Archive of feed items published on the 29th of January 2009
Arctic's thawing seas may bring new security risks from AP Science
South Korean bio firm says dog cloning to be cheaper from Reuters:Science
Chemicals 'may reduce fertility' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Government wins third runway vote from BBC News: Science & Nature
Liberia worm plague 'may worsen' from BBC News: Science & Nature
How "cuckoo's shoes" help the understanding of nature's plants from BBC News: Science & Nature
Worm saviours from BBC News: Science & Nature
Picture perfect from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bird discovery shows China's ecological potential from AP Science
Report to detail, address coastal pollution in NY from AP Science
Distant planet's roasting orbit from BBC News: Science & Nature
Common descent from BBC News: Science & Nature
Anxiety and depression do not affect pregnancy and treatment cancellation rates from Physorg
Exposure to perfluorinated chemicals may reduce women's fertility from Physorg
Low-cost LEDs to slash household electric bills from Physorg
Genetic variant predicts poor response to bypass surgery from Physorg
Study finds preemies more likely to score positive from Physorg
Runners release heart attack indicator from Science Alert
Glitch as Mars rover phones home from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stomach evidence backs up descent from Science Alert
Quick mobility test catches on from Science Alert
Film-watching kids remain engaged from Science Alert
Feature: Cool runnings from Science Alert
Opinion: The rising land of the midnight sun from Science Alert
Study: Zoloft and Cipralex better than other drugs from Physorg
Nintendo's 9-month profit falls on strong yen from Physorg
New species of babbler bird discovered in China from Physorg
Peanut plant problem forces fresh recall from Physorg
Study finds 'rescue course' of antenatal steroids improves outcome in premature babies from Physorg
Attempts to Contact Aliens Date Back 150 Years from
NASA Calls on Public to Vote For Hubble Telescope's Target from
Senior NASA Researcher Named UAHuntsville Vice President from Newswise - Scinews
Japanese mega-lab nears completion from Physics World
Changes needed to medical isotope production, scientist says from CBC: Health
Changes needed to medical isotope production, scientist says from CBC: Technology & Science
How Does A Dog Walk? Surprisingly, Many Of Us Don't Really Know from Science Daily
Spinal Fluid Proteins Signal Lou Gehrig's Disease from Science Daily
'Fishy' Clue Helps Establish How Proteins Evolve from Science Daily
Statins' Adverse Effects Documented from Science Daily
Substantial Work Ahead For Water Issues, Say Scientists from Science Daily
Global Warming Fix? Some Of Earth's Climate Troubles Should Face Burial At Sea, Scientists Say from Science Daily
Diabetes Treatment May Lie In Helping Muscles To Burn Fat Better from Science Daily
Dermatitis Is More Prevalent In Humid Cities Where There Is A High Level Of Rainfall from Science Daily
Pain Relieving Effects Of Acupuncture Are Limited from Science Daily
Widely Used Chemicals, Perfluorinated Chemicals, May Reduce Women's Fertility from Science Daily
Roadkill Study Could Speed Detection Of Kidney Cancer from Science Daily
Research Elucidates Way Lungs Fight Bacteria And Prevent Infection from Science Daily
'Fossil Earthquakes' Abundant from Science Daily
Newborn Brain Cells 'Time-stamp' Memories from Science Daily
Iron Fertilization To Capture Carbon Dioxide Dealt A Blow: Plankton Stores Much Less Carbon Dioxide Than Estimated from Science Daily
Stem Cells Used To Reverse Paralysis In Animals from Science Daily
New Computational Technique Allows Comparison Of Whole Genomes As Easily As Whole Books from Science Daily
Use Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Improves Diagnosis Of Patients In Vegetative State from Science Daily
Early Warning Systems Underestimate Magnitude Of Large Earthquakes from Science Daily
Witness For The Prosecution? The Effect Of Confessions On Eyewitness Testimony from Science Daily
Study: Kidney donors face little risk from UPI
Peanut company recalls all of its products from UPI
Thermal Spray to Cover the World, Starting in Las Vegas at ITSC from Newswise - Scinews
Ancient Lefties: The History of Obama’s Handedness from Live Science
Novel technology could produce biofuel for around €0.50 a liter ($2.49 a gallon) from Science Blog
NASA team probes Mars Rover erratic behavior from Science Blog
Marching to the Beat of the Same Drum Improves Teamwork from Science Blog
Stem Cells Used to Reverse Paralysis in Animals from Science Blog
Mammals that hibernate or burrow less likely to go extinct from Science Blog
The Orbiting Carbon Observatory and the Mystery of the Missing Sinks from Science Blog
