Archive of feed items published on the 27th of May 2012
Think Congress is sophomoric? A study says you're right from LA Times - Science
Salton Sea's star has fallen from LA Times - Science
Concerns Grow About Spent Fuel Rods at Fukushima Daiichi from NY Times Science
Brooklyn Apartments to Generate Their Own Power from NY Times Science
In Utah Ski Areas, Development and Conservation Battle Anew from NY Times Science
Science-Spiced Money-Saving Tips
Browser wars flare in mobile space from Physorg
Nvidia trumpets Tegra 3 phone design wins for 2012 from Physorg
Memorial Day Skywatching: See the Half Moon Pass Mars from
Many hospitals, doctors offer cash discount for medical bills from LA Times - Health
Aus to share largest telescope from Science Alert
Virtual therapist developed from Science Alert
Protein helps body attack cancer from Science Alert
Cancer may require simpler genetic mutations than previously thought from Science Blog
Math predicts size of platelets from Science Blog
Aiding the search for solar energy storage catalysts from Science Blog
How plants know when to flower from Science Blog
Physicians have trouble stopping PSA tests from Science Blog
New toy store caters to autistic children from CBC: Health
Calgary EMS station opens to the public from CBC: Health
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week - May 27, 2012 from
Political Polarization 'Dangerous,' Psychologist Says from Live Science
Best Space Photos of the Week - May 27, 2012 from
Garlic constituent blocks biofilm formation, could benefit cystic fibrosis patients and others from Science Daily
Genes culled from desert soils suggest potential medical resource from Science Daily
AP IMPACT: Almost half of new vets seek disability from AP Health
'RNA World' Hypothesis Gets A Challenge
Discovery Expected to Shift Research Direction in Lupus and Asthma from Newswise - Scinews
'Unzipped' carbon nanotubes could help energize fuel cells, batteries from Physorg
Yale study concludes public apathy over climate change unrelated to science literacy from Physorg
Computer model used to pinpoint prime materials for efficient carbon capture from Physorg
Scientists develop ultra-sensitive test that detects diseases in their earliest stages from Physorg
Manufacturing genes to attack flu virus from Physorg
10 million years needed to recover from mass extinction from Physorg
Change in developmental timing was crucial in the evolutionary shift from dinosaurs to birds: study from Physorg
Land and sea species differ in climate change response: study from Physorg
Locating ground zero: How the brain's emergency workers find the disaster area from Science Daily
Computer model pinpoints prime materials for efficient carbon capture from Science Daily
More summer heatwaves likely in Europe: Predictability of European summer heat from spring and winter rainfall from Science Daily
Disease that stunts infants' growth traced to same gene that makes kids grow too fast from Science Daily
Dot Earth Blog: Something to Cluck About – A Bill Endorsed by Egg Producers and Animal Campaigners from NY Times Science
It took Earth ten million years to recover from greatest mass extinction from Science Daily
Powerful new approach to attack flu virus from Science Daily
Super-sensitive tests could detect diseases earlier from Science Daily
Discovery expected to shift research direction in lupus and asthma from Science Daily
Stunning image of smallest possible five-ringed structure from Physorg
ScienceShot: Smallest 'Olympic' Structure Sets a Record from Science NOW
Video: Tropical Storm Beryl barrels down on southeast coast from CBSNews - Science
Opinionator: The Prognosis for Medical Innovation from NY Times Health
Earliest musical instruments in Europe 40,000 years ago from Science Daily
The Animal Lifeboat: Zoos’ Bitter Choice: To Save Some Species, Letting Others Die from NY Times Science
'Olympic rings' molecule imaged from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seeing Black and White Makes People More Judgmental from Live Science
No Name Key Electricity Plan Divides Residents from NY Times Science
Life After Death: 'Great Dying' Recovery Took 10 Million Years from Live Science
Genetic Cause of Stunted Growth in Babies Discovered from Live Science
Quake Reveals Day of Jesus' Crucifixion from Live Science