Archive of feed items published on the 19th of August 2012
Record-Breaking Phoenix Galaxy Cluster: By the Numbers from Live Science
TB is very much alive at Olive View-UCLA hospital in Sylmar from LA Times - Science
China worries about social fallout of soybean oil price jump from LA Times - Science
World must brace for higher food prices, experts say from Physorg
Middle-income students at higher risk for student loan debt than their poorer peers from Physorg
God as a drug: The rise of American megachurches from Physorg
Dark Matter Exposed? Gamma-Ray Find Excites Scientists from Live Science
A Treasure Trove of Science News from Newswise - Scinews
Lawyers of Big Tobacco Lawsuits Take Aim at Food Industry from NY Times Health
Salmonella Outbreak in 20 States Kills 2 and Sickens 141 from NY Times Health
Do Argentines Need Therapy? Pull Up a Couch from NY Times Health
Essay: In Andalusia, Searching for Inherited Memories from NY Times Health
The Boss: Peter Wilderotter of the Reeve Foundation, on His Career from NY Times Health
Noted: The Power Plate: A Space Age Relic Inspires a New Form of Exercise from NY Times Health
Eureka: The Mind of a Flip-Flopper from NY Times Health
Opinion: Tropical Diseases: The New Plague of Poverty from NY Times Health
Stunning Photo Reveals Colliding Star Clusters Seen by Hubble Telescope from Live Science
The Sun's Strange Shape Revealed from Live Science
Helium Spotted in Moon's Wispy Atmosphere from Live Science
India to Launch Mission to Mars in 2013 from Live Science
Mars Rover Celebrity: Q & A with 'Mohawk Guy' Bobak Ferdowsi from Live Science
Iconic Telescopes Should Lose Funding, New Report Suggests from Live Science
Say Cheese! Mars Rover Curiosity Snaps 1st Hi-Res Self-Portrait from Live Science
Mars Rover to Fire Rock-Zapping Laser Ahead of 1st Drive from Live Science
Typhoon-like data wiper is latest computer virus headache from Physorg
New American Chemical Society "Heroes of Chemistry" Developed New Drugs and Technology That Cuts Heating and Cooling Bills from Newswise - Scinews
Americans Increasingly Super-Sizing Their Churches from Live Science
Vote Now! Top Space Stories of the Week - Aug. 19, 2012 from
Red Wine Compound Could Help Seniors Walk Away From Mobility Problems from Newswise - Scinews
'Patriotic' Celestial Triangle to Shine in Monday Night Sky from
Good Mood Foods: Some Flavors in Some Foods Resemble a Prescription Mood Stabilizer from Newswise - Scinews
Sea Launch Rocket Lofts TV Satellite Into Orbit from
Facebook removes Hezbollah sites from UPI
Marital separations an alternative to divorce for poor couples from Science Blog
God as a drug: The rise of American megachurches from Science Blog
Facebook removes Hezbollah sites from UPI
New Technology Combats Global Pandemic of Drug Counterfeiting from Newswise - Scinews
New Space-Age Insulating Material for Homes, Clothing and Other Everyday Uses from Newswise - Scinews
The neuroscience of race – is racism inbuilt? from Science Blog
Red wine compound could help seniors walk away from mobility problems from Science Blog
Simple New Test to Combat Counterfeit Drug Problem in Developing Countries from Newswise - Scinews
Gypsies reveals disease gene from Science Alert
Australia's oceans are changing from Science Alert
Discovery could fix RNA defects from Science Alert
Speech an indicator of depression from Science Alert
The Community Of Reason, A Self-Assessment And A Manifesto
Like NASA rover, family switches over to Mars time from AP Science
Physicists demonstrate that 15=3x5 about half of the time from Physorg
Artificial intelligence helps detect subtle differences in mutant worms from Physorg
A new route to dissipationless electronics from Physorg
Using evolution to understand pollution from Harvard Science
Inspired by genetics, chemistry finally takes hold of its own code from Physorg
Improving water quality can help save coral reefs (w/ Video) from Physorg
Artificial Intelligence Allows Automated Worm Sorting from Newswise - Scinews
Prop. 37 Backer: GMOs Cause Autism
Coolest Science Stories of the Week from Live Science
