Archive of feed items published on the 23rd of July 2011
Muscles in a Vial: Can a Single Shot Turn You Into Captain America? from Live Science
Nation getting little relief from heat wave from LA Times - Science
Moorpark neighbors battle infestation of rabid bats from LA Times - Science
Your Money: Tuition Refunds, but Not Quite on Equal Terms from NY Times Health
NASA Picks Rover Destination: Mountain on Mars from NY Times Science
10,000 Buildings Get the Word on ‘Dirty’ Fuel from NY Times Science
Scientists Retract Report on Predicting Longevity from NY Times Science
National Briefing | MIDWEST: Illinois: More Signs of Invasive Carp Found from NY Times Science
NASA catches 3 tropical cyclones at 1 time from Physorg
Cellular stress can induce yeast to promote prion formation from Physorg
New target found for nitric oxide's attack on salmonella bacteria from Physorg
Northwest Forest Plan has unintended benefit - carbon sequestration from Physorg
IV fluids may reduce severity of kidney failure in kids with E. coli infection from Physorg
Impact statement on US oil pipeline due in August from Physorg
15 whales dead in northwest Scotland from Physorg
IMF 'may never know' who mounted cyber attack from Physorg
Judge nixes Winklevoss twin's Facebook lawsuit from Physorg
Credit card hacker sentenced to 10 years in prison from Physorg
Historian: 3 possible Japanese airmen for skull from Physorg
Crowd welcomes home, thanks final shuttle crew from Physorg
'30 days of hell' for US victim of German E. coli from Physorg
Feds say Yellowstone cleanup will take more people from Physorg
Bioengineers identify the cellular mechanisms of traumatic brain injury from Physorg
Life scientists use novel technique to produce genetic map for African Americans from Physorg
In with potassium, out with sodium from LA Times - Health
Asymmetric quarks defy standard model of physics from News @ Nature
Bomb-blast brain injuries explained from News @ Nature
8 Ways to Ruin Your Relationship from Live Science
Best Space Photos of the Week - July 23, 2011 from
News in Brief: Earth/Environment from
Daunting space task -- send astronauts to asteroid from Physorg
Pilot whales stranded on Scottish beach from UPI
One More Higgs Search: H To Four Leptons
World’s largest sheep a groovy world traveler from Science Blog
Neanderthals had sex with humans, says DNA from MSNBC: Science
Russian space telescope unfurls giant antenna from Physorg
Dow Jones editor reminds reporters of ethics code from Physorg
Maybe We Need A Geopolitical Rumspringa
Pilot whales stranded on Scottish beach from UPI
The Search for a Male Contraceptive That Men Might Not Mind from NY Times Health
Exquisite Machines
From Big Bang To Cosmic Crackerpack
Ceci N'est Pas Un Calmar
Wind farms multiply, fueling clashes with nearby residents from LA Times - Science