Adolescents with Unpopular Names More Prone to Committing Crime from Science Blog
South Korean company promises cheaper dog cloning from BBC News: Science & Nature
Some Hannaford-brand ice cream recalled from UPI
Human DNA Repair Process Recorded in Action from Science Blog
Novel technology could produce biofuel for around €0.50 a liter ($2.49 a gallon) from Science Blog
Not bullying nurses, Williams insists from CBC: Health
Water Lilies Inspire Scientists To Create Large-Scale Graphene Films from Science Blog
Wireless at WARP speed from Science Blog
Mammoth-killing comet questioned from BBC News: Science & Nature
Britain warned over air quality from BBC News: Science & Nature
China must rethink wind power policies from SciDev
Women Have Nightmares, Men Dream of Sex from Live Science
Antique Plutonium from C&EN
NASA seeks moon lander concepts from UPI
EU map of alien plant invasions is created from UPI
Beam Me Up, Ytterbium from PopSci
Residential school counselling program makes little impact in Nunavut from CBC: Health
Field of neurotech spawns brainy businesses from MIT Research
Mars rover encounters technical problems from UPI
Babies Got Rhythm from PopSci
Genome Canada head questions lack of funds in budget from CBC: Health
Global glacier melt continues from Physorg
Research uncovers surprising lion stronghold in war-torn central Africa from Physorg
Genome Canada head questions lack of funds in budget from CBC: Technology & Science
Toad haul from BBC News: Science & Nature
Peanut snack bar added to Canadian recall over salmonella from CBC: Health
Capture of nanomagnetic 'fingerprints' a boost for next-generation information storage media from Physorg
Tom Cruise smile comes with a sunburn price from Physorg
Human DNA repair process recorded in action (Video) from Physorg
U.S. providers extending in-home cellphone service from CBC: Technology & Science
Beluga grandmother pregnant again at Vancouver Aquarium from CBC: Technology & Science
Tadpoles may hold cancer clue from BBC News: Science & Nature
Tadpoles could help develop skin cancer drugs from Reuters:Science
Water lilies inspire scientists to create large-scale graphene films from Physorg
New animated films challenge false representation of Native Americans in the media from Physorg
New data show periodontal treatment doesn't reduce preterm birth risk from Physorg
Tadpole pigmentation provides cancer treatment clues: study from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: Gold hardens in intense heat from UPI
Iran jailings could hamper future science collaborations from SciDev
Unauthorised HIV trial questions ethics processes from SciDev
'Magic' lights to slash household electricity use from Science Blog
Research uncovers surprising lion stronghold in war-torn central Africa from Science Blog
Research Uncovers Surprising Lion Stronghold in War-Torn Central Africa from Newswise - Scinews
Pole-to-Pole Flights Provide First Global Picture of Greenhouse Gases from Newswise - Scinews
Researchers Identify Protein That May Explain 'Healthy' Obesity from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Learn How Some Cancer Cells Survive Chemo from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists Create Functioning Artificial Nerve Networks from Newswise - Scinews
Alaskans brace for volcanic eruption from MSNBC: Science
Plot thickens for iron-arsenide superconductors from Physics World
Alaska volcano has geologists on alert from Physorg
The Power of Light: Moving Macroscopic Amounts of Matter from Physorg
A supercharged metal-ion generator: Higher-quality coatings through 'runaway' self-sputtering from Physorg
Success for first outdoor, large-scale algae-to-biofuel research project in Nevada from Physorg
Language performance and differences in brain activity possibly affected by sex from Physorg
NASA satellite to focus on carbon dioxide from UPI
Making A Toxin from C&EN
Prescription for Arctic Melting: Clear the Air Down South from Scientific American
Hollywood studio alliance to deliver online films on demand from Physorg
Shy fish inspire boldness in mate: study from Physorg
SKorean firm claims advance in dog cloning from Physorg
Report to detail, address coastal pollution in NY from Physorg
Hospital: Calif. octuplets doing 'amazingly well' from Physorg
Gene therapy may help arthritis patients from UPI
Perceptions and experiences of homeless youth vary by race, study shows from Physorg
Skin color studies on tadpoles lead to cancer advance from Physorg
What we don`t know still hurts us, environmental researchers warn from Physorg
Process found to play role in rheumatoid arthritis could lead to new treatment from Physorg
Birds' strategic mobbing fends off parasitic invaders from Physorg
Japanese researchers develop all-round flu vaccine from Physorg
Youths rule Internet, but elderly making gains: study from Physorg
