Archive of feed items published on the 1st of March 2009
Explorers begin epic Arctic trek from BBC News: Science & Nature
Yeast unravels Parkinson's cause from Science Alert
Brass from muck from BBC News: Science & Nature
NZ weight crisis unregulated from Science Alert
Floats to explain ocean current from Science Alert
China lunar probe mission ends with planned crash from AP Science
Study: many cancers preventable from Science Alert
Cause of neuron disease found from Science Alert
Energy drinks actually kill our buzz from Science Alert
Salt tolerant plants a step closer from Science Alert
Bolivia pins hopes on lithium, electric vehicles from Physorg
China lunar probe mission ends with planned crash from Physorg
Opinion: Connecting global power sources could beat climate change from Science Alert
China's lunar probe ends mission from Reuters:Science
British team trek to North Pole to measure sea ice from Physorg
Feature: New drug to reset your body clock from Science Alert
SKoreans buy air purifiers amid "yellow dust" warning from Physorg
Schwarzenegger, 'green' gadgets at giant high-tech fair from Physorg
Japan quail farm bird flu 'not H5N1': govt from Physorg
Amazon lets authors mute Kindle books read-aloud feature from Physorg
China plans space station with module launch in 2010 from Physorg
Video game Everquest 2 provides new way to study human behaviour
UMMS researchers isolate gene mutations in patients with inherited ALS
Scientists discover why teeth form in a single row
Researchers identify potential therapeutic target in osteosarcoma
Old cells work differently
Mizzou scientist moves closer to MD solution
A worm-and-mouse tale: B cells deserve more respect
UT Southwestern teaching hospital halves its rate of premature births
Liver transplant recipients with hepatitis B may need lifelong antiviral treatment
Artificial disc replacement as good or better than spinal fusion surgery
Building strong bones: Running may provide more benefits than resistance training
Many faces of diabetes in American youth: The SEARCH for diabetes in youth study
Dog bites a particular threat to young children, especially as temperatures rise
Childhood sleep problems persisting through adolescence may affect cognitive abilities
School-based intervention is a promising model for improving adolescent sleep habits
New gene-searching method uncovers possible new targets for Crohn's disease drugs
From stem cells to new organs: Stanford and NYU scientists cross threshold in regenerative medicine
No differences in survival or neonatal outcomes in pregnancy-associated colorectal cancer
British butterfly reveals role of habitat for species responding to climate change
CO2 drop and global cooling caused Antarctic glacier to form
DNA reveals Roots author Alex Haley had Scottish blood from BBC News: Science & Nature
MIT uses nano-origami to build tiny electronic devices
Purdue study projects weakened monsoon season in South Asia
Study: Soybean oil reduces carbon footprint in swine barns
Frog's immune system is key in fight against killer virus
Ex vivo neural stem cell expansion
Many middle-aged and older Americans not getting adequate nutrition
Nano-sonar uses electrons to measure under the surface
MIT: Using touch to help deaf people
Spun-sugar fibres spawn sweet technique for nerve repair
How yeast is helping us to understand Parkinson's disease
Scripps research scientists develop general-purpose method for detecting trace chemicals
HIV adapts to 'escape' immune response
Study suggests surface water contaminated with salmonella more common than thought
Scripps research team finds immune molecule that attacks wide range of flu viruses
Effective mentoring critical to HIV research efforts
Health campaigns that promote exercise may cause people to eat more
Understanding natural crop defences
Proepithelin encourages cell growth and migration in prostate cancer
Study shows maritime shipping makes hefty contribution to air pollution
U of I study shows benefits of hormone found in fat tissue
Archaeologists rediscover lost Egyptian tomb from Reuters:Science
Underlying Sleep Problem Linked To Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder In Children from Science Daily
Alcohol Types And Socioeconomic Status Are Associated With Barrett's Esophagus Risk from Science Daily
Childhood Sleep Problems Persisting Through Adolescence May Affect Cognitive Abilities from Science Daily
