Two Harvard students selected as Hertz Fellows
Every October, hundreds of candidates submit their applications to the Fannie and John Hertz Foundation in the hope of being selected for the prestigious fellowship. Of more than 750 written applications, only 10 to 15 are ultimately awarded. Two Harvard students were selected this year: Noah Golowich ’19, who is earning an A.B./S.M. in mathematics and computer science, and Alex Atanasov, a Ph.D. candidate in philosophy and theoretical physics. They join the ranks of 199 other Hertz fellows from Harvard over the past 55 years. The Hertz Foundation provides financial support, ongoing mentoring, counsel, symposia, and a network of peers to students pursuing doctorate studies in the applied physical and biological sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Almost all the fellows are either seniors or first-year graduate students. Applicants first submit written material, and then are narrowed down by two rounds of interviews conducted by Hertz alumni and experienced Ph.D. engineer and scientist interviewers. In...