Study: Brain chemical blocks weight gain from UPI
Study links seismic slip and tremor, with implications for subduction zone
Worm provides clues about preventing damage caused by low-oxygen during stroke
Women's Brains Respond to Manly Men from Live Science
Common chemical causes locusts to swarm from AP Science
Fingerprints filter the vibrations fingers feel from
How your body clock avoids hitting the snooze button from Physorg
Rooftop wind turbine invention seeks support in Google contest from Physorg
Locust swarms 'high' on serotonin from BBC News: Science & Nature
Alberta fills top health position from CBC: Health
Parenting shapes genetic risk for drug use from
Chondroitin slows progression and relieves symptoms of knee osteoarthritis from Physorg
New Pathway is a Common Thread in Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases from Physorg
Scientists identify key component in cell replication from Physorg
Study: Learning science facts doesn't boost science reasoning from Physorg
Research links seismic slip and tremor, with implications for subduction zone from Physorg
How a brain chemical changes locusts from harmless grasshoppers to swarming pests from Physorg
Worm provides clues about preventing damage caused by low-oxygen during stroke, heart attack from Physorg
Food Safety / Food Science Experts from Newswise - Scinews
Worm Provides Clues About Preventing Damage Caused by Low-Oxygen During Stroke, Heart Attack from Newswise - Scinews
Research Links Seismic Slip and Tremor, with Implications for Subduction Zone from Newswise - Scinews
Lowly worm offers new clues on stroke, heart drugs from Reuters:Science
Study: Stem Cells Reverse Paralysis in Rats from Live Science
Mock Orion Spaceship Arrives at NASA Spaceport from
Delayed childbirth, fertility therapy may be pushing up early birth rates from CBC: Health
Researchers find link between chemical, cancer in Shannon, Que. from CBC: Health
Serotonin May Be Key to Controlling Locusts from NY Times Science
Scientists examine effect of wolves' absence and see an ecosystem 'unraveling' from Physorg
Report: Use 'brownfields' as energy parks from Physorg
Heating from carbon dioxide will increase five-fold over next millennia from Physorg
Scientists ID genes linked to Parkinson's side effects from Physorg
Riding -- and reading -- the Earth tide from Physorg
NASA Mission to Help Unravel Key Carbon, Climate Mysteries from Physorg
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection from Science Blog
Genes may predict vascular malformation from Physorg
Study: Public Perceptions and the Salmonella Outbreak of 2008 from Physorg
New Single-Element Compound Discovered from Physorg
Exercise Underutilized for Chronic Back and Neck Pain from Physorg
Novel Technology Could Produce Biofuel for Around $0.65 a Liter from Physorg
Recipes for Health: Middle Eastern Lentils With Pasta from NY Times Health
Coal challenge from BBC News: Science & Nature
Research uncovers surprising lion stronghold in war-torn central Africa
New generation of orthopaedic, dental and cardiovascular prostheses
Anxiety and depression do not affect pregnancy and treatment cancellation rates
Some of Earth's climate troubles should face burial at sea, scientists say
'Fossil earthquakes' abundant
Concussion in former athletes can affect mental and physical processes later in life
Breast cancer drug shows promise for treating, preventing progestin-dependent tumours
Early warning systems underestimate magnitude of large earthquakes
Weight loss reduces incontinence for women
Exposure to perfluorinated chemicals may reduce women's fertility
New animated films challenge false representation of Native Americans in the media
'Fishy' clue helps establish how proteins evolve
Commonly used measure of CKD found not cost-effective
Exercise plays large role in recovery from knee replacement and the occurrence of osteoarthritis
Birds' strategic mobbing fends off parasitic invaders
Marching to the beat of the same drum improves teamwork
Exercise underutilised for chronic back and neck pain
No such thing as a 'born leader,' study in fish finds
Study finds preemies more likely to score positive
Witness for the prosecution? The effect of confessions on eyewitness testimony
Umbilical cord protein analysis detects early onset infection
Process found to play role in rheumatoid arthritis could lead to new treatment
Oncogene inhibits tumour suppressor to promote cancer: Study links B-RAF and LKB1
Blood pressure test reveals heart disease risk in patients with early stages of CKD
You can't always get what you want: Young infants understand goals, even if unsuccessful
Chondroitin slows progression and relieves symptoms of knee osteoarthritis
Stem cells used to reverse paralysis in animals
Genetic variant predicts poor response to bypass surgery
Did I see what I think I saw?
