Pew studies American view of Internet impact
The Pew Research Center released this week its Pew Research Internet Project findings on how Americans view the Internet's impact on their lives and relationships. The findings are Part 2 of the think tanks's overall look at the "The Web at 25 in the U.S." The verdict? Well, here is the Pew group's statement: "There is considerable debate about whether people's use of the internet has enriched their relationships or not and whether the online environment is friendly or menacing. We asked questions about that and found that for the American public, the balance sheet is considerably more positive than negative." To be exact, 76% of internet users said the internet has been a good thing for society, and 15% said it has been a bad thing society and 8% said it has been equally good and bad; 90% of Internet users said the Internet has been a good thing...