Archive of feed items published on the 25th of October 2014
Scientists now know what a comet smells like from Science Alert
Climate Fixes Need Realistic Compromises (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Weight-Loss Superfood: 6 Tips for a Healthy Gut from Live Science
Athletes, Sports and Violence Against Women (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Is it OK to Give Your Baby that iPad? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
UPI Almanac for Saturday, Oct. 25, 2014 from UPI
NASA identifies ice cloud above cruising altitude on Titan from Science Daily
NASA's Fermi satellite finds hints of starquakes in magnetar 'storm' from Science Daily
Illusions in the cosmic clouds: New image of spinning neutron star from Science Daily
MAVEN ultraviolet image of comet Siding Spring's hydrogen coma from Science Daily
Mars Orbiter's spectrometer shows Oort comet's coma from Science Daily
Galactic wheel of life shines in infrared from Science Daily
NASA ultra-black nano-coating to be applied to 3-D new solar coronagraph from Science Daily
Mass gaging system will measure fuel transfer in zero gravity from Science Daily
NASA creating a virtual telescope with two small spacecraft from Science Daily
NASA's SDO observes largest sunspot of the solar cycle from Science Daily
Australian doctors transplants first circulatory death human heart from Science Daily
Li-ion batteries contain toxic halogens, but environmentally friendly alternatives exist from Science Daily
Molecular beacons shine light on how cells 'crawl' from Science Daily
Growing a blood vessel in a week from Science Daily
Subwavelength optical fibers to diffuse light from Science Daily
Decrease of genetic diversity in the endangered Saimaa ringed seal continues from Science Daily
Ebola's evolutionary roots more ancient than previously thought from Science Daily
For brain hemorrhage, risk of death lower at high-volume hospitals from Science Daily
Global boom in hydropower expected this decade from Science Daily
Three-dimensional metamaterials with a natural bent from Science Daily
Liquid helium offers a fascinating new way to make charged molecules from Science Daily
New methods for maintaining the quality of minimally processed potatoes for 14 days, without the use of sulphites from Science Daily
Intense heat causes health problems among sugar cane workers from Science Daily
Nation's 'personality' influences its environmental stewardship, shows new study from Science Daily
Costs to treat bleeding strokes increases 10 years later from Science Daily
Hidden truth about the health of homeless people from Science Daily
In orbit or on Earth, implantable device will be commanded to release therapeutic drugs remotely from Science Daily
'Long tail' thinking can help eliminate health disparities from Science Daily
Bodies at sea: Ocean oxygen levels may impact scavenger response from Science Daily
Coping with water scarcity: Effectiveness of water policies aimed at reducing consumption evaluated from Science Daily
National Synchrotron Light Source II achieves 'first light' from Science Daily
Meiosis: Cutting the ties that bind from Science Daily
Breast Cancer Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy measured from Science Daily
New therapies for systemic amyloid diseases? Scientists closer to combating dangerous unstable proteins from Science Daily
GOP candidates straddle the climate change issue from AP Health
Ebola: More calls for travel bans or quarantines from AP Health
There's no evidence heavy marijuana use causes a drop in IQ from Science Alert
Scientists have built a sound-powered medical device from Science Alert
Molecular beacons shine light on how cells 'crawl' from Biology News Net
Scientists engineer toxin-secreting stem cells to treat brain tumors from Biology News Net
A new dent in HIV-1's armor from Biology News Net
WHO: Number of Ebola cases passes 10,000 from AP Health
Ebola patient who died in Mali had contact with at least 300 others from CBC: Health
Huge Solar Flare Erupts from Biggest Sunspot in 24 Years (Photos) from
Microsoft beefs up security protection in Windows 10 from Physorg
'Interstellar' Science: The Movie's Black Hole Explained (Video) from
Graphic: As Ebola's Death Toll Rises, Remembering History's Worst Epidemics from National Geographic
Our All-Time Favorite Volcano Pictures from National Geographic
Hospitals Need Time, Training to Get Ready for Ebola from Scientific American
Colleagues: US doctor with Ebola was very careful from AP Health
Ebola: NY had jump-start, Dallas had to learn fast from AP Health
'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse Captured By Spacecraft | Video from
Massive Sunspot Blasts X3-Class Flare | Video from
Let the Squirrels Worry About Snakes from Science Blog
Music therapy reduces depression in children and adolescents from Science Blog
Best sex positions for women with bad backs from Science Blog
Past Climate Change Caused by Ocean, Not Just Atmosphere from Science Blog
Ebola epidemic in Africa poised to explode from Science Blog
Dinosaur noses enhanced smelling and cooled brain from Science Blog
Spotlighting the sun: Partial solar eclipse shows off massive sunspot from Science Blog
Canada reflects on a week of domestic terror from UPI
SpaceX Dragon capsule leaves International Space Station from Reuters:Science
Google exec breaks sound barrier, sets records with leap from near-space from CBC: Technology & Science
Wow! The Most Amazing Images in Science This Week from Live Science
'No shortage of volunteers' for clinical trial of Canadian-made Ebola vaccine from CBC: Health
Ebola death in Mali prompts Mauritania to close border from CBC: Health
SpaceX ship leaves ISS for Earth loaded with lab results from Physorg
Russia turns back clocks to permanent Winter Time from Physorg
UN climate talks shuffle to a close in Bonn from Physorg
Mind Maze: How Your Memory Deceives You from Live Science
Cream bassist Jack Bruce dies at age 71 from UPI
AeroAstro turns 100 from MIT Research
UPI Sports Results for October 24, 2014 from UPI
UPI Sports Schedule for Saturday, October 25 from UPI
SpaceX Dragon Coming Home After Space Mouse Delivery from MSNBC: Science
Palestinian-American teen killed by Israel Defense Forces from UPI
Explained: What to Do if You Get Ebola (Infographic) from Live Science
Ebola outbreak: Number of people believed infected rises above 10,000 from CBC: Health
Glen Campbell to get lifetime achievement award from UPI
California Marine dies in Islamic State mission in Iraq from UPI
Shutting Off Blood To An Extremity Protects Hearts During Cardiac Surgery
Climate Change Caused By The Ocean
Hank Baskett says transgender model extorted him from UPI
Iranian woman accused of killing attempted rapist executed from UPI
Russell Brand is talking revolution on 'Revolution' book tour from UPI
SpaceX Dragon Comes Home After Space Mouse Delivery from MSNBC: Science
Childhood depression may be lessened with music therapy, study finds from UPI
Ebola cases top 10,000, WHO report says from UPI
Unmanned SpaceX cargo craft leaves space station from CBC: Technology & Science
Early New York Response: Polar Opposite of Dallas’s from NY Times Science
Tested Negative, Nurse Criticizes Her Quarantine from NY Times Science
Ebola Patient’s Fiancée Shares His Passion for Helping Those in Need, Friends Say from NY Times Science
NYC Health Commissioner Has Helped Quell Ebola Fears from NY Times Science
Dividing and Conquering the Trash from NY Times Science
Man stabs machete-wielding nephew in pork chop argument from UPI
31,000 pounds of gluten-free chicken products recalled from UPI
Big One Ahead? Huge Quakes Surge in Past Decade from MSNBC: Science
Dennis Rodman crashes Carmen Electra's Halloween party from UPI
China Fashion Week opens with NE TIGER runway show from UPI
FBI arrests Google employee accused of nude photo scam from UPI
In Overweight Kids, There Are Mistaken Asthma Symptoms - And Overuse Of Medication
Germany’s Green Energy Gamble Could Really Use Some Vorsprung Durch Technik
Blood Vessel Transplant From Own Stem Cells - Now In A Week
Splashdown! SpaceX's Dragon Cargo Spaceship Returns to Earth from
Is Online Anonymity Even Possible? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Woman pleads not guilty to rape of Seattle man from UPI
Google executive sets new stratosphere skydive world record from Reuters:Science
Opinion: The Dangers of Eating Late at Night from NY Times Health
SpaceX cargo ship returns to Earth from CBSNews - Science
Mindy Kaling mistaken for Malala Yousafzai from UPI
Top NSA spy is leaving position after conflict of interest accusations from UPI
Stock market has biggest weekly gains in nearly two years from UPI
High school sexting, cyberbullying could lead to child porn charges from UPI
Terry Keenan, former CNN, Fox News anchor, dead at 53 from UPI
SpaceX Dragon returns safely from ISS, splashes into Pacfic Ocean from UPI
Deputy killed exactly 26 years after father died in line of duty from UPI
Hillary Clinton: Businesses and corporations don't create jobs from UPI
Tunisian elections set for Sunday amid shadows of violence from UPI
Man with Bentley face tattoo convicted of ID theft from UPI
New York Ebola Patient Enters Next, More Serious Phase of Illness, Officials Say from NY Times Science
More Than 10,000 Africa Ebola Cases, Health Agency Says from NY Times Science
Paying Till It Hurts: As Insurers Try to Limit Costs, Providers Hit Patients With More Separate Fees from NY Times Health
Insurers’ Consumer Data Isn’t Ready for Enrollees from NY Times Health
Corner Office: Dr. Laurie Glimcher, on Putting Everything on the Line from NY Times Health
For Pregnant Marathoners, Two Endurance Tests from NY Times Health
How to Find a Submarine from Live Science
Kilauea lava prompts evacuation notice in Hawaii from UPI
US: Power to visit Ebola-ravaged West Africa from AP Health
Russians turn back clocks to permanent winter time from UPI
Ask Well: Ebola Testing for All New Arrivals? from NY Times Health
Msgr. William B. O’Brien, 90, Is Dead; Helped Start Drug Rehabilitation Agency from NY Times Health