Many Middle-aged And Older Americans Not Getting Adequate Nutrition from Science Daily
Broccoli And Cabbage-based Drug Could Inhibit Melanoma from Science Daily
School-based Intervention Is A Promising Model For Improving Adolescent Sleep Habits from Science Daily
Dog Bites A Particular Threat To Young Children, Especially As Temperatures Rise from Science Daily
Bye, Tech: Dealing With Data Rot from CBSNews - Science
Underlying sleep problem linked to ADHD in children
Low literacy can lead to food 'portion distortion'
Energy simulation may explain turbulence mystery
Discovery provides hope for sufferers of disfiguring bone disease
The oldest isolated pulsar is surprisingly active
Cell microenvironments hold key to future stem cell therapies
Novel pandemic flu vaccine effective against H5N1 in mice
Intelligent use of the Earth's heat
Scientists unlock the secrets of C. difficile's protective shell
Vegetable-based drug could inhibit melanoma
Russian Military Satellite Launched by Proton Rocket from
Launch Dates Shift for Missions to Several Space Missions from
Patients With GI Bleeding Admitted On The Weekend Have Higher Death Rate from Science Daily
Explorers to measure Arctic sea ice from UPI
Many middle-aged and older Americans not getting adequate nutrition from Physorg
Vegetable-based drug could inhibit melanoma from Physorg
Scientists discover mobile small RNAs that set up leaf patterning in plants from Physorg
Breakthrough makes lab-produced stem cells safer for humans
Unfolding 'nature's origami'
Study reveals what makes Clostridium difficile superbug deadly
Obama raises hopes on climate treaty from UPI
Inorganic crystals tuned into tubes from Chemistry World
Canadian breast cancer report delayed from UPI
Where choices happen from
Researchers find safer way to make stem cells from Reuters:Science
Researchers make stem cell breakthrough from Physorg
What makes C-Diff superbug deadly? from Physorg
New origin found for a critical immune response from Physorg
Vitamin A signals offer clues to treating autoimmunity from Physorg
Unlocking wood's energy from Physorg
Wiki health site aims to provide sound medical information from Physorg
Attempt to move Forest Service could spark turf war from Physorg
Disabled Spanish athletes reach South Pole: report from Physorg
Study says diet, exercise reduces cancer from UPI
Parkinson's mystery unravelled from Science Alert
NZ weight crisis unregulated from Science Alert
Floats to explain ocean current from Science Alert
Many cancers preventable from Science Alert
Cause of neuron disease found from Science Alert
Energy drinks kill our buzz from Science Alert
Salt tolerant plants a step closer from Science Alert
Opinion: Connecting global power sources could beat climate change from Science Alert
Feature: New drug to reset your body clock from Science Alert
Researchers find primordial sex from Science Alert
Sneaky fish disguise revealed from Science Alert
Team charts under-ice mountain from Science Alert
High rates of gut infection in NZ from Science Alert
Solar cells printed to polymer from Science Alert
Opinion: Tensions in the Bennett Report from Science Alert
Fathers usually are related from Science Alert
Coral disease works like cholera from Science Alert
Outdoor workers are burning from Science Alert
Gastric bands work for diabetes from Science Alert
Hot nests slow turtle swimming from Science Alert
Opinion: Teaching scientists the value of virtue from Science Alert
Low pressure cuts dialysis risk from Science Alert
Indigenous culture helps living from Science Alert
Warm oceans slow coral growth from Science Alert
Ancient seas pleasantly warm from Science Alert
Opinion: Housing for our changing climates from Science Alert
Human action changes urchins from Science Alert
Feature: Studying roots from below from Science Alert
Opinion: Home solar’s not worth it – but… from Science Alert
Protected dingoes stay put from Science Alert
Frog's immune system is key in fight against killer virus from Biology News Net
Understanding natural crop defenses from Biology News Net
HIV adapts to 'escape' immune response from Biology News Net
New origin found for a critical immune response from Biology News Net
Old Cells Work Differently from Physorg
What the Romans learnt from Greek mathematics from Physorg
