13 Things You Need To Know About Concussions
Smashed Sam Kaplan In recent years, researchers have only just begun to understand how and why concussions are dangerous, fueling the debate about football safety. Here’s what you need to know. 1. There are roughly 1.6 to 3.8 million concussions in the U.S. every year from professional and recreational sports. 2. Up to half of concussions go unreported. 3. Concussions reported in the NFL are on the rise, likely because of a reduced stigma in reporting them. Concussions reported per week increased 67 percent from 2009 to 2012. 4. There’s little evidence that current sports helmets for youth reduce the risk of concussions, according to a National Academy of Sciences report published last year. 5. The NFL agreed to pay $765 million to thousands of retired players for damages from concussion-related health problems as part of a 2013 settlement. However, on January 14, a federal judge...