Archive of feed items published on the 16th of September 2012
The Texas Tribune: Championing a Farm to Table Movement in Texas from NY Times Health
Diagnosis: Feeling Blue from NY Times Health
Google says it won't take down anti-Muslim clip from Physorg
Philippine leader signs law to combat cybercrimes from Physorg
Digital news offering aims at high ground from Physorg
UK stays cautious over thorium as nuclear fuel from Physorg
Scientists differentiate chemical bonds in individual molecules for first time using noncontact atomic force microscopy from Science Daily
What's In A Name?
Namibia: 40 babies, fetuses dumped monthly in city from AP Health
Vote Now! Top Space Stories of the Week - Sept. 16, 2012 from
3 Space Station Astronauts to Return to Earth Tonight from
The New Modernism: Blending Science, Engineering, Art And Human Imagination
Project ENCODE
Legionnaires' disease cases not easily prevented from CBC: Health
10 worst household products for greenwashing from CBC: Health
"Carl Sagan with Gills": A Q&A with Bob Ballard, Discoverer of The Titanic from Live Science
Coolest Science Stories of the Week from Live Science
New tech stymied by copyright law from Science Daily
Breath analysis could help diagnose pulmonary nodules, study shows from Science Daily
How bees decide what to be: Researchers link reversible 'epigenetic' marks to behavior patterns from Physorg
Most coral reefs are at risk unless climate change is drastically limited from Physorg
Reversible method of tagging proteins developed from Physorg
Google blocks anti-Islam film in Indonesia: govt from Physorg
Flu antibody's 'one-handed grab' may boost effort toward universal vaccine from Physorg
Job swapping makes its mark on honeybee DNA from News @ Nature
How Bees Decide What to Be from Newswise - Scinews
Shuttle Endeavour embarking on new mission to Los Angeles museum from Reuters:Science
Video: Turtles take their first steps from CBSNews - Science
Flu antibody’s ‘one-handed grab’ may boost effort toward universal vaccine, new therapies from Science Daily
Scientists discover mutations associated with skin disorder (DSAP) from Science Daily
Chemists develop reversible method of tagging proteins from Science Daily
Most coral reefs are at risk unless climate change is drastically limited from Science Daily
How bees decide what to be: Reversible 'epigenetic' marks linked to behavior patterns from Science Daily
Symptoms of alcohol abuse, not dependence, may better reflect family risk for alcohol use disorders from Science Daily
Abstinence from alcohol plus physical exercise can help reclaim bone loss due to alcoholism from Science Daily
Drill bits on rover could contaminate Mars from Physorg
Artwork records words, beams them to Philly skies from Physorg
Mexican hackers attack political, official sites from Physorg
Maternal drinking during pregnancy can damage the earliest fetal learning from Science Daily
Radar measurements of highest precision from Science Daily
Music rules in special creative and experimental 'play zones' from Science Daily
Amazon's digital empire spreads offline from Physorg
Groupon CEO Andrew Mason deals in growth, looking forward from Physorg
Analysis: Should you buy the new iPhone 5? from Physorg
Giant viruses are living organisms, says study from MSNBC: Science
Space Shuttle Endeavour's Final Flight to Calif. Delayed by Weather from
Soyuz Spacecraft Carrying Russian-US Crew Headed Back to Earth from
Asthma linked to mental health risk from Science Alert
Study: attitude controls health from Science Alert
Endangered ecosystems make the list from Science Alert
Video: Smartphone theft on the rise from CBSNews - Science
Neil Macdonald: A mighty nation, frightened by an angry mob from CBC: Health
Photos: Space Station's Expedition 32 Crew Lands on Earth from
U.S.-Russian space crew lands safely in Kazakhstan from Reuters:Science
CDC: US kids eat too much salt, as much as adults from AP Health
Touchdown! Soyuz Spacecraft Lands Safely with Russian-US Crew from