Archive of feed items published on the 13th of February 2014
Giant Laser Complex Makes Fusion Advance, Finally from NY Times Science
Scientists Hope to Sequence Genetic Code of Richard III from NY Times Science
Copén Journal: Lawlessness Is Undoing Effort to Save Honduran Forests from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Fusion Advance Demonstrates Value of Long-Haul Energy Research from NY Times Science
Op-Ed Contributors: We Need Proof on Marijuana from NY Times Science
Op-Ed Contributor: Don’t Sell Cheap U.S. Coal to Asia from NY Times Science
Huge thermal plant opens as solar industry grows from AP Science
Histones May Hold The Key To The Generation Of Totipotent Stem Cells
Research On Pigeon Color Reveals Mutation Hotspot
Nutritional Supplement Improves Cognitive Performance In Older Adults, Study Finds
Toxin From Brain Cells Triggers Neuron Loss In Human ALS Model
Hefty fine for killing great white shark in Australia from Physorg
Hollande announces new start-up measures for France from Physorg
China's Jade Rabbit rover comes 'back to life', officials say from Physorg
Microsoft denies Chinese-language Bing search censorship from Physorg
China's Lenovo aims for third in global smartphone market from Physorg
Curbs shut US drone makers out of export markets from Physorg
Fiji leader invites climate-hit Kiribati residents to relocate from Physorg
Toyota recalls vehicles in US for software glitch from Physorg
Huge thermal plant opens as solar industry grows from Physorg
The physics of curly hair from MIT Research
Preparing to fly from European Space Agency
Great Backyard Bird Count urges people to bird-watch for science on weekend from CBC: Technology & Science
A fish and vegetable garden for your apartment from CBC: Technology & Science
German official doubtful on binding no-spy deal from Physorg
Ancient reptile's birth fossilised from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science at the sharp end of oppressive politics from News @ Nature
Black market website operator arrested in Germany from Physorg
Living with contaminated flood water from BBC News: Science & Nature
Glorious greenery - winning garden images from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why isn't Siri like AI in movies? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain finds true beauty in maths from BBC News: Science & Nature
How Supernova 2014J will help determine the extragalactic distance scale and impact cosmology from Physorg
Insect and plant communities display surprising endurance against heat from Physorg
What to expect from Dyson's new robotics lab from Physorg
A good year to find a comet from Physorg
Q&A: Training young radio reporters in Africa from SciDev
All sperm are not equal from Physorg
Mobile climate station heads to Finland from Physorg
Game-winning 'momentum' illusion is but a delusion from Physorg
Facebook graph reveals who you love from Physorg
Solar-powered irrigation systems in Pakistan from Physorg
A lack of maths just doesn't add up for a career in science from Physorg
If you really want to help a troubled teen, don't like their YouTube video from Physorg
How radiation rules Mars exploration from Physorg
Carbon dioxide from exhaust fumes used to make new chemicals from Physorg
Facebook tells the computer who you love from Science Blog
Ancient settlements and modern cities follow same rules of development from Science Blog
Geophysicist, Mathematicians Describe How River Rocks Round from Science Blog
Happy Valentine's from European Space Agency
SpaceX Prepares for Mid-March Launch to Space Station from
Valentine's Day Full Moon Rises Friday for Snowy Sweethearts from
Wow! Sochi Winter Olympics Park Seen from Space at Night (Photo) from
United Nations Focuses on Asteroid Threat to Earth from
MeerKAT telescope foundations complete from Physorg
Synthesis process to encapsulate nanoparticles that could improve antimicrobial coatings from Physorg
Moon rocks reveal surprising meteorite history from Physorg
Dr. Nancy Snyderman Demystifies Three Myths About Mammograms from MSNBC: Science
Natural adhesive brings new life to old carpets from Chemistry World
Scientists rethink the color and fuzz of dinosaurs from Science Blog
Online Gaming Effective in Teaching Civics Education from Science Blog
Evangelicals Have Higher-than-average Divorce Rates from Science Blog
Mean Talk Aside, Happy Couples Can Get a Big Resolution to a Big Fight from Science Blog
Needles for kids 'don't have to hurt' says IWK campaign from CBC: Health
Ancient American's genome mapped from BBC News: Science & Nature
12V Ni-MH energy recovery systems in new idle-stop minicars from Physorg
Environment change threatens indigenous traditional knowledge from Physorg
Algae research gives hope for renewable carbon-negative source of food and medicines from Physorg
