Jacques Cousteau's Grandson Plans To Live Underwater For A Month
Astronauts Outside Aquarius Reef Base Mission 31 will use this reef base. NASA/Mark Widick, via Wikimedia Commons Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of legendary underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, is planning an undersea expedition of his own. Rather than uncover new depths, the younger Cousteau and a team of co-aquanauts instead want to spend a month living underwater, starting November 12. Dubbed "Mission 31," the project will study the natural life on the ocean floor and the effects of living underwater on humans. Cousteau is soliciting $100,000 for the mission via Indiegogo. The home of Mission 31 will be Aquarius Reef Base, an 81-ton laboratory located about 63 feet below the ocean's surface (with liviung quarters located about 50 feet down) at the Florida Keys National Marine Santuary. Sometimes astronauts use it for training. It's near deep coral reefs, and has perviously hosted groups...