Novel pandemic flu vaccine effective against H5N1 in mice from Physorg
Alcohol types and socioeconomic status are associated with Barrett's esophagus risk from Physorg
Dog bites a particular threat to young children, especially as temperatures rise from Physorg
School-based intervention is a promising model for improving adolescent sleep habits from Physorg
Demo, The Tech Show With Heart And Soul from CBSNews - Science
Chinese probe crashes into moon from BBC News: Science & Nature
3,500-year-old tomb rediscovered in Egypt from MSNBC: Science
Capitol power plant dims clean energy hopes from AP Science
Stem Cell Breakthrough: New Method For Creating Stem Cells from Science Daily
Vitamin A Signals Offer Clues To Treating Autoimmunity from Science Daily
New Origin Found For Critical Immune Response from Science Daily
What Makes Clostridium difficile Superbug Deadly? from Science Daily
Scots bird team on Syrian mission from BBC News: Science & Nature
Climate Change, Energy Priorities from C&EN
Skeleton Key May Defuse Flu from C&EN
Drug Combo Kills Resistant TB from C&EN
European Earnings from C&EN
Chemical & Engineering News: Table of Contents from C&EN
3 British explorers begin survey of Arctic sea-ice cap from CBC: Technology & Science
Bird flu vaccine works on mice from UPI
Chinese lunar probe hits moon from UPI
Elbow ligament reconstruction appears not to effect future professional advancement in baseball from Science Blog
Ex vivo neural stem cell expansion from Science Blog
Scientists at CSHL discover mobile small RNAs that set up leaf patterning in plants from Science Blog
Patients with GI bleeding admitted on the weekend have higher death rate from Science Blog
Dog bites a particular threat to young children, especially as temperatures rise from Science Blog
New origin found for a critical immune response from Science Blog
School-based intervention is a promising model for improving adolescent sleep habits from Science Blog
Underlying sleep problem linked to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children from Science Blog
Vegetable-based drug could inhibit melanoma from Science Blog
Vitamin A signals offer clues to treating autoimmunity from Science Blog
Small Robots Can Prepare Lunar Surface For NASA Outpost from Science Daily
Ethnic Differences Found For Fatty Liver Disease And Insulin Resistance from Science Daily
Is Our Obsession With Pandemic Bird Flu Justified? from Science Daily
From Stem Cells To New Organs: Scientists Cross Threshold In Regenerative Medicine from Science Daily
Malaria Parasite Zeroes In On Molecule To Enhance Its Survival from Science Daily
Overdoing It? Simple Techniques Can Help Avoid Overindulgence from Science Daily
Probing And Controlling 'Molecular Rattling' May Mean Better Preservatives from Science Daily
Butterfly Found To Be New Species, Because Of Its Mustache from Science Daily
Shorter Wait Means Longer Life For Kidney Transplant Candidates from Science Daily
Physical Activity Guidelines Are Too Confusing, Say Researchers from Science Daily
Being Overweight Just As Risky To Health As Being A Smoker from Science Daily
Historical Photographs Expose Decline In Florida's Reef Fish, Study Finds from Science Daily
Ultrasound And TPA Effective For Stroke from Science Daily
Cleaning The Atmosphere Of Carbon: African Forests Out Of Balance from Science Daily
Cardiovascular Risks: Venous Thromboembolism Risk Increases Up To Four Fold With Long-haul Flights from Science Daily
Atmosphere Rich In Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen Enhances Quality Of Refrigerated Potatoes from Science Daily
Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) Leads To Pulmonary Hypertension, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Gene To Reduce Wheat Yield Losses from Science Daily
Yoga Provides Emotional Benefits To Women With Breast Cancer from Science Daily
Growing Danger From Post-birth Bleeding from Science Daily
Tiny Tool To Control Growing Blood Vessels Opens New Potential In Tumor Research from Science Daily
Drug Combination Reduces Kidney Disease Risk In Diabetics from Science Daily
Coffee Cultivation Good For Diversity In Agrarian Settlements But Not In Forests from Science Daily
Treating Drug-addicted Doctors Is Good Medicine from Science Daily
Car Crashes to Please Mother Nature from NY Times Science
Scores Of Whales Beached In Australia from CBSNews - Science