How teens deal with raunchy photos

Thursday, June 7, 2012 - 09:31 in Psychology & Sociology

While young people are finding sexual images readily accessible, they did not seem to be "taking over their hearts and minds". Image: fotostorm/iStockphoto School-age teenagers are widely exposed to sexualised and raunchy imagery, but are developing their own ways of dealing with it, a Flinders University sociology researcher has found.As part of her recently completed PhD, Ms Monique Mulholland undertook a study involving children aged 13 to 16 from three Adelaide high schools.The study used a series of whole-class activities designed to elicit the response of adolescents to sexualised images popularly available in mainstream media, advertising, music video clips, and internet cultures. (No pornographic imagery was viewed as part of the study.)While the study confirmed that young people are finding sexual images readily accessible, Ms Mulholland said they did not seem to be “taking over their hearts and minds”.She said, however, that strong concerns must remain about the long-term effects of such...

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