Biology News Net

Wednesday th 23rd of May 2012

'Killer silk:' Making silk fibers that kill anthrax and other microbes in minutes - 19:30

Tuesday th 22nd of May 2012

New TB test promises to be cheap and fast - 16:30

Researchers take virus-tracking software worldwide - 16:30

How one strain of MRSA becomes resistant to last-line antibiotic - 16:30

Monday th 21st of May 2012

Zooming in on bacterial weapons in 3-D - 16:30

Breast-fed babies' gut microbes contribute to healthy immune systems - 16:30

Thursday th 17th of May 2012

Abundance of rare DNA changes following population explosion may hold clues to common diseases - 19:00

Ancient giant turtle fossil revealed - 19:00

New technique reveals unseen information in DNA code - 19:00

Pollination with precision: How flowers do it - 19:00

Tuesday th 15th of May 2012

Elephant seal tracking reveals hidden lives of deep-diving animals - 21:00

Monday th 14th of May 2012

A microRNA prognostic marker identified in acute leukemia - 18:00

Color of robins' eggs determines parental care - 18:00

Thursday th 10th of May 2012

New 'Map of Life' project aims to show distribution of all animals, plants on planet - 16:00

Researchers use light to switch on gene expression - 16:00

Wednesday th 9th of May 2012

One-quarter of grouper species being fished to extinction - 15:30

Antarctic octopus sheds light on ice-sheet collapse - 15:30

Scientists discover new inflammatory target - 15:30

UCLA scientists unlock mystery of how 'handedness' arises - 15:30

Tuesday th 8th of May 2012

H1N1 discovery paves way for universal flu vaccine: UBC research - 16:50

The Auburn Tiger trapdoor spider -- a new species discovered from a college town backyard - 16:50

Monday th 7th of May 2012

Researchers discover gene that leads to severe weight gain with antipsychotic treatment - 16:30

Researchers see BPA effects in monkey mammary glands - 16:30

Mystery of the domestication of the horse solved - 16:30

Sunday th 6th of May 2012

Robot reveals the inner workings of brain cells - 18:00

A single stem cell mutation triggers fibroid tumors - 18:00

Thursday th 3rd of May 2012

Automated breast ultrasound dramatically reduces physician interpretation time - 02:10

New report shows 15 million babies born too soon every year - 02:10

The zombie-ant fungus is under attack, research reveals - 02:10

New coelacanth find rewrites history of the ancient fish - 02:10

New path of origin for macrophages - 02:10

Monday th 30th of April 2012

Jarid2 may break the Polycomb silence - 17:00

How human cells 'hold hands' - 17:00

Scientists discover enzyme that could slow part of the aging process in astronauts -- and the elderly - 17:00

Friday th 27th of April 2012

Purple sea urchin metamorphosis controlled by histamine - 03:01

Learning mechanism of the adult brain revealed - 03:01

Action videogames change brains - 03:01

Invisible helpers: How probiotic bacteria protect against inflammatory bowel diseases - 03:00

Research breakthrough for drugs via the skin - 03:00

Berries keep your brain sharp - 03:00

Wednesday th 25th of April 2012

Intense light prevents, treats heart attacks - 16:00

First camera trap photos of rare leopard in China - 16:00

Just a few cell clones can make heart muscle - 16:00

Tuesday th 24th of April 2012

'Junk DNA' can sense viral infection - 18:20

Prions in the brain eliminated by homing molecules - 18:20

Monday th 23rd of April 2012

Nano-devices that cross blood-brain barrier open door to treatment of cerebral palsy - 18:11

Obstructive sleep apnea's damage evident after 1 month - 18:11

Medical 'lightsabers': Laser scalpels get ultrafast, ultra-accurate, and ultra-compact makeover - 18:10

New stem cell found in the brain - 18:10

Compressed sensing allows super-resolution microscopy imaging of live cell structures - 18:10