Gene mutations increase risk for aggressive prostate cancer
2 new hospitals proposed for northern Vancouver Island from CBC: Health
Report: Online retail could reach $156B in 2009 from Physorg
Scientists discover honey bees can count from UPI
What Causes Motor Complications of Parkinson's Treatment? from Newswise - Scinews
ACS Releases Global Challenges Report from C&EN
Serotonin turns shy locusts into cereal killers from
Watching Catalytic Reactions from Within from Physorg
Surgical Implants Coated with One of "Nature's Antibiotics" Could Prevent Infection from Physorg
Analysis shows exposure to ash from TVA spill could have 'severe health implications' from Physorg
Wireless Savior: Cells Keep Industry Alive from CBSNews - Science
'SnowMan' Software Helps Keep Snow Drifts Off the Road from Physorg
Fruit Fly Brains Provide Clues to Autism Research from Physorg
Women with high blood pressure during pregnancy face future of complications from Physorg
'The robots are coming' from Physorg
Scientists see the light: How vision sends its message to the brain from Physorg
Ice storm tree damage offers chance to detect emerald ash borer from Physorg
How vision sends its message to the brain from Science Blog
Chemical Gives Locusts A Jekyll-Hyde Jolt from CBSNews - Science
What causes motor complications of Parkinson's treatment? from MIT Research
Scientists make malaria parasite work to reveal its own vulnerabilities from Physorg
Wireless at WARP speed from Physorg
Gene mutations increase risk for aggressive prostate cancer from Physorg
New discovery may lead to new class of allergy drugs from Physorg
Oncogene inhibits tumor suppressor to promote cancer: Study links B-RAF and LKB1 from Physorg
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection from Physorg
US tech sector job cuts hit five-year high: firm from Physorg
Amazon 4Q profit climbs 9 percent from Physorg
Calif. weighs tough TV energy standards from Physorg
'Green' light bulb fears rejected from BBC News: Science & Nature
Locust Swarms Switched On by Brain Chemical from National Geographic
VIDEO: Lost Civilization Under Istanbul from National Geographic
Most Cell Phones Not Wiped of Data Before Recycled from Live Science
Zoloft, Cipralex are tops in antidepressant comparison from CBC: Health
New research puts blood test for BSE in sight: Calgary scientist from CBC: Health
Sudden cardiac death without recognisable cause
Smallest ever quantum dots bring real world applications closer
Is technology producing a decline in critical thinking and analysis?
Stanford scientists identify key component in cell replication
Capture of nanomagnetic 'fingerprints' a boost for next-generation information storage media
New computational technique allows comparison of whole genomes as easily as whole books
Plums poised to give blueberries run for the money
Circumcision rates lower in states where Medicaid does not cover procedure
Perceptions and experiences of homeless youth vary by race
Researchers 'unzip' molecules to measure interactions keeping DNA packed in cells
'SnowMan' software developed at UB helps keep snow drifts off the road
Human DNA repair process recorded in action
UC Davis research shows that newly discovered drug reduces heart enlargement
It's the network: Penn researchers examine behaviour influenced by network structure
Global glacier melt continues
Charcoal evidence tracks climate changes in Younger Dryas
Skin colour studies on tadpoles lead to cancer advance
How a brain chemical changes locusts from harmless grasshoppers to swarming pests
Genome sequence shows sorghum's immense potential
Penn study identifies how Ebola virus avoids the immune system
UT Southwestern researchers identify protein that may explain 'healthy' obesity
Mammals that hibernate or burrow less likely to go extinct
New study highlights the distress of medical staff
Twin study: Diabetes significantly increases risk for Alzheimer's disease and other dementia
Readers build vivid mental simulations of narrative situations, brain scans suggest
Weight loss reduces incontinence in obese women
Geoengineering could complement mitigation to cool the climate
Most inactive physicians retain licenses, return to practice without competency review
Nuclear fusion-fission hybrid could contribute to carbon-free energy future
Scientists make malaria parasite work to reveal its own vulnerabilities
Short RNAs protect chemical memory of genes from News @ Nature
New research puts blood test for BSE in sight: Calgary scientist from CBC: Technology & Science
Mars rover recovers from apparent bout of 'amnesia' from CBC: Technology & Science
Congress to hold hearing on peanut butter recall from AP Health
Teen smoking could lead to adult depression, study says from Physorg
