Archive of feed items published on the 24th of January 2009
Human embryonic stem cell trial wins approval from News @ Nature
Europe Wants U.S. to Join Carbon Trading Market from NY Times Science
New Rules on Doctors and Medical Firms Amid Ethics Concerns from NY Times Health
Europe to Ask Wealthy Nations to Adopt Carbon Trading System from NY Times Science
The Worst Jobs in Science from PopSci
Macintosh computers hitting stride at age 25 from Physorg
Plasmonic whispering gallery microcavity paves the way to future nanolasers from Physorg
Scientists use lasers to measure changes to tropical forests from Physorg
Children with inflammatory bowel disease have surprisingly high folate levels, study finds from Physorg
Cancer-causing gene discovery suggests new therapies from Physorg
Google loses best workplace crown to NetApp from Physorg
One whale survives mass Australian beaching from Physorg
Texas board moves closer to new science standards from Physorg
China reports 4th bird flu death in 2009 from Physorg
Others could follow Google's move to reset options from Physorg
Delay in analog TV shutdown presents challenges from Physorg
Sneaky Fish Love Caviar from Live Science
CFIA now investigating listeria found in meat from Toronto plant in 2007 from CBC: Health
New insight into how bees see from Biology News Net
Research elucidates way lungs fight bacteria and prevent infection from Biology News Net
First study to test real-world effects of stun gun use raises questions about safety from Biology News Net
Gene's past could improve the future of rice from Biology News Net
Blue-sky fireball video from Science Blog
Waste-To-Energy System Could Mean Big Savings from Live Science
Impaired kidney function raises risk of heart problems in the elderly
Microbes fuel energy debate
Scientists discover a key protein regulator of inflammation and cell death
Reptile fossil re-ignites debate over New Zealand submergence
Pathogenic soil bacterium is influenced by land management practices
Excessive weight loss can be a bad thing
Hope for a rabies eradication strategy in Africa
Sea bed provides information about present climatic change
South African policy on adolescents' rights to access condoms is causing confusion
Reduced breast cancer risk: Physical activity after menopause pays off
'Sunshine vitamin' link to cognitive problems in older people
Scientists use lasers to measure changes to tropical forests
I quit, we quit - what works better for smokers?
Survey could help paediatricians better treat patients
Even stars get fat
Does universal health care affect attitude toward dementia?
More chip cores can mean slower supercomputing
Physical activity, mood and serious mental illness
New treatment reduces severity of asthma attacks in preschoolers
Midlife coffee and tea drinking and the risk of late-life dementia
Paintballs can cause 'devastating' eye injuries
Cancer-causing gene discovery suggests new therapies
Access to state children's health insurance programs vital to disabled children
Countries undergoing economic change urged to limit social and health costs for populations
Biologist enhances use of bioinformatic tools and achieves precision in genetic annotation
Children with inflammatory bowel disease have surprisingly high folate levels
Infants draw on past to interpret present, understand other people's behaviour
New model system may better explain regulation of body weight
Scientists find new structural motif in key enzymes is essential to prevent autoimmune disease
Light-speed nanotech: Controlling the nature of graphene
Air Bags/Seat Belts Important In Preventing Spine Fractures from Science Daily
Electronics from the printer
The total package: A skillful, compassionate doctor
MRSA head and neck infections increase among children
Study compares two non-surgical treatments for reflux disease
Kidney transplant survival can be long-term for people with HIV
Personal disaster preparedness
Altered brain activity in schizophrenia may cause exaggerated focus on self
Motor skill learning may be enhanced by mild brain stimulation
Foetal health affected by mother's diet
Chemical come-on successfully lures lovesick lampreys to traps
Report calls aerosol research key to improving climate predictions
Decline in health among older adults affected by Hurricane Katrina
Popular songs can cue specific memories
Process can cut the cost of making cellulosic biofuels
Food advertisements in your magazine: How healthy are they?
Large DNA stretches, not single genes, shut off as cells mature
Mayo Clinic researchers find experimental therapy turns on tumour suppressor gene in cancer cells
New treatment option for latent tuberculosis
Progress made in understanding causes and treatment of endometriosis
Surviving dance club music with hearing intact
Slices of living brain tissue are helping scientists identify new stroke therapies
Measurement of kidney function in children with kidney disease improved
Developing countries need support to ethically conduct unlinked anonymous HIV testing
The un-favourite child
Oral steroids ineffective in the treatment of preschool virus-induced wheezing
Key to the success of invasive ants discovered
Evolutionary process more detailed than previously believed, study shows
Binge drinking leads to a greater risk of preterm birth
Secrets of Stradivarius' unique violin sound revealed
Project MARGO: A new tool which improves the reliability of climate models
Texas moves closer to new science standards from MSNBC: Science
NOAA Gives Navy Marine Mammal Protection Measures For Sonar Training Off The Atlantic Coast And Gulf Of Mexico from Science Daily
Scientists test blast-resistant concrete
Flat fixtures for EUV exposure
A robot inspects wind energy converters
Evolutionary biologists rally behind Richard Dawkins' Extended Phenotype
Litvinenko death isotope to go under the microscope at the University of Kent
Infidelity produces faster sperms
Sensor in artery measures blood pressure
Infra red spotlights crystal growth
Geographers to join in climate change study at world famous wildlife park
Language driven by culture, not biology
Electrochemical capacitors for water desalination
University of Helsinki and ASM International N.V. renew 5-year research agreement on Atomic Layer Deposition
Networked embedded system middleware speeds up the development of innovative systems
Parasites in the genome - a molecular parasite could play an important role in human evolution
Space mission for worms
Gene technology to fight lethal hospital acquired infection
New report reveals that girls have the edge in new technologies
IK4 develops a portable device for detecting Salmonella in under an hour
Cosmic rays detected deep underground reveal secrets of the upper atmosphere
Research exposes the risk to infants from the chemicals used in liquid medicines
Nutritional supplementation program helps prevent weight loss among children in African country
Virtual communities may provide valuable support for psoriasis patients
Microbot motors fit to swim human arteries
Abnormal heart function associated with reduced capacity for exercise
Retinoid cream associated with death in clinical trial, but relationship does not appear causal
Victims of intimate partner violence display distinct patterns of facial injury
Indiana University discovery may provide new approach to HIV treatment
Medication may provide some benefit for older adults with anxiety disorder
Study examines racial disparities in survival among patients diagnosed with lung cancer
Gene switch sites found mainly on 'shores,' not just 'islands' of the human genome
When less attention improves behaviour
Lego-like process helps share science findings
FAU and Max Planck present the 2009 Nobel Laureate Lecture
IBM Lotus introduces new portfolio of integrated cloud services
New target tackles question of nutrient source in watershed
Bleeding hearts revealed with new scan
Childhood obesity risk increased by newly-discovered genetic mutations
Queen's University Belfast works to save Strangford horse mussels
Frantic activity revealed in dusty stellar factories
Surprising new health and environmental concerns about tungsten
Implants mimic infection to rally immune system against tumours
The smallest possible switches
Plasmonic whispering gallery microcavity paves the way to future nanolasers
A face full of clues - injuries may tip off doctors to abuse
Potsdam scientists to tackle new type of weather simulations with IBM iDataPlex
Is there a relationship between sleep-wake rhythm and diabetes?
Tasmanian devils threatened by contagious cancer from AP Science
Avian flu detected in southern B.C.: CFIA from CBC: Health
Scientists see California quake pattern from UPI
Supermassive Black Holes Not Guilty Of Shutting Down Star Formation from Science Daily
How Chemotherapy Drugs Block Blood Vessel Growth, Slow Cancer Spread from Science Daily
Aeroacoustics Study Helps Control Noise From Unmanned Aerial Vehicles from Science Daily
Makeover Shows Correspond With Increased Body Anxiety from Science Daily
Secrets Of Stradivarius' Unique Violin Sound Revealed, Professor Says from Science Daily
Slices Of Living Brain Tissue Are Helping Scientists Identify New Stroke Therapies from Science Daily
Type Of Supporting Cells Resistant To Notch Signaling Discovered from Science Daily
Offspring Of Male Geezers: A New Wrinkle from Science Daily
Global Warming: Tree Deaths Have Doubled Across The Western U.S. from Science Daily
More Accurate FEMA Flood Maps Could Help Avoid Significant Damages And Losses from Science Daily
Protease Inhibitor May Aid In Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment from Science Daily
Exposed to Solvent, Worker Faces Hurdles from NY Times Health
Health | Jersey City: A Soap Opera’s Sex Is All for a Good Cause from NY Times Health
The path to history is through the stomach from Science Blog
New clot-buster found from Science Blog
Seattle shows little love for Lucy fossil exhibit from AP Science
They Can Say Which Bird Hit a Plane, Even When Not Much Bird Is Left from NY Times Science
Scientific Research: What’s Ahead for Plum Island? from NY Times Science