Learning patterns aid computers
While computers are good at face recognition, they're quite weak at 'thinking', particularly common sense. The researchers found that patterns humans use to learn could also benefit artificial intelligence. Image: Henrik5000/iStockphoto Patterns needed to help computers think better have been investigated by an international research group including a Charles Sturt University (CSU) expert, with the results reported in the latest issue of the international journal Nature Scientific Reports. The results come from ten years of collaboration between the Director of CSU’s Centre for Research in Complex Systems, Professor Terry Bossomaier, and the University of Sydney. “We want to understand how shifts in paradigm occur in human thinking. These shifts occur in individuals when they reach their performance in such areas as mathematics or finance. In societies they occur as knowledge grows and attitudes change,” Professor Bossomaier said. “One challenge we faced was to find ways of measuring these shifts. We decided to use the ancient...