Drastic chemical change occurring in birth of planetary system: Has the solar system also experienced it? from Physorg
Plastics highly concentrated in Australian waters from Physorg
Climate change restricts migrant species access to oceans from Physorg
A promising new system for cheaper drug preparation from Physorg
Orangutans hit the ground walking from
Struggling Nations Would Get Help Under New Global Health Effort from Science NOW
New Study of Fossil Teeth Shows That Environment, as Well as Diet, May Impact Dental Wear from Newswise - Scinews
Plastic shopping bags make a fine diesel fuel from Science Blog
First Global Geologic Map of Largest Moon in the Solar System Details an Icy World from Science Blog
Identifying Bats By Sound from Science Blog
China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover not dead after all from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple in conflict mineral crackdown from BBC News: Science & Nature
Explainer: Sharks—why size and species matter from Physorg
Why did the orangutan come down from the trees? from Physorg
Motion-capture cameras, computer software assist skaters with jumps from Physorg
Energy harvesting takes wing in merger of engineering and biology from Physorg
Scientists investigate tiny protein crystals with synchrotron radiation from Physorg
Physics: A fundamental force for future security from Physorg
Report shows lack of knowledge about World War One's global impact from Physorg
Greener route to esters dodges toxic reactant from Chemistry World
The Earth as a cradle for life from Chemistry World
Jaw-inspiring: Ancient fish was pivotal in evolution of face, researchers find from Reuters:Science
Shape-Shifting Scaffold Supports Growing Bone Cells from C&EN
Well-child visits make lots of kids sick from Science Blog
No such thing as porn ‘addiction,’ researchers say from Science Blog
Sedation before nerve block increases risk, not pain relief from Science Blog
Owl viciously attacks rabbit hunter near Digby, N.S. from CBC: Technology & Science
Telus revenue up 3% to $2.95B thanks to wireless growth from CBC: Technology & Science
Could California's Drought Last 200 Years? from National Geographic
Danish zoo may kill second giraffe named Marius from Physorg
Arecibo Observatory undergoing emergency repairs after earthquake causes damage from Physorg
Asian longhorned beetles pheromone could be used to manage pest from Physorg
Researchers develop mitoflash technique to predict lifespan of nematodes from Physorg
Reindeer counteract the effects of climate warming from Physorg
Patent approved for cancer-fighting process from Physorg
'Smart' high-tech dog collar goes on sale in Japan from Physorg
Some crocodiles go out on, or up, a limb to hunt, keep warm from
Focus on Private Sector: Encouraging start on ‘e-cycling’ from SciDev
Understanding the Basic Biology of Bipolar Disorder from Newswise - Scinews
US, 26 countries launch effort to fight outbreaks from AP Health
Eastern US Winter Storm Captured in Satellite Photo from
Data links quick fix from Physorg
What are hot Jupiters? from Physorg
12,000-year-old baby DNA unlocks clues to earliest Americans from CBSNews - Science
Need a Happy Fix This Valentine's Day? Play Cupid from Live Science
Winter Storm Battering Northeast U.S.: Latest Space-Based Imagery | Video from Live Science
Chronic Infections Linked with Memory Problems Later in Life from Live Science
Winter Storm Battering Northeast U.S.: Latest Space-Based Imagery | Video from
Valentine's Day: True love makes pacific salmon healthier from Physorg
Strengthening community radio in rural South Africa from SciDev
Grief and remembrance from Harvard Science
A faith in global care from Harvard Science
Harvard loves LL Cool J from Harvard Science
Treating Stroke Patients with Intravenous Magnesium within an Hour of Symptom Onset Fails to Improve Stroke Outcome from Newswise - Scinews
University of Louisville Professor Says Sinkholes, Like the One That Swallowed Eight Corvettes in Bowling Green This Week, Are Common in Kentucky from Newswise - Scinews
Blood clot risk lasts for 12 weeks after pregnancy from AP Health
VA urged to form registry of roadside bomb victims from AP Health
17 Developing Countries That Love Social Networking More than the US from Live Science
Photos of Ganymede, Jupiter's Largest Moon from
Space History Photo: Orange Soil Discovery from
Comcast empire runs the gamut from Physorg
Science is used to reveal masterpiece's true colors from Physorg
Want Brand Loyalty, Coke? Get Product Placements In Horror Movies
Mosquito Wars: Secret Bioweapons Development In Nazi Germany
Falconry 101: Put Up Your Flaps During A Dive
Urban Scaling: Ancient And Modern Cities Follow Same Rules Of Development
Putting citizen journalism on the world’s radar from SciDev
Project to paint a global picture of volcano risk from SciDev
