Does Dr. Oz Think I'm An Idiot?
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 - 14:01
in Paleontology & Archaeology
Here are four things I did not expect to happen to me on Wednesday August 13: 1) Waking up next to Scarlett Johansson 2) Bowling 300 with an Ikea bag over my head 3) Finding a bassoon in my eye 4) Getting invited to be on the Dr. Oz Show to talk about a weed killer. The first three are admittedly unlikely, but the fourth really struck me as especially odd.Why on earth would Dr. Oz want to talk to me? It's not like we travel in the same socioeconomic circles. He has a 400 room mansion with an unobstructed view of lower Manhattan, while I live in a refrigerator crate under the FDR Drive. I doubt we've ever been invited to the same party. read more