Strangers in Paradise
Record ID: retired-000-000-000-378First Name: automaticLast Name: importPrimary Email: lruberg@cet.eduLanguage: en-USInstitution Name: Resource Published Date: Tuesday, December 30, 1969 - 19:00Description: This activity introduces students to what a digital image is and how it relates to the real world. It involves a simple training exercise on making linear and area measurements using NIH Image software. The activity is part of Exploring the Environment. SMD Forum Primary: Earth ScienceAudience: EducatorFormat: text/htmlKeywords: Image analysisAccess Restrictions: Free accessLearning Time: 4 to 6 hoursMaterials Cost: FreeIndividual or Group: Instructional Strategies: Guided inquiryProblem-based learning/solving real-world problemsBenchmarks: Laurie RubergNational Science Education Standards: FalseMath Standards: FalseTechnology Standards: FalseGeography Standards: FalseRelated URL: Exploring the EnvironmentTeacher NotesTopics Subjects: Engineering and technologyRemote sensingMathematicsMeasurementEducational Level: Middle schoolGrade 7Middle schoolGrade 8High schoolResource Type: Instructional materialsActivityInstructional materialsInstructor guide/manualImage Url: 441.jpgLearning Time Comment: Learning time is estimated.URL: