Archive of feed items published on the 14th of September 2013
A grounded view of the empire of insects from LA Times - Science
Japan's newest rocket Epsilon lifts off from Reuters:Science
Federal officials recommend $453-million L.A. River restoration plan from LA Times - Science
UCLA will have to battle Nebraska and the environment from LA Times - Science
Value of blood tests near Exide recycling plant questioned from LA Times - Science
Researchers find gears in nature – on planthopper insects from LA Times - Science
Molasses spill in Honolulu Harbor poses calamity for marine life from LA Times - Science
UK police: Cyber crooks could have stolen millions from Physorg
US state, Chinese officials announce climate deal from Physorg
Plans for 5p charge for plastic bags in England from Physorg
Japan's new rocket blasts off in laptop-controlled launch from Physorg
Earth's wobble 'fixes' dinner for marine organisms from Physorg
Google unleashes Coder for Raspberry Pi as kid-friendly tool from Physorg
Japan launches 'affordable' rocket from BBC News: Science & Nature
Get ready for Rosetta's wake-up call with activity schedule for target comet from Physorg
Catastrophic collapse of ice lake created Aram Chaos on Mars from Physorg
Fireballs in Jupiter's atmosphere observed by amateur astronomers from Physorg
Balloon-borne astronomy experiment X-Calibur racing to hit wind window from Physorg
Changes in Titan's surface brightness point to cryovolcanism from Physorg
Confused about Voyager 1's 'exit' from the solar system? from CBC: Technology & Science
Shrew eating, penis amputation studies earn 2013 Ig Nobel prizes from CBC: Technology & Science
Modern homes burn 8 times faster than 50 years ago from CBC: Technology & Science
BlackBerry's 'NSA-proof' encryption a valuable asset for buyers from CBC: Technology & Science
Pesticide linked to bee deaths to get tighter regulation from CBC: Technology & Science
Verizon challenges FCC's right to impose net neutrality from CBC: Technology & Science
Blobfish voted world’s ugliest animal from CBC: Technology & Science
Dolby Laboratories founder, Ray Dolby, dies from CBC: Technology & Science
Twitter announces IPO in a tweet from CBC: Technology & Science
PCB cleanup could be safer, cheaper with new research from CBC: Technology & Science
Voyager 1 probe has hit interstellar space, NASA agrees from CBC: Technology & Science
Rooftop solar panels pose dangers, Ontario firefighters say from CBC: Technology & Science
2013 Ig Nobel prizes awarded tonight from CBC: Technology & Science
Personnelle Cold and Flu product recalled from CBC: Health
Eli Lilly files $500M NAFTA suit against Canada over drug patents from CBC: Health
Allegations mice bit patient's face prompt suspensions from CBC: Health
Man dies from West Nile virus in Manitoba from CBC: Health
6.6 million children under 5 died last year, UN finds from CBC: Health
Peer review of CT scans, mammograms set for pilot projects from CBC: Health
Diabetics fare better with bypass than stents, review suggests from CBC: Health
Toronto radiologist's 3,500 CT scans, mammograms reviewed from CBC: Health
Cigarette ads reappear in magazines read by Canadian teens from CBC: Health
Bike helmets crucial, urges mother from CBC: Health
Terry Fox runs cancelled because of lack of volunteers from CBC: Health
Ad aims to lure Quebec doctors to Ontario, targeting values from CBC: Health
Birth control pill recalls show 'weak link in chain' from CBC: Health
Answers to frequently asked questions about Rate My Hospital from CBC: Health
Wearable Tech Adoption Slow - But Not For Long from Live Science
Meet the Queen of King Size Bows from Live Science
Earth's wobble 'fixes' dinner for marine organisms from Science Daily
Wow! The Most Amazing Images in Science This Week from Live Science
Fireballs in Jupiter's atmosphere observed by amateur astronomers from Science Daily
Assumptions about origins of life challenged from Science Daily
Catastrophic collapse of ice lake created Aram Chaos on Mars from Science Daily
Get ready for Rosetta's wake-up call with activity schedule for target comet from Science Daily
Changes in Saturn's Moon Titan’s surface brightness point to cryovolcanism from Science Daily
Amazing Space Pictures this Week: Rocket Frog, Cosmic Flock. Galactic Swarm from National Geographic
Beam Me Up: Bits of Information Teleported Across Computer Chip from Live Science
1 in 4 Men Surveyed in Asia and the Pacific Have Raped from National Geographic
Amid Drought, Explaining Colorado’s Extreme Floods from National Geographic
Bacterial outbreak roils Mass. oyster industry from AP Health
Pale Blue Dot 2: Voyager 1 Signal from Interstellar Space Seen from Earth (Photo) from
Earth's Axial Precession 'Fixes' Dinner For Marine Organisms
Shrew eating, penis amputation studies earn Ig Nobel prize from CBC: Technology & Science
iTouch fingerprint system provokes ironic skepticism from UPI
Japan to boost surveys off Fukushima: report from Physorg
The whys of rising obesity from Harvard Science
New Commercial Spacecraft Moves to Launch Pad for 1st Test Flight from
Japan launches new, more affordable rocket from UPI
Best Space Photos of the Week - Sept. 14, 2013 from
Spider silk coated with carbon nanotubes has multiple surprising uses from Science Daily
Balloon-borne astronomy experiment X-Calibur racing to hit wind window from Science Daily
Speedy chemical reaction captured in mid-stride from Science Daily
'Grassroots action' in livestock feeding to help curb global climate change from Science Daily
Japan's 1st Epsilon Rocket Launches Into Space On Maiden Voyage from
Best Night Sky Photos of the Week: Sept. 14, 2013 from
Japan to be completely without nuclear power from UPI
Teen 'super-hacker' in Argentina arrested in mass raid from CBC: Technology & Science
VIDEO: Rare butterfly caught on camera from BBC News: Science & Nature
Midcentury Life, on Mars (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Technophoria: On Campus, a Faculty Uprising Over Personal Data from NY Times Health
An Intervention for Malibu from NY Times Health
Stephen Crohn, Who Furthered AIDS Study, Dies at 66 from NY Times Health