Archive of feed items published on the 13th of December 2009
Poor being turned away from free cancer screenings from AP Health
Scientists identify natural anti-cancer defenses from Science Daily
Clinical trial advances new approach to re-sensitizing breast cancer from Science Daily
Flies offered unlimited alcohol behave a lot like human alcoholics from Science Daily
Bacteria provide new insights into human decision making from Science Daily
Alcohol consumption increases risk of breast cancer recurrence, study finds from Science Daily
Caffeine doesn't reverse the negative cognitive impact of alcohol, study shows from Science Daily
First known binary star is discovered to be a triplet, quadruplet, quintuplet, sextuplet system from Science Daily
New model of skin cancer provides insights on second-most common type of cancer from Science Daily
New research may lead to new ways to control honeybee parasite from Science Daily
New screening tool helps identify children at risk for developmental issues from Science Daily
Game Theory - The Art Of Acting Rational
Fury at Copenhagen police tactics from BBC News: Science & Nature
Government overseas aid is no bar to individual giving from Science Daily
Best Meteor Shower of 2009 Peaks Tonight from
Protesters Mostly Quiet After Day of Action from NY Times Science
Swine flu science update: 4 December 2009 from SciDev
Two Countries Joined by Global Warming from CBSNews - Science
Wild Dingos Remember Human Gestures from Live Science
Skywatchers await meteor shower from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cavigelli grabs 1st World Cup snowboard title from AP Health
Burned ayatollah photo sparks new Iranian protests from AP Health
Video: Two Cases Of Global Warming from CBSNews - Science
Aussie, Chinese officials urge pandas to reproduce from MSNBC: Science
Breaking the strongest bonds from Chemistry World
Clever way to break the nitrogen-nitrogen bond from
'Uncharted 2' nabs top prize at VGAs from Physorg
Scientists use nanosensors for first time to measure cancer biomarkers in blood from Physorg
Poor being turned away from free cancer screenings from Physorg
New biosensors reveal workings of anti-psychotic drugs in the living brain from Physorg
New genes for lung disease discovered from Physorg
Newly identified enzymes help plants sense elevated CO2 and could lead to water-wise crops from Physorg
Government overseas aid is no bar to individual giving from Physorg
Journal highlights forest service early warning system from Physorg
Clinical trial advances new approach to re-sensitizing breast cancer from Physorg
Scientists crack mystery of protein's dual function from Physorg
US, Russia begin talks on cyberspace security: report from Physorg
Decades-old dioxins pollute river, divide US community from Physorg
Newly identified enzymes help plants sense elevated CO2 and could lead to water-wise crops from Science Blog
New biosensors reveal workings of anti-psychotic drugs in the living brain from Science Blog
Scientists use nanosensors for first time to measure cancer biomarkers in blood from Science Blog
Scripps Research scientists crack mystery of protein's dual function from Science Blog
Video: Meet The Second Lady from CBSNews - Science
Hollywood hopes an ensemble cast boosts Blu-ray from Physorg
Panda genome resembles dog: Chinese media from Physorg
Google hints at making mobile telephone from Physorg
'Equivalence principle' at the University of Washington, What does 'The Eöt-Wash Group' really observe, measure and describe? from Science Blog
P.E.I. opposition wants N.B. power guarantees from CBC: Technology & Science
Panda genome unveiled from
Medicare buy-in plan runs into Senate resistance from Physorg
The Proof of a Fundamental Lemma Is Listed One of the TIME's Top 10 Scientific Discoveries of 2009 from Science Blog
H1N1 clinic in high demand before closure from CBC: Health
Photos: Planet Ice from CBSNews - Science
Scientists crack mystery of protein's dual function from Science Daily
Caesarean rate plateaus from Science Alert
DNA sheds light on horse past from Science Alert
Stem-cell induction made simpler from News @ Nature
Genome reveals panda's carnivorous side from News @ Nature
Hollywood gives biologists a helping hand from News @ Nature
A Call To Promote More Scientific Skepticism In The Media
New Nanosensor Measures Cancer Biomarker In Blood
Earth's Atmosphere Came From Outer Space, Not Volcanoes, Say Scientists
New genes for lung disease discovered from Science Daily
nanosensors used to measure cancer biomarkers in blood for first time from Science Daily
New biosensors reveal workings of anti-psychotic drugs in the living brain from Science Daily
Newly identified enzymes help plants sense elevated CO2 and could lead to water-wise crops from Science Daily
Light Shed on Koala Evolution from Newswise - Scinews
Kids learn to reason early from Science Alert
Newly identified enzymes help plants sense elevated CO2 and could lead to water-wise crops from Science Blog
New biosensors reveal workings of anti-psychotic drugs in the living brain from Science Blog
Scientists use nanosensors for first time to measure cancer biomarkers in blood from Science Blog
Scripps Research scientists crack mystery of protein's dual function from Science Blog
Gaming to fight cancer from Science Alert
Galapagos species under threat from Science Alert
Video: Retreating Ice from CBSNews - Science
Magnetic power revealed in gamma-ray burst jet from Science Daily
Killer catfish? Venomous species surprisingly common, study finds from Science Daily
How the autistic brain distinguishes oneself from others from Science Daily
UK warns on 'acidifying oceans' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Amount of gene surplus determines severity of mental retardation in males, researchers find from Science Daily
Are angry women more like men? from Science Daily
Understanding apples' ancestors from Science Daily
Moderate weight loss in obese people improves heart function from Science Daily
Genetic ancestry highly correlated with ethnic and linguistic groups in Asia from Science Daily
Black hole found to be much closer to Earth than previously thought from Science Daily
Anti-estrogens may offer protection against lung cancer mortality from Science Daily
List of 'unsung' wildlife affected by climate change released from Science Daily
Type 2 diabetes gene predisposes children to obesity, study finds from Science Daily
New approach to emissions makes climate and air quality models more accurate, major study finds from Science Daily
Novel detection method unmasks circulating breast cancer cells from Science Daily
Urine test for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea possible from Science Daily
How gene action may lead to diabetes prevention, cure from Science Daily
Innovative Plan To Save Rainforest, Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Science Daily
New understanding of how to prevent destruction of a tumor suppressor from Science Daily
More 20 mph zones in London would prevent 100 killed or seriously injured casualties each year from Science Daily
Yellowstone's Plumbing Exposed from Newswise - Scinews