Latest science news in Biology & Nature
Observatory: Harmful Rays? For Some Spiders, a Mating Signal
Among a certain species of jumping spider, females prefer males that reflect UVB radiation.
Possible genetic link to obesity found
LONDON, May 5 (UPI) -- British and other scientists say they've discovered a gene sequence that is linked with weight gain and a tendency to develop type 2...
Woody and aquatic plants pose greatest invasive threat to China
Although China currently has fewer invasive woody plants than the United States, China’s potential for invasion by nonnative trees and shrubs is high, according to an article in the May...
Dwarf cloud rat rediscovered after 112 years
The greater dwarf cloud rat (Carpomys melanurus) was rediscovered in April 2008 -- 112 years after the first and only time it had ever been seen by scientists. Cloud rats...
Fears over Congo elephant killing
The killing of rare elephants in DR Congo may be linked to South Africa lifting its culling ban, a conservationist says.
How do baby birdies learn to sing? By babbling
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Baby birds babble much like human infants do, and they have their own special brain circuits to do it, researchers reported on Thursday.
Sharks Repelled by Metal That Creates Electric Field
An electrochemical alloy sent captive sandbar sharks dashing away from hooked bait, a find that could help reduce the millions of unwanted sharks snagged each year by longline fisheries.
'Silent' Fungus Metabolism Awakened For New Natural Products
US scientists have re-awakened 'silent' metabolic pathways in fungi to reveal a new range of natural products. The research could provide not only a source of new drugs, but a...
New discovery linked to DNA repair and cancer
Scientists have discovered a new protein in humans that plays an important role in repairing DNA damage that could lead to cancer.
Male Seahorses Are Nature's Mr. Mom, Researchers Say
Male seahorses are nature's real-life Mr. Moms -- they take fathering to a whole new level: pregnancy. Although it is common for male fish to play the dominant parenting role,...
Bird study finds bullet residues worrisome
WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) -- U.S. studies of several bird species suggest birds that eat lead ammunition residues contained in the remains of gun-killed animals pose a health...
New Technique Accelerates Biological Image Analysis
Computational Biologist have discovered how to significantly speed up critical steps in an automated method for analyzing cell cultures and other biological specimens. The new technique promises to enable higher...
Paraguay: GM soya invaded by weed
An agrochemical-resistant weed is invading genetically modified soya in Paraguay, diminishing yields.
Wakame waste
Bacteria that feed on seaweed could help in the disposal of pollutants in the world's oceans, according to a new study by researchers in China and Japan. The discovery is...
Phase of clock gene expression in human leukocytes correlates with habitual sleep timing
The phase of clock gene expression in leukocytes, assessed in the absence of the masking effects of light-dark and sleep-wake cycles, correlates with habitual sleep timing, according to a study...
Suspected Carcinogenic Chemicals Used To Make Teflon, Scotchgard, Found In Human Milk
Chemicals used to make nonstick cookware and stain-resistant fabrics are spreading around the world and turning up in surprising places, everywhere from wildlife and drinking water supplies to human blood....
Cloned horse gives birth
Italian scientist Cesare Galli says the world's first cloned horse, Prometea, has given birth to a healthy foal.
Scientist rediscovers rare plant unseen since 1985
(AP) -- A scientist with the Missouri Botanical Garden has rediscovered and identified a rare parasitic plant that hasn't been seen by botanists in more than 20 years.
An Unlikely Way to Save a Species: Serve It for Dinner
Saving plants and animals that were once fairly commonplace in America and are now threatened or endangered often involves urging people to eat them.
Q & A: Pigeon Pedestrians
Why do pigeons on our brownstone block in Brooklyn all stay in the street?
Observatory: Hope for Tiger Breeding
Researchers report that perhaps 20 percent of captive tigers are purebred and retain genetic variations that are not found in the wild.
Essay: A Great Pox’s Greatest Feat: Staying Alive
Research indicates that syphilis became less virulent over time, which probably helped it survive.
Bats Can Make Calls More Intense Than Rock Concerts
Though out of range of human hearing, the shattering screams of tropical bats on the hunt in Panama are the loudest calls ever recorded by an airborne animal.
Common aquatic animals show extreme resistance to radiation
Harvard scientists have found that a common class of freshwater invertebrate animals called bdelloid rotifers are extraordinarily resistant to ionizing radiation, surviving and continuing to reproduce after doses of gamma...
Newly discovered class of mouse retinal cells detect upward motion
Harvard researchers have discovered a previously unknown type of retinal cell that plays an exclusive and unusual role in mice: detecting upward motion. The cells reflect their function in the physical arrangement...
Unusual Degradation Pathway For Ribosomes Discovered
Biochemists have discovered a new pathway by which the cell selectively degrades ribosomes. The pathway is called ribophagy and will probably mean new revisions for the textbooks. Ubiquitin makes it...
Stem Cells Found For The First Time In The Pituitary
Scientists have for the first time identified stem cells that allow the pituitary glands of mice to grow even after birth. They found that, in contrast to most adult stem...
Biomarkers Identified For Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Researchers report the first evidence of a distinctive protein signature that could help to transform the diagnosis and improve the monitoring of the devastating lung disease idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in...