Smartphone shipments hit the 1B mark for the first time from CBSNews - Science
Amazing fossil captures oldest live birth from CBC: Technology & Science
Chikungunya travel health warning for Caribbean expands from CBC: Health
Snowy Peaks | Wallpaper from Live Science
Snow Day: Images of the East Coast Storm from Live Science
High Risk of Blood Clots Even 12 Weeks After Pregnancy from Live Science
How 24 Developing Countries Use Social Media from Live Science
First Map of Jupiter's Giant Moon Ganymede Unveiled (Photos, Video) from
China Moon Rover Survives Lunar Night, 'Stands a Chance' of Recovery from
How bacteria communicate with us to build a special relationship from Physorg
Structure of key CRISPR complex revealed from Physorg
Plants recycle too from Physorg
Vitamin B12 accelerates worm development from Physorg
No Falsification Found In Controversial Organometallics Paper from C&EN
Mission To Destroy Syria’s Chemical Weapons Moves Slowly from C&EN
Beauty Not Disease Motivates Teens to Wear Sunscreen from Science Blog
Patented Airflow System Decreases Pollutants From Large Piston Engines from Newswise - Scinews
Amazing fossil captures ancient baby reptile's birth from CBC: Technology & Science
Religious People More Likely to Think They're Addicted to Porn from Live Science
Dangerous Propellents Tested for Robotic Satellite Refueling | Ground Test Video from
Verizon offers discounts under installment plan from Physorg
Light-induced degradation in amorphous silicon thin film solar cells: New insight into microscopic mechanism from Physorg
Patented airflow system decreases pollutants from large piston engines from Physorg
Two new weapons in the battle against bacteria from Physorg
Books rate more negatively after winning award, study finds from Physorg
We will fight them with mosquitoes: Historical evidence of biological weapons research in Nazi Germany from Science Daily
Why did the orangutan come down from the trees? from Science Daily
Fossil teeth shows that environment, as well as diet, may impact dental wear from Science Daily
Love is good for the heart, cardiologist says from Science Daily
Reindeer counteract certain effects of climate change from Science Daily
Gold medal cross-country skis for all: Embedded microchip shows optimal wax zones from Science Daily
Brain process takes paper shape from Science Daily
Geophysicist teams with mathematicians to describe how river rocks round from Science Daily
Ancient settlements and modern cities follow same rules of development from Science Daily
Whales viewed from space: Satellite technology can be used to count whales from Science Daily
Ancient reptile birth preserved in fossil: Ichthyosaur fossil may show oldest live reptilian birth from Science Daily
Winning at darts: Timing of dart release or hand position may improve dart throwing accuracy from Science Daily
Mathematical beauty activates same brain region as great art or music from Science Daily
Debilitating effects of disease on toy dog breeds uncovered from Science Daily
Relocating 'nuisance' animals often unhealthy for wildlife from Science Daily
No such thing as porn 'addiction,' researchers say from Science Daily
Well-child visits linked to more than 700,000 subsequent flu-like illnesses from Science Daily
Experiments show initial gain in fusion fuel from Science Daily
Solving an evolutionary puzzle: Atlantic killifish thriving in highly polluted water from Science Daily
Motion-capture cameras, computer software assist skaters with jumps from Science Daily
Meeting the eye-witnesses of ocean change from Science Daily
Technology decodes more information from single photons from Science Daily
Plastic shopping bags make a fine diesel fuel from Science Daily
Madagascar sells first forest carbon credits to Microsoft from Science Daily
Genome of clonal raider ant provides promising model to study social evolution and behavior from Science Daily
New species of Oak hidden away in the greenery of Ton Pariwat Wildlife Sanctuary from Science Daily
Weather changes may be linked with stroke hospitalization, death from Science Daily
Concentrating solar power: Similar values in two technologies from Science Daily
Lost and found: New beetle collected by Darwin 180 years ago published on his birthday from Science Daily
Icing wind tunnel blows cold and hard to study ice on wings, turbine blades from Science Daily
Weight loss program for infrared cameras from Science Daily
Genomes of Richard III and his proven relative to be sequenced from Science Daily
Books rate more negatively after winning award, study finds from Science Blog
Scientists strive to produce perfect potato for chips from CBC: Technology & Science
Belgian lawmakers extend euthanasia to children from AP Health
Warm West offsets cold East, makes average January from AP Science
Ticks May Help Detect Lyme-Disease Bacteria in People from Live Science
'Star Wars' Dresses Bring the Force to NYC Fashion Show from
For understanding family structure to trauma: New technology is yielding bigger data from Physorg
Lufthansa expands in-flight smartphone usage from Physorg
Footage of ivory smuggling tips in stores angers activists from Physorg
Platelets by the Plateful? from Science NOW
Hunt for Treasure at AAAS 2014 from Science NOW
Scientists recapture Renoir's reds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Warm West offsets cold East, makes average January from Physorg
Controversial Organometallics Paper Cleared Of Falsification Charge from C&EN
Ice-Covered Giant | Space Wallpaper from
Declaration signed on wildlife trade from BBC News: Science & Nature
Self-organizing robots: Robotic construction crew needs no foreman (w/ video) from Physorg
Graphene's love affair with water from Physorg
NSA to Congress: Snowden copied co-worker password from Physorg
APNewsBreak: New gender options for Facebook users from Physorg
Facebook launches ferry service for employees from Physorg
Threatened A-listers of the animal world from Physorg
Netflix to show final season of 'Clone Wars' from Physorg
Superconductivity in orbit: Scientists find new path to loss-free electricity from Physorg
US coalition calls for expansion of Wi-Fi airwaves from Physorg
Rewriting the text books: Scientists crack open 'black box' of development from Physorg
Study highlights indigenous response to natural disaster from Physorg
NASA Hosts Media Teleconference About Supernovas from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA Moves Longest-Serving Mars Spacecraft for New Observations from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Largest Solar System Moon Detailed in Geologic Map from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
U.S. Antarctic Scientists Still Reeling From October Shutdown from Science NOW
Gene adds wrinkle to brain development from
Termite-inspired robots build structures without central command from
The Rise of the Crazy Ants from Scientific American
China's Jade Rabbit lunar rover might not actually be dead from CBSNews - Science
Drought Contributed to Typhus Epidemics in Mexico from 1655 to 1918, Study Shows from Newswise - Scinews
Sex Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Superconductivity in Orbit: Scientists Find New Path to Loss-Free Electricity from Newswise - Scinews
Energy Harvesting Takes Wing in Merger of Engineering and Biology from Newswise - Scinews
Scripps Florida Team Awarded $2.3 Million to Unlock Mysteries of Long-Term Memory from Newswise - Scinews
A Global Crackdown on Wildlife Crime from Newswise - Scinews
Where Does the Amazon River Begin? from National Geographic
Satellite Spies Winter Storm as Eastern US Digs Out (Photo) from Live Science
Love Connection: Facebook Gets Credit for Lasting Marriages from Live Science
Crazy Ants! Secret Weapon Lets Invaders Take Over US South from Live Science
Gallery of Crazy Ants from Live Science
EPA Vastly Misjudges Methane Leaks, Study Confirms from Live Science
Crazy Ants Neutralize The Southern Fire Ants' Toxic Bite | Video from Live Science
Mysterious Energy Ribbon at Solar System's Edge a 'Cosmic Roadmap' from
Termites inspire robot builders from BBC News: Science & Nature
Thames breaks records for water flow from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists discover mechanism of crude oil heart toxicity from Physorg
America's natural gas system is leaky and in need of a fix, new study finds from Physorg
Scientists reveal cosmic roadmap to galactic magnetic field from Physorg
Crazy ants dominate fire ants by neutralizing their venom from Physorg
Not male or female? Facebook adds custom gender options from CBC: Technology & Science
Kentucky Sinkhole Eats Corvettes, Raises Questions from National Geographic
Inspired by Swarming Termites, Robots Can Build Without a Plan from National Geographic
Mysterious Energy Ribbon at Solar System's Edge a 'Cosmic Roadmap' from Live Science
Termite-Bots: Construction Technology Revolution? | Video from Live Science
Cat parasite found in western Arctic Beluga deemed infectious from Physorg
NOAA researcher says Arctic marine mammals are ecosystem sentinels from Physorg
Spanish team in Egypt finds 3,600-year-old mummy from Physorg
Regulator: Sands hackers didn't steal credit cards from Physorg
Cupid flaps wings in France as Internet dating soars from Physorg
NASA to Host Deep Space Network Social Media Event from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A Book That Wins An Award Is Likely To Disappoint You
Female Asian Longhorned Beetles Pheromone May Be Key To Pest Management
Beauty, Not Skin Cancer, Motivates Teens To Wear Sunscreen
Is Zinc The Missing Link For Osteoarthritis Therapies?
Plants Recycle Too
How Memory And Schizophrenia Are Connected
Air Pollution Increases Risk For Hypertension In Pregnant Women
Diabetes, Epilepsy And Asthma Increase Risk Of Self-harm
Termite-inspired robots build castles from News @ Nature
Modern genes yield atlas of ancient inter-ethnic sex from News @ Nature
Termite-Inspired Robots Could Be Future Construction Workers from Live Science
Why You Should Put Down Your Smartphone and Talk to Strangers from Live Science
Why the South's Ice Storm Was So Destructive from Live Science
First Map of Jupiter's Giant Moon Ganymede Unveiled (Photos, Video) from Live Science
Top 10 Golden Rules of Facebook from Live Science
Would Talking to Strangers Make You Happier? from Live Science
NASA's Robotic Lander Morpheus Soars in Test Flight (Video) from
Satellite Spies Winter Storm as Eastern US Digs Out (Photo) from
Fire Ant Meets Its Match in Texas from Science NOW
Termite-Inspired Robots Build With Bricks from Science NOW
Natural Gas for Coal a Good Climate Trade-Off Despite Leaks, Researchers Argue from Science NOW
In crazy vs. fire, the ant with the detox dance wins from
Understanding the Brain May Help Explain Eating Disorders [Video] from Scientific American
Tinder all the rage in Sochi Olympic Village, say snowboarders from CBSNews - Science
Male, female -- other? New gender options for Facebook users from CBSNews - Science
Winnipeg hospitals to have ER discharge checklists from CBC: Health
Wrong results for some Eastern Health breast cancer patients from CBC: Health
Found: New Beetle Collected by Darwin 180 Years Ago from National Geographic
Newly Discovered 'Pink Belly' Plant Teems with Insects from Live Science
Flirting with Trouble: Office Romances Can Prove Costly from Live Science
What's the coolest science fact you know? from Science NOW
Electron coincidence spectroscopy arrives on the bench top from Physics World
Winter in the Antarctic Shows What It Will Take to Live on Mars from Scientific American
More talking, longer sentences help babies' brains from AP Health
Prehistoric cave pigment to shield ESA’s Solar Orbiter from European Space Agency
27 countries aim to stop infectious disease outbreaks before spread from CBC: Health
What do you think of winter storms being named? from Live Science
Wild Winter Weather Rages — But Not in Sochi from Live Science
'Pax'? Meteorologists in a Flurry Over Winter-Storm Naming from Live Science
Turkish president aims to fix problems with Internet law from Physorg
Apple watches for conflict metal in supply chain from Physorg
Amidst bitter cold and rising energy costs, new concerns about energy insecurity from Physorg
Mom’s Facebook birthday surprise for son gets 1.7 million likes from CBSNews - Science
More talking, longer sentences help babies' brains from AP Health
Cosmic Shift? Global Spending on Space Programs Dips from MSNBC: Science
Motorola chief departs for Dropbox from Physorg
Mobile apps shake up world of dating from Physorg
Science unveils master painters' secrets from Physorg
Sensing Science? Subconscious Processing Can Aid Big Data Analysis, Say Psychologists
Research reveals structure of key CRISPR complex from MIT Research
Apple to track suppliers' sourcing of conflict minerals from CBC: Technology & Science
Dark-Matter Detector to Begin Operations Soon in China from
Thalmic Labs' Alpha users explore Myo with Oculus from Physorg
Live Chat: Is Solitary Confinement Torture? from Science NOW
Video games could boost reading skills in dyslexia from
Nuclear fusion project takes key step in lab test from CBSNews - Science
California bill seeks warnings on sugary drinks from AP Health
Emergency visits more frequent among children from CBC: Health
Cambridge woman fights breast cancer head on from CBC: Health
Editor's Picks: Our Favorite Pictures From Latest Snowstorm from National Geographic
Cloudy Core of the Heart Nebula Glows in Amateur Astronomer's Photo from
John Dobson: Grandfather of Modern Amateur Astronomy from
Valentine's Day: Geeky Gift Ideas For Your Sweetheart from Live Science
Facebook faces opposition to privacy settlement from Physorg
Google gets more guarded about acquisition numbers from Physorg
Well: Beware of a Cat’s Bite from NY Times Health
U.S. Backs New Global Initiative Against Infectious Diseases from NY Times Health
Belgium Close to Enacting Sick-Child Euthanasia Law from NY Times Health
Over 1 Million Added to Rolls of Health Plan from NY Times Health
Well: Alcoholism Through a Doctor’s Eyes from NY Times Health
National Briefing | South: North Carolina: Residents Told Not to Eat Fish Near Spill Site from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Bruschetta With Smashed Beans, Sage and Kale from NY Times Health
Faculty Council meeting held Feb. 5 from Harvard Science
Faculty Council meeting held Feb. 12 from Harvard Science
It doesn’t always take wings to fly high from
Crazy ants dominate fire ants by neutralizing their venom from Biology News Net
Two new weapons in the battle against bacteria from Biology News Net
Live Chat: Can Science and Religion Coexist? from Science NOW
Bielema, Saban supported slow-down rule proposal from AP Science
Cancer drugs hitch a ride on 'smart' gold nanoshells from Physorg
Wealthy neighborhoods fuel materialistic desires, study says from Physorg
'Sexy' underwear is not the only way to feel feminine on Valentine's Day, academic says from Physorg
Study explores link between selling and leasing market prices for cars from Physorg
Robots to the rescue from Harvard Science
3 Questions: Francis O’Sullivan on the climate impact of ‘leaky methane’ from MIT Research
Arctic Nations Unprepared for Shipping Catastrophe from Live Science
To Preserve and Protect: 'Frozen Zoo' Helps Save Endangered Species from MSNBC: Science
Simple Technique Transfers Clean Graphene Sheets from C&EN
ER discharge deaths prompt new Winnipeg hospital checks from CBC: Health
Quitting Smoking May Bring Mental Health Benefits from Live Science
Genetic chip will help salmon farmers breed better fish from Physorg
Controversial Organometallics Paper Cleared Of Falsification Charge from C&EN
Magical History Tour: Sifting Through 50 Years of Beatles Studies from MSNBC: Science
Uncovering snow's deadly secrets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chris Hadfield on 'the Russian soul' from CBC: Technology & Science
WTF, Weather? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Hello Fish Face – A Fossil Fish Reveals the Origins of the Face from Live Science
Tracing Ancestry, Researchers Produce a Genetic Atlas of Human Mixing Events from NY Times Science
ScienceTake: A Crazy Ant Invader Uses Acid to Its Advantage from NY Times Science
Matter: Phantom Melodies Yield Real Clues to Brain’s Workings from NY Times Science
China to Reward Cities and Regions Making Progress on Air Pollution from NY Times Science
U.S. Dominance in Science Faces Asian Challenge from NY Times Science
Study Finds Methane Leaks Negate Benefits of Natural Gas as a Fuel for Vehicles from NY Times Science
California Seeing Brown Where Green Used to Be from NY Times Science
A Huge Solar Plant Opens, Facing Doubts About Its Future from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Study Sees Path to Cutting Substantial American Natural Gas Leaks from NY Times Science
How Long Does It Take to Get to Mars? from
Killer Robot Drones are Like Drugs: Regulate, but Resist the Urge to Ban Them (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Reassurance: Sexy Underwear Is Not The Only Way For Women To Feel Pretty On Valentine's Day