Archive of feed items published on the 10th of April 2010
Hiding out behind the Milky Way from Science Daily
Women with preeclampsia have fewer blood vessel precursor cells from Science Daily
Harm caused by nicotine withdrawal during intensive care from Science Daily
Magnetic attraction of stem cells creates more potent treatment for heart attack from Science Daily
Rheumatoid arthritis linked to vitamin D deficiency, study suggests from Science Daily
'Start/stop switch' for retroviruses found from Science Daily
New model tracks the immune response to a T from Science Daily
New agent chokes off energy supply, kills cancer cells from Science Daily
Retreating patients with hepatitis C: Telaprevir boosts cure rate from Science Daily
First Spacewalk of Shuttle Mission from NY Times Science
Science Briefing from LA Times - Science
Feds Step Up Probe into Tech Hiring Practices from CBSNews - Science
Adobe Fumes Over Apple Snub from CBSNews - Science
Saudi Arabia's Big Bet on the Sun from CBSNews - Science
Can Apple "Out-Google" Google? from CBSNews - Science
Latest Photos From Discovery's Mission to Space from CBSNews - Science
Driverless Auto To Climb Pikes Peak from CBSNews - Science
New Missing Link - Or Maybe Not
Therapeutic effect of fermented milk on chronic gastritis
Impossible to separate Gaza-born conjoined twins: doctors from Physorg
Virus outbreak causes 40 child deaths in China from Physorg
Significant findings about protein architecture may aid in drug design, generation of nanomaterials
PANDAS don't like stress
Empathy and violence have similar circuits in the brain
Researchers identify secrets to happiness, depression among oldest of old
Most women unaware of risk for debilitating fractures
Deciphering the mysteries of an ancient seafloor goliath
Primary care physicians nationwide face clinical ethical conflicts with religious hospitals
M. D. Anderson zeroes in on better way to predict prognosis in paediatric leukaemia patients
Natural gas potential assessed in Eastern Mediterranean
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis causes dysphagia in older patients
Leukaemia-related protein 16 and colorectal carcinoma
Alaska eagle survives plunge after mating dance from Physorg
Coal carrier to be stuck on Great Barrier Reef for days from Physorg
E. coli kills 1 child, sickens 3 at Wash. day care from Physorg
Google, Apple rivalry heats up from Physorg
Honest deer every year
Rewiring of gene regulation across 300 million years of evolution
Wireless nano sensors could save bridges, buildings
Closing in on a carbon-based solar cell
Simple test can detect signs of suicidal thoughts in people taking antidepressants
Endoscopic resection of a large ileal lipoma
Scientists explore origins of 'supervolcanoes' on the sea floor
Perioperative chemoradiotherapy in oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma
Invasive fish and mussels team up to transfer toxic substances into Great Lakes walleyes
New-generation VAD operates magnetically, without bearings, other moving parts
A new endoscopic technique for gastrointestinal perforations: The over-the-scope-clip
Temperature-dependent drug may prevent blood clots during therapeutic hypothermia
2012: The Higgs Is Found, Or Ruled Out
Space Mission Extended to Inspect Shield from CBSNews - Science
Spacewalkers "Ready to Rock and Roll" from CBSNews - Science
Space Mission Extended to Inspect Shield from CBSNews - Science
Spacewalkers "Ready to Rock and Roll" from CBSNews - Science
Steve Jobs: Can He Defy History? from CBSNews - Science
Steve Jobs: Can He Defy History? from CBSNews - Science
Steve Jobs: Can He Defy History? from CBSNews - Science
Space Mission Extended to Inspect Shield from CBSNews - Science
Spacewalkers "Ready to Rock and Roll" from CBSNews - Science
Scientists Race to Engineer a New Magnet for Electronics from Live Science
Genetic tests can unravel the mysteries of your DNA from LA Times - Health
Technology expands breast cancer screening options from LA Times - Health
Are patients misserved by patents on human genes? from LA Times - Health
Are eggs truly bad for the heart? from LA Times - Health
Communication is key to every office visit from LA Times - Health
Evaluating homeopathic approaches to tinnitus from LA Times - Health
‘Grey’s Anatomy’ episode about suicide hits the mark from LA Times - Health
Bend and stretch those hamstrings from LA Times - Health
Little lady, big biceps from LA Times - Health
U of T engineers honoured for Apollo 13 aid from CBC: Technology & Science
Gene that changes the brain’s response to stress identified from Science Daily
Scientists track variant of gene-regulating protein in embryonic stem cells from Science Daily
Source of recurrent yeast infections in autoimmune syndrome pinpointed from Science Daily
Space Junk Threat Invisible to Astronauts in Orbit from
Two ‘Hamburger’ Plants?
Astronauts 'ready to rock 'n' roll' on spacewalk 2 from Physorg
Alien Life on Titan Would Stink from
Black hole twins spew gravitational waves from Physics World
Exotic quantum spin-liquid simulated: A starting point for superconductivity? from Science Daily
NASA sensors providing rapid estimates of Iceland volcano emissions from Science Daily
ODD solution to bomb scares: Optical Dynamic Detection provides better way to detect explosives from Science Daily
Social influence plays role in surging autism diagnoses, study finds from Science Daily
Cancer drug effectiveness substantially advanced: Co-administered peptide directs medicines deep into tumor tissue from Science Daily
Simple test can detect signs of suicidal thoughts in people taking antidepressants from Science Daily
Hepatitis C infection doubles risk for kidney cancer, study finds from Science Daily
Chemical compound effective in destroying antibiotic-resistant biofilms from Science Daily
Researchers identify secrets to happiness, depression among oldest of old from Science Daily
Poor sleep for obese adolescents from Science Daily
Video: Food for Thought from CBSNews - Science
Video: Nuclear Next Step from CBSNews - Science
Video: Food for Thought from CBSNews - Science
Video: Nuclear Next Step from CBSNews - Science
Comet Eaten By the Sun As Spacecraft Watches from
Novelties: Prosthetic Fingers That Grab Gracefully from NY Times Health
Health Care Overhaul May Help a Fund Sector from NY Times Health