MSNBC: Science

Thursday th 20th of July 2017

NASA's Supersonic Jet Program Zooms Past Major Milestone - 19:22

Lunar Robots Test Their Mettle on Active Volcano - 19:22

You Can Forget about Surfing on Saturn's Moon Titan. Here's Why - 19:22

Sexual Harassment May Lie Deep in Our DNA - 19:22

The Roswell Incident and the Kardashians Have Something in Common - 19:22

New In-Home Drug Rehab Shows Promise for Addicts - 19:22

Bill Nye Explains His Eight Principles of Everything in VR Event - 19:22

Actor's Death Spotlights Dangers of Home Detox - 19:22

Iceberg Weighing 1.12 Trillion Tons Breaks From Antarctica - 19:22

Iceberg Breaking Off Antarctica Is 'Suspicious' Mystery - 19:22

This DNA Tool Gives Cops a New Way to Crack Cold Cases - 19:22

Moon Express Reveals Bold New Plan to Explore Solar System - 19:22

This is the Tiniest Star Scientists Have Ever Seen - 19:22

This Aspiring Astronaut Has Taken Some Dramatic Steps To Make a Dream Come True - 19:22

McCain's Surgery to Delay Vote on Health Care Bill - 19:22

NASA Said No to My Astronaut Dream, So I Found Another Way - 19:22

What Space Archaeologists Want to Learn about Astronaut 'Microsociety' - 19:22

MH370 Search Data Reveals Deep Sea Secrets - 19:22

'Surreal' Phone Call Helped Make This Test Pilot an Astronaut - 19:22

Inner Strength for Outer Space - 19:22

For Astronauts, Crazy Risks Come with the Job - 19:22

Saving a Spaceman from Drowning - 19:22

The Making of an Astronaut - 19:22

Elon Musk Calls for Outpost on the Moon - 19:22

New Drug Lights Brain Tumors, May Prolong Survival - 19:22

New Drug Lights Brain Tumors, May Prolong Survival - 18:52

Elon Musk Calls for Outpost on the Moon - 11:02

Wednesday th 19th of July 2017

Saving a Spaceman from Drowning - 22:32

The Making of an Astronaut - 22:02

Inner Strength for Outer Space - 22:02

For Astronauts, 'Crazy' Risks Come with the Job - 21:02

Needle-Free Flu Patch Works as Well as a Shot - 19:32

These Scientists Have a Plan To Cheat Death. Will It Work? - 19:32

Most Horse DNA Traces Back to These Strong Studs - 19:32

NASA Revives Plan to Put Nuclear Reactors on Mars - 19:32

You Have Questions About the Solar Eclipse. We Have the Answers - 19:32

Amelia Earhart's Disappearance Is Still as Mysterious 80 Years Later - 19:32

NASA's Supersonic Jet Program Zooms Past Major Milestone - 19:32

Lunar Robots Test Their Mettle on Active Volcano - 19:32

You Can Forget about Surfing on Saturn's Moon Titan. Here's Why - 19:32

Sexual Harassment May Lie Deep in Our DNA - 19:32

The Roswell Incident and the Kardashians Have Something in Common - 19:32

New In-Home Drug Rehab Shows Promise for Addicts - 19:32

Bill Nye Explains His Eight Principles of Everything in VR Event - 19:32

Actor's Death Spotlights Dangers of Home Detox - 19:32

Iceberg Weighing 1.12 Trillion Tons Breaks From Antarctica - 19:32

Iceberg Breaking Off Antarctica Is 'Suspicious' Mystery - 19:32

This DNA Tool Gives Cops a New Way to Crack Cold Cases - 19:32

Moon Express Reveals Bold New Plan to Explore Solar System - 19:32

This is the Tiniest Star Scientists Have Ever Seen - 19:32