Government services for young people at risk of drugs misuse may be doing more harm than good from Physorg
Researchers identify protein that may explain 'healthy' obesity from Physorg
Discovery of ionic elemental crystal against chemical intuition from Physorg
Domain walls that conduct electricity from Physorg
Research shows that newly discovered drug reduces heart enlargement from Physorg
Umbilical cord protein analysis detects early onset infection from Physorg
Feather colour indicates survival strategy in birds from News @ Nature
Obama puts his beloved BlackBerry to work from Physorg
Avoiding peanut butter won't solve salmonella problem from Physorg
Listen to the world on a shoestring, or more if you're game from Physorg
Donating a kidney is not bad for your health, research shows from Physorg
Scientists Learn How Some Cancer Cells Survive Chemo from Physorg
What happens when a stone impacts on water from Physorg
System Targeting Auto Fraud To Go Live from CBSNews - Science
Dinosaur fossils fit perfectly into the evolutionary tree of life from Biology News Net
Human DNA repair process recorded in action from Biology News Net
Research uncovers surprising lion stronghold in war-torn central Africa from Biology News Net
No such thing as a 'born leader,' study in fish finds from Biology News Net
How a brain chemical changes locusts from harmless grasshoppers to swarming pests from Biology News Net
Blue light destroys antibiotic-resistant staph infection from Biology News Net
Stanford scientists identify key component in cell replication from Biology News Net
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Golf Tip: Putt, Don't Think from Live Science
Stem cell transplant reverses early MS from UPI
Doctor and Patient: The Hidden Curriculum of Medical School from NY Times Health
Most Hospital Patients Unable to Identify Their Physicians, Survey Finds from NY Times Health
For Children, Talking and Walking May Be Dangerous from NY Times Health
Fake finger reveals the secrets of touch from News @ Nature
Stem cell transplants show promise for MS: study from Reuters:Science
Low–cost LEDs May Slash Household Electric Bills Within Five Years from Science Daily
Working Artificial Nerve Networks Under Development from Science Daily
Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase Risk Of Heart Attacks For Patients On Common Cardiac Drug, Study Shows from Science Daily
New Questions Raised About Controversial Plastics Chemical Bisphenol A from Science Daily
Women Have More Nightmares Than Men, Study Shows from Science Daily
Cassini Captures Changes In Titan's Lakes from Science Daily
Surgical Implants Coated With One Of 'Nature's Antibiotics' Could Prevent Infection from Science Daily
Continents Act Like Thermal Blankets: How Continental Drift Will Change Continents In 120 Million Years from Science Daily
When A Baby Dies: Distress Of Medical Staff Highlighted In New Study from Science Daily
Robots To Clean Your Kitchen And Play A Game Of Hockey? from Science Daily
Brain Structure Assists In Immune Response from Science Daily
Gene's Past Could Improve The Future Of Rice from Science Daily
Magnetic-anchor-guided Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Shows Promise For Gastric Cancer from Science Daily
Climate Change's Impact On Invasive Plants In Western US May Create Restoration Opportunities from Science Daily
Physically Fit Kids Do Better In School from Science Daily
Biologists Find Stem Cell-like Functions In Other Types Of Plant Cells from Science Daily
How Cancer Cells Survive A Chemotherapy Drug from Science Daily
Football Players Are Not The Only Ones Who Get Hurt On Super Bowl Sunday from Science Daily
'Chain Of Survival' Saves Lives, Lessens Damage In Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients In Japan from Science Daily
Testbeds To Breed Next-generation Systems from Science Daily
American Seniors Living Longer On Less from Science Daily
Entangled particles face sudden death from MSNBC: Science
Stem Cell Research: The Quest Resumes from Harvard Science
Diabetes treatment may lie in helping muscles to burn fat better from Science Blog
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Underwater Dragons, Volcano, More from National Geographic
China's Pandas Face an Uncertain Future After Quake from National Geographic
Study shows what makes locusts swarm from Reuters:Science
Mars Rover Doing Well After Memory Glitch from NY Times Science
Mob Scene: Birds Create a Flap To Fend Off Invaders from Scientific American
UK energy saving policy 'failing' from BBC News: Science & Nature
SKorean firm says it cloned dogs using stem cells from AP Science
Who Says Green Can't Be Mean? from Live Science
Common chemical causes locusts to swarm from MSNBC: Science
New Look at Food Safety After Peanut Tainting from NY Times Health