New world record set at mobile-phone throwing contest from Physorg
Like NASA rover, family switches over to Mars time from Physorg
Massachusetts butterflies move north as climate warms (w/ Video) from Physorg
NASA Announces Curiosity Rover Media Events Schedule from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A story that doesn’t hold up from Harvard Science
Butterflies heading north from Harvard Science
Northern Gateway review hobbled by budget cuts, critics say from CBC: Technology & Science
Endangered sea turtle dies after swimming up N.S. river from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers demonstrate that 15=3×5 about half of the time from Science Blog
Quakes Beneath Antarctic Glacier Linked to Ocean Tides from Live Science
"DNA Wires" Could Help Physicians Diagnose Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Sea Launch conducts satellite launch for Intelsat from Physorg
National education policy -- oh, how it's changed from Science Daily
Middle-class children: Squeaky wheels in training from Science Daily
Work has more benefits than just a paycheck for moms: Working moms are healthier than stay-at-home moms from Science Daily
Quantum processing: Researchers demonstrate that 15=3x5 about half of the time from Science Daily
Massachusetts butterflies move north as climate warms from Science Daily
Rover's Laser Instrument Zaps First Martian Rock from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Inspired by genetics, chemistry finally takes hold of its own code: Chemists can attain more complex supramolecular structures? from Science Daily
'DNA wires' could help physicians diagnose disease from Science Daily
Improving water quality can help save coral reefs from Science Daily
Rover's laser instrument zaps first Martian rock from Science Daily
Insight: DNA tests tell trees from the wood; curb illegal logging from Reuters:Science
Meddling with Male Malaria Mosquito "Mating Plug" to Control an Epidemic from Newswise - Scinews
Press Center Highlights from "The World Series of Science" August 19, 2012 from Newswise - Scinews
NASA's science rover Curiosity zaps first Martian rock from Reuters:Science
Video: Fracking to be approved in New York State from CBSNews - Science
Q & A: How Do Female Kangaroos Keep Their Pouches Clean? from NY Times Science
A new route to dissipationless electronics from Science Daily
Sociologist examines the challenges of women in professional football from Science Daily
Relationship between marriage and alcohol examined from Science Daily
God as a drug: The rise of American megachurches from Science Daily
Young adults from middle income families at higher risk for student loan debt than their poorer peers from Science Daily
Artificial intelligence allows automated worm sorting from Science Daily
Curiosity zaps Martian rock with laser from CBC: Technology & Science
The wasp that never cries wolf from Science Daily
Red wine compound could help seniors walk away from mobility problems from Science Daily
Good mood foods: Some flavors in some foods resemble a prescription mood stabilizer from Science Daily
New space-age insulating material for homes, clothing and other everyday uses from Science Daily
New technology combats global pandemic of drug counterfeiting from Science Daily
Simple new test to combat counterfeit drug problem in developing countries from Science Daily
NASA's science rover Curiosity zaps first Martian rock from Reuters:Science
Meddling with male malaria mosquito 'mating plug' to control an epidemic from Science Daily
What’s best for very low birth weight babies from Science Daily
Romney and Obama Campaigns Seize Role of Medicare Defender from NY Times Health
As Esalen Celebrates Its Past, Its Future Is Debated from NY Times Health
Todd Akin Provokes Ire With ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment from NY Times Health
Coming Next: Doctors Prescribing Apps to Patients from NY Times Health
Op-Ed Contributor: Testing Standard Medical Practices from NY Times Health
Romney and Obama Campaigns Seize Role of Medicare Defender from NY Times Health