tanks 'threaten Sunshine State sea creatures' from News @ Nature
Fossil evidence of early reptiles' last meal from News @ Nature
New book says dogs pollute more than SUVs from UPI
Iraqi oil to Turkey back online soon from UPI
Birds Play an Important Role in the Spread of Lyme Disease from Physorg
Synergistic interaction enhances pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease from Physorg
Photovoltaic Retinal Implants Are Powered By The Images They See from PopSci
Scientists map speed of climate change from CBC: Technology & Science
Naftogaz gets holiday gift from Gazprom from UPI
Gazprom to buy Turkmen gas in 2010 from UPI
Ancient tree (almost) older than dirt from MSNBC: Science
Scientists map speed of climate change from Physorg
First volume of microbial encyclopedia published from Physorg
Bees show off the perfect landing from Physorg
Vampires and collisions rejuvenate stars from Physorg
Synergistic interaction enhances pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
Subtle change dramatically reduces pathogenic potential of Huntington's protein from Science Blog
UCSB scientists discover how the brain encodes memories at a cellular level from Science Blog
Study shows a key protein helps control blood pressure from Science Blog
Sleeping off childhood? from Science Blog
Opening the gate for molecular electronics from Chemistry World
Stay tuned, new star coming in 1 million years from
Recording Biz Blues Over Copyright Gambit from CBSNews - Science
When Drugs Stop Working-Norway's Answer from CBSNews - Science
Man Accuses HP Computers of Being Racist from CBSNews - Science
Soil studies reveal rise in antibiotic resistance from Science Daily
Phragmites partners with microbes to plot native plants' demise from Science Daily
Abortion looms as possible health bill deal killer from AP Health
Dried distillers grain proposed for bread from UPI
China defends role in climate talks from UPI
EU to investigate 'chemical cocktails' from UPI
Ancient Mayans likely had fountains and toilets from MSNBC: Science
Stars Find Fountain of Youth Via Vampirism and Collisions from
Broken genomes behind breast cancers from Physorg
Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault from Physorg
Sleeping off childhood? from Physorg
Scientists create world's first molecular transistor from Physorg
Stay tuned: New star coming in 1 million years from
It's Not the Heat, It's the Mutivity from Newswise - Scinews
Phragmites Partners with Microbes to Plot Native Plants' Demise from Newswise - Scinews
Discovery's Edge Winter Issue from Newswise - Scinews
Stellar Mosh Pit, Complete with Crashing Stars, Resolves a Mystery from Newswise - Scinews
Nortel makes asset sale deal with Genband from CBC: Technology & Science
Samsung pays in dispute over Kodak camera patents from Physorg
Research yields new agent for some drug-resistant non-small cell lung cancers from Physorg
Vampirism And Cosmic Facelifts In Messier 30
Panasonic Will Market First Li-Ion Storage Battery for Home Use in 2011 from PopSci
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Star Blasts, Titan Shadow, More from National Geographic
Youthful appearance of stars known as blue stragglers explained from Science Daily
Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault from Science Daily
One of world's first molecular transistors created from Science Daily
Brain training can help improve specific abilities in older people from Science Daily
Sun, moon cause small tremors in California: researchers from CBC: Technology & Science
New antiviral effective against bird flu from UPI
Cassini Holiday Movies Showcase Dance of Saturn's Moons from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Scientists discover 2 genes that drive aggressive brain cancers from Physorg
Abortion looms as possible health bill deal killer from Physorg
Glacier melt adds ancient edibles to marine buffet from Science Blog
Columbia scientists discover 2 genes that drive aggressive brain cancers from Science Blog
Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault from Science Blog
Scientists map speed of climate change from Science Blog
Opening new frontiers: First volume of microbial encyclopedia published from Science Blog
Encyclopedia of microbe genomes: Chapter 1 from Science Blog
Climate change puts ecosystems on the run from Science Blog
Research yields new agent for some drug-resistant non-small cell lung cancers from Science Blog
News briefing: 24/31 December 2009 from News @ Nature
Tsunami watch from News @ Nature
Microbial encyclopaedia guided by evolution from News @ Nature
Fish tanks 'threaten Sunshine State sea creatures' from News @ Nature
Two Genes That Drive Aggressive Brain Cancers Discovered from Newswise - Scinews
Glacier melt adds ancient edibles to marine buffet from Physorg
Obesity heart risk underestimated: study from CBC: Health
Bottle Battle Brews from C&EN
Copenhagen Call For Action from C&EN
Regiodivergent Reaction from C&EN
Reorganization Complications from C&EN
Titia de Lange awarded $400,000 grant from American Cancer Society from The Rockefeller University
Snowflakes on Christmas Cards Drawn Wrong from Live Science
Venomous prehistoric bird found in China from UPI
Amino acid key to enamel growth from UPI
New study shows rise in drug resistance of dangerous infection in US hospitals from Physorg
Scientists visualize how a vital hepatitis C virus protein moves along its nucleic acid substrate from The Rockefeller University
