Biology News Net

Thursday th 19th of April 2012

Strange cousins: Molecular alternatives to DNA, RNA offer new insight into life's origins - 18:30

Gut microbiota regulates bile acid metabolism - 18:30

World's first handmade cloned transgenic sheep born in China - 18:30

DNA origami puts a smart lid on solid-state nanopore sensors - 18:30

Wednesday th 18th of April 2012

How selective hearing works in the brain - 15:31

Brain-activated muscle stimulation restores monkeys' hand movement after paralysis - 15:31

Not by DNA alone: How the epigenetics revolution is fostering new medicines - 15:31

First description of a triple DNA helix in a vacuum - 15:31

Green-glowing fish provides new insights into health impacts of pollution - 15:31

Tuesday th 17th of April 2012

Scientists discover 'switch' in plants to create flowers - 18:00

Scientists tailor cell surface targeting system to hit organelle ZIP codes - 18:00

Monday th 16th of April 2012

Mechanical tissue resuscitation technology shows promise - 18:00

Aging of the brain: Genetic modifications now identified - 18:00

Parasite arms race spurs color change in bird eggs - 18:00

Coral reef winners and losers in a warmer world - 18:00

Thursday th 12th of April 2012

Breakthrough discovery unveils 'master switches' in colon cancer - 15:30

Endangered bats find sanctuary in Israeli 'ghost bunkers' - 15:30

Determining a stem cell's fate - 15:30

Wednesday th 11th of April 2012

Pigeons' homing skill not down to iron-rich beak cells - 16:30

Powerful sequencing technology decodes DNA folding pattern - 16:30

In search of more polymers for medical purposes - 16:30

Monday th 9th of April 2012

MU researchers find identical DNA codes in different plant species - 16:00

Changes in monkeys' social status affect their genes - 16:00

Genetic regulator of fat metabolism and muscle fitness discovered - 16:00

23andMe identifies 5 significant genetic associations for hypothyroidism - 16:00

Thursday th 5th of April 2012

To prevent leukemia's dreaded return, go for the stem cells - 15:32

Tiny hitchhikers attack cancer cells - 15:32

Detecting breast cancer's fingerprint in a droplet of blood - 15:32

Tuesday th 3rd of April 2012

Algae biofuels: the wave of the future - 17:00

New immune defense enzyme discovered - 17:00

Monday th 2nd of April 2012

Whole genome sequencing not informative for all, Johns Hopkins study shows - 15:31

Rare immune cells could hold key to treating immune disorders - 15:31

Corals 'could survive a more acidic ocean' - 15:31

Sunday th 1st of April 2012

Study finds protective gene in fat cells - 16:00

DNA sequencing lays foundation for personalized cancer treatment - 16:00

Transforming scar tissue into beating hearts: The next instalment - 16:00

Wednesday th 28th of March 2012

US cancer death rates continue to decline, national report finds - 18:00

Discovery of foot fossil confirms 2 human ancestor species co-existed 3.4 million years ago - 18:00

How to save Europe's most threatened butterflies - 18:00

Monday th 26th of March 2012

A 24-karat gold key to unlock the immune system - 17:30

To drive infections, a hijacking virus mimics a cell's signaling system - 17:30

Tiny reader makes fast, cheap DNA sequencing feasible - 17:30

Thursday th 22nd of March 2012

Somatic stem cells obtained from skin cells for first time ever - 19:30

False killer whales use acoustic squint to target prey - 19:30

Wednesday th 21st of March 2012

Most sinus infections don't require antibiotics - 19:00

Genetic mutation found in familial chronic diarrhea syndrome - 19:00

Monday th 19th of March 2012

Researchers discover novel therapy for Crohn's disease - 17:30

1 solution to global overfishing found - 17:30

Solved: The mystery of the blood orange - 17:30

Wednesday th 14th of March 2012

Influenza 'histone mimic' suppresses antiviral response - 17:30