Archive of feed items published on the 17th of November 2013
VIDEO: Growing crops in drought conditions from BBC News: Science & Nature
France's Pleyel piano maker plays final note from Physorg
NASA's newest Mars flyer will explore atmosphere from Physorg
Thousands rally in Australia for climate action from Physorg
Ban says Philippines typhoon a 'warning' on climate change from Physorg
Thousands of trucks block French roads in ecotax demo from Physorg
Five pharaonic statue heads found in Egypt from Physorg
Thousands in Naples protest mafia pollution from Physorg
Online gambling gains momentum in US from Physorg
Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week from Live Science
Edmonton doctor trying to take alternative medicine mainstream from CBC: Health
Americans Reveal Who They'd Rather Work For: Men or Women from Live Science
The 10 Fastest Growing Job Titles from Live Science
Messier 15, You Old Mysterious Cluster
NASA Spacecraft Launching Monday Will Probe Mars Atmosphere Mystery from
Bees may get indecisive too from Science Alert
FEATURE: A snapshot of high-speed photography (and how to do it) from Science Alert
NASA Spacecraft to Watch 2 Comets Fly By Mercury This Week (Video) from
FEATURE: Australian endangered species: Lord Howe Long-eared Bat from Science Alert
Latest Mars mission set for launch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Robots let doctors 'beam' into remote hospitals from AP Health
Rocket Launch Visible from US East Coast on Nov. 19: Visibility Maps (Gallery) from
Mars orbiter aims to crack mystery of planet's lost water from Reuters:Science
39 Minutes: Quantum Superposition World Record Smashed
NASA's New Mars Orbiter to Study 'Critical Piece' of Martian Puzzle (Video) from
AP IMPACT: Seeking lung donors after at-home death from AP Health
VIDEO: Mount Etna lights up Sicily skies from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Sun's magnetic field set to 'flip' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Aleksandr Serebrov, Cosmonaut of Fettered Times, Dies at 69 from NY Times Science
Good News or Bad News: Which Do You Want First? from National Geographic
Underwater Rockets: Adopting A Penguin Propulsion System
Two for one in solar power from Physorg
Oxygen, phosphorous and early life on Earth from Physorg
Volcano discovered smoldering under a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica from Physorg
Scientists invent self-healing battery electrode from Physorg
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – Nov. 17, 2013 from
Fire may smolder under Antarctic ice from
Protein coding 'junk genes' may be linked to cancer from Physorg
Paths out of uncertainty: Increasing extreme confidence from Physorg
Researchers improve the nanopore-based technology for detecting DNA molecules from Physorg
Volcano under Antarctic ice may erupt, accelerate melting from MSNBC: Science
Volcano under Antarctic ice may erupt, accelerate melting from MSNBC: Science
Self-healing battery cracks anode fracturing problem from Chemistry World
Magma Boils Beneath Antarctic Ice from Science NOW
Salk Scientists for the First Time Generate "Mini-Kidney" Structures From Human Stem Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Chill Out, Dudes! Female Flies Have Anti-Aggression Powers from Live Science
Active Volcano Discovered Under Antarctic Ice Sheet from Live Science
Sony sells over 1M PlayStation 4s in first day from Physorg
Genetically Modified Probiotic Cures Lab Animals Infected With Hookworm Parasite
Is Creativity In Decline?
Environmental Toxins During Pregnancy Linked To Child Heart Defects
Rate And Outcomes Of Of Aortic Valve Replacement Up
For Yankees’ Sabathia, It Appears Less (Weight) Is Less (Success) from NY Times Health
Well: Childhood Cancer Tied to Heart Risks from NY Times Health
Bluefin tuna quota demand slammed by environmentalists from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists invent self-healing battery electrode from Science Daily
Graphene nanoribbons for 'reading' DNA from Science Daily
Near-future heat and precipitation extremes predicted from Science Daily
Volcano discovered smoldering under a kilometer of ice in West Antarctica: Heat may increase rate of ice loss from Science Daily
Protein coding 'junk genes' may be linked to cancer from Science Daily
Oxygen, phosphorus and early life on Earth from Science Daily
Videos more effective than texts in getting women to take action against breast cancer risks from Science Daily
Two for one in solar power: New process could revolutionize solar energy harvesting from Science Daily
New heart disease and stroke prevention guidelines not fully supported by health insurance from Science Daily
Nanoparticles to probe mystery sperm defects linked to infertility from Science Daily
Gentle pasteurization of milk – with microwaves from Science Daily
Cataract Surgery Saves $123.4 Billion in Costs, Delivers a 4,567% Return to Society from Science Daily
Medication errors common on admission to mental health units from Science Daily
Ambiguous results in screening for celiac disease from Science Daily
Study examines predictors of acute urinary symptoms after radiotherapy for prostate cancer from Science Daily
Study unveils potential of re-activating tumor fighting proteins within cell from Science Daily
Combating key viral livestock diseases in Ethiopia from Science Daily
Sofrito contains substances that reduce risk of cardiovascular disease from Science Daily
Exercise training as 'prehabilitation' before surgery from Science Daily
Coal fires green anger at UN talks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Poland: Can country shake off 'coal land' label? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Persistent gene therapy in muscle may not require immunosuppression from Science Daily
Tipping the balance between senescence, proliferation from Science Daily
Blocking signal-transmitting cellular pores may prevent kidney damage from Science Daily
Promising approach to improve outcome for children with high-risk leukemia from Science Daily
iPads help children with autism develop language from Science Daily
Decline in creativity? It depends on how you look from Science Daily
Stalkers right to shoot orphan deer from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Mini-kidney' structures generated from human stem cells for first time from Science Daily
Large-scale analysis describes inappropriate lab testing throughout medicine from Science Daily
Mandatory calorie postings at fast-food chains do not influence food choice from Science Daily
Study finds donor age not a factor in most corneal transplants from Science Daily
Safety in numbers? Not so for corals from Science Daily
CHICA, automated system improves autism screening rate from Science Daily
Inflammatory skin damage blocked by bleach solution in animal study from Science Daily
Wow! Snapshot captures great detail in Comet ISON's tail from MSNBC: Science
'Virtual reality hands' may help stroke survivors recover hand function from Science Daily
Environmental toxins linked to heart defects from Science Daily
Heart disease number one cause of pregnancy-related deaths in California from Science Daily
Childhood cancer treatment takes toll on hearts of survivors from Science Daily
BMI may predict heart disease risk for type-2 diabetic patients from Science Daily
Hospitalized children more likely to die after cardiac arrest during night shift from Science Daily
One minute of CPR video training could save lives from Science Daily
CPR for 38 minutes or longer improves chance to survive cardiac arrest from Science Daily
New device offers hope to people blinded due to incurable eye disorders from Science Daily
Eye injuries in NHL cost franchises more than $32 million from Science Daily
Residents of most polluted US Cities have increased risk of dry eye syndrome from Science Daily
Cardiac surgeon report cards do not influence referrals, study shows from Science Daily
The Double-Edged Drug: At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care from NY Times Health
Congressional Memo: Lesson Is Seen in Failure of 1989 Law on Medicare from NY Times Health
Washington Insurance Official Is Ousted from NY Times Health