Vampires and collisions rejuvenate stars from Science Daily
Snowflakes on Christmas cards drawn wrong from MSNBC: Science
Genomic differences identified in common skin diseases from The Rockefeller University
New Space Telescope to Begin Test Run from
Brain Waves Used To `Write' On PC from CBSNews - Science
Silicone-treated wool shrinks less from UPI
Female ducks able to thwart forced sex from UPI
Compound controls fungal infections from UPI
Fluffy Mystery at Edge of Solar System Solved from
Marketing Researcher Takes on Human Decision Making Process from Physorg
Knockdown of E2F1 reduces invasive potential of melanoma cells from Physorg
Genomic differences identified in common skin diseases from Physorg
Broken genomes behind breast cancers from Science Daily
New agent for some drug-resistant non-small cell lung cancers from Science Daily
Encyclopedia of microbe genomes underway from Science Daily
Alzheimer's disease may protect against cancer and vice versa from Physorg
Keck Telescopes Take Deeper Look at Planetary Nurseries from Physorg
Anti-inflammatory drugs interfere with aspirin's clotting ability from Physorg
Why bees always have a safe landing from MSNBC: Science
Season's hot high-tech gadgets from CBC: Technology & Science
FTC looking into Google's AdMob acquisition from Physorg
Anti-inflammatory drugs (coxibs) interfere with aspirin's clotting ability -- Ben-Gurion U. from Science Blog
Copenhagen Consternation from C&EN
Video: Super Strength Robot Suit from CBSNews - Science
Tides in Earth's crust trigger small, deep quakes from
Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery from Science @ NASA
Study: Vaccine means more holiday hugs, fewer bugs from AP Health
Scientists show that plants have measure of the shortest day from Physorg
A novel gene found for childhood-onset asthma from Physorg
Winners & Losers from Newswise - Scinews
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Velocity of Climate Change Varies from Mountain to Marsh from Scientific American
Study: Swine flu poses a threat to new moms from Physorg
Swine flu cases peter out in N.S. from CBC: Health
EU eyes 2010 for binding climate treaty from UPI
Cosmic Log: Pick the weirdest wonders from MSNBC: Science
A novel gene found for childhood-onset asthma from Science Blog
Trans fat rules needed, groups say from CBC: Health
Cora Pizza closed after dead rats spotted from CBC: Health
Revoking Flu's Enemy-With-Benefits Status from Science NOW
How Some Stars Stay Young from Science NOW
Italian Scientists Protest Job Cuts, a Libel Lawsuit Over an MRI Drug from Science NOW
When Fire Approaches, Chimps Keep Their Cool from Science NOW
Seasick? Try Controlling Your Breathing from Science NOW
Hand Size--Not Sex--Determines Sense of Touch from Science NOW
The Origins of Tidiness from Science NOW
Sun, moon trigger San Andreas tremors: study from Reuters:Science
Early Whale Was Dwarf Mud-Sucker, Fossils Hint from National Geographic
Figitumumab has anti-tumor activity in Ewing's sarcoma from Physorg
Facebook COO nominated to Disney board from Physorg
Obama says climate dismay valid from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: Rise in Cyber Crime from CBSNews - Science
Will Free Wi-Fi Become the Norm? from CBSNews - Science
Hackers Target Financial Institutions from CBSNews - Science
Dark matter discovery made in Minnesota? from MSNBC: Science
Genomic toggle switches divide autoimmune diseases into distinct clusters from Physorg
Genetic study reveals the origins of cavity-causing bacteria from Physorg
Comcast settles data discrimination lawsuit from Physorg
Amazon Staggers amid Pre-Xmas Web Traffic from CBSNews - Science
How flu succeeds from Science Daily
Two genes discovered that drive aggressive brain cancers from Science Daily
Chemical energy influences tiny vibrations of red blood cell membranes from Science Daily
Is nicotinamide overload a trigger for type 2 diabetes? from Science Daily
Conservation areas threatened nationally by housing developments from Science Daily
Scientists map speed of climate change for different ecosystems from Science Daily
Key protein helps control blood pressure from Science Daily
Synergistic interaction enhances pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
Number of 85-year-olds in the UK will increase by a third by 2020 from Science Daily
Subtle change dramatically reduces pathogenic potential of Huntington's protein from Science Daily
New pathway discovered that may prevent tissue damage resulting from inflammation from Science Daily
Role of addiction cannot be ignored in obesity epidemic from Science Daily
Herschel Space Telescope uncovers sources of cosmic infrared background from Science Daily
Alzheimer's disease may protect against cancer and vice versa from Science Daily
Fight infection by disturbing how bacteria communicate from Science Daily
Santa Claus at risk? Unhealthy lifestyle, unreasonable working conditions, and stress from Science Daily
Dental delight: Tooth of sea urchin shows formation of biominerals from Science Daily
Fine-tuning Treatments For Depression from Science Daily
New warbler discovered in Laos from Science Daily
Heart transplant patients appear to have elevated risk for multiple skin cancers from Science Daily
Consumers 'Key Part Of Solution' To Global Warming from Science Daily
Genetic study clarifies African and African-American ancestry from Science Daily
Marine Research Is Key To 'Super Foods' Market from Science Daily