Archive of articles published on the 30th of July 2014
Evolution in rainforest flies points to climate change survival
From 'Finding Nemo' to minerals -- what riches lie in the deep sea?
Optimum inertial self-propulsion design for snowman-like nanorobot
Tough foam from tiny sheets
Huge waves measured for first time in Arctic Ocean
Mysterious molecules in space
Revolutionary microshutter technology hurdles significant challenges
NASA-funded X-ray instrument settles interstellar debate
Brainwaves can predict audience reaction for television programming
Brainwaves can predict audience reaction
Vision-correcting display makes reading glasses so yesterday
Underwater elephants
Spin-based electronics: New material successfully tested
New catalyst converts carbon dioxide to fuel
Peru's carbon quantified: Economic and conservation boon
Sugar mimics guide stem cells toward neural fate
Mercury's magnetic field tells scