Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of February 2014
A Forensic Approach to a Sidewalk Nuisance from NY Times Science
Border’s New Sentinels Are Robots, Penetrating Deepest Drug Routes from NY Times Science
VIDEO: Rainforest space mystery solved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Most Interesting Science News Articles of the Week from Live Science
Sun shines on New York solar energy boom from Physorg
Massive logging leaves deep scars in Eastern Europe from Physorg
WhatsApp service restored after brief outage from Physorg
Obama to Propose Shift in Wildfire Funding from NY Times Science
One-second movie downloads on next mobile network from Physorg
Dutch scientists flap to the future with 'insect' drone from Physorg
Is a 'buttery' molecule behind cystic fibrosis flare-ups? from Science Daily
Revolutionary naming system for all life on Earth proposed from Science Daily
Seed-filled buoys may help restore diverse sea meadows in San Francisco Bay from Science Daily
New, inexpensive production materials boost promise of hydrogen fuel from Science Daily
Baby food puree could be made even safer with new processing technique from Science Daily
Studies show how traceability can work across entire food supply chain from Science Daily
Selenium, vitamin E supplements can increase risk of prostate cancer in some men from Science Daily
Antibody may be detectable in blood years before MS symptoms appear from Science Daily
Saucesm marinades address consumers' desire for ethnic flavors from Science Daily
Smart SPHERES are about to get a whole lot smarter from Science Daily
Orion testing provides lessons and data for splashdown recovery operations from Science Daily
NASA's IRIS spots its largest solar flare from Science Daily
Fruit-loving lemurs score higher on spatial memory tests from Science Daily
Promising cervical cancer study: Combining drugs, chemo to extend life from Science Daily
Will plug-in cars crash the electric grid? Not with newly proposed system from Science Daily
Chemical transport in plants likened to that of humans from Science Daily
Reducing Hep C infections for injection drug users from Science Daily
Tracking catalytic reactions in microreactors from Science Daily
Air force aircraft returned from Vietnam identified as postwar source of agent orange contamination from Science Daily
What has happened to the tsunami debris from Japan? from Science Daily
Temperature and ecology: Rival Chilean barnacles keep competition cool from Science Daily
Developmental gene influences sperm formation, fruit fly model demonstrates from Science Daily
Drawing the map of West African Internet from Science Daily
Jupiter will be at its highest point in the sky for many years to come from Science Daily
Early warning system for epidemics: Risk map correlates environmental, health data from Science Daily
Some employers find excuses to fire pregnant employees from Science Daily
Physical therapy intervention reduces injury in custodial workers from Science Daily
Immune cells regulate blood stem cells, research shows from Science Daily
Microparticles show molecules their way: Three-dimensional structures using three chemically different patches from Science Daily
Liquid metal pump a breakthrough for micro-fluidics from Science Daily
Genetic screening can identify men with advanced prostate cancer from Science Daily
Greece's deepening health crisis a result of continued healthcare budget cuts, says study from Science Daily
Biopsies before transplantation do not determine success of donated kidneys from Science Daily
Many kidney disease patients experience hazardous events related to their medical care from Science Daily
Peer pressured to 'sext:' Study shows that teens who sext are influenced by peer dynamics from Science Daily
Developing countries face 'leading medical scourge of developed countries' from Science Daily
Sequencing hundreds of nuclear genes in sunflower family now possible from Science Daily
Gene therapy a promising tool for cardiac regeneration from Science Daily
What to expect at Mobile World Congress 2014 from CBSNews - Science
Severe drought? California has been here before from LA Times - Science
Obama's digital guru teaches Liberals some new tricks from CBC: Technology & Science
We’re only noticing the snowy owls from
Microsoft plans spring Windows, phone updates from Physorg
Amid shake-up, US cell carriers look to new models from Physorg
Samsung launches new smart watch, Gear 2 from Physorg
Fruit-Eaters Score Higher On Spatial Memory Tests
Chromosphere: IRIS Spots Its Largest Solar Flare Yet
Defense Technology Lets Muscles Control Prosthetic Hand from Science Blog
Team sport compensates for oestrogen loss from Science Blog
Study in Fruitflies Connects Protein Misfolding, Sleep Loss and Age from Science Blog
Fruit-loving lemurs score higher on spatial memory tests from Science Blog
New, inexpensive production materials boost promise of hydrogen fuel from Science Blog
What Are Animals Really Thinking? Author Explores Hidden World from National Geographic
Best Space Photos of the Week - Feb. 22, 2014 from
Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – Feb. 23, 2014 from
Scientists unlock a 'microbial Pompeii' from Physorg
Age of Earth’s crust confirmed from
Sun-dimming volcanoes partly explain global warming hiatus-study from Reuters:Science
Why Helping the Poor May Hurt the Climate from Live Science
Confirmed: Oldest Fragment of Early Earth is 4.4 Billion Years Old from Live Science
Earth's Greatest Extinction Hardly Changed Ocean Ways of Life from Live Science
Volcanoes Partly to Blame for Global Warming 'Pause' from Live Science
Volcanoes helped offset man-made warming: study from Physorg
Oldest bit of crust firms up idea of a cool early Earth from Physorg
Stream of stars in Andromeda satellite galaxy shows cosmic collision from Physorg
Climate change unlikely to reduce UK's excess winter death rate, study reports from Physorg
Key protein discovered as essential for malaria parasite transmission to mosquitos from Physorg
Nanoparticles target anti-inflammatory drugs where needed from Physorg
Oldest Bit of Crust Firms Up Idea of a Cool Early Earth from Newswise - Scinews
Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh Sees the Light Again from MSNBC: Science
Carbohydrates Increase Risk Of Dementia - Because You'll Believe Anything
Dogecoin miner barred from Harvard research computing facility access from Physorg
Researchers Create Synthetic Version of Heparin for Use in Kidney Patients from Newswise - Scinews
Rock around the clock: zircon crystal is oldest piece of Earth from Reuters:Science
China's Crippled Lunar Rover Starts Two-Week-Long Snooze from MSNBC: Science
Study: Volcanoes contribute to recent warming ‘hiatus’ from MIT Research
Researchers find that going with the flow makes bacteria stick from MIT Research
Scientists transform skin cells into functioning liver cells from Biology News Net
A key protein is discovered as essential for malaria parasite transmission to mosquitos from Biology News Net
New insights into the origin of birds from Physorg
Tiny Crystal Is Oldest Known Piece of Earth, Scientists Say from MSNBC: Science
New star nursery spotted from Science Alert
Protein could count down biological clock from Science Alert
Scientists explains evolution pause from Science Alert
FEATURE: An end in sight in the long search for gravity waves from Science Alert
Over-sexed marsupial discovered from Science Alert
Intense Auroras Groove Over Swedish Mountains In New Video from
5 California Children Infected by Polio-Like Illness from Live Science
Dot Earth Blog: Can California Avoid a ‘Shock to Trance’ Approach to Water Policy? from NY Times Science
Cool Earth - 4.4 Billion Year Old Australian Zircon Reveals The Early Genesis Of The Planet
Climate Change Doesn't Lead To More Deaths In Winter - But It Won't Reduce Them Either
Illness Similar To Polio Found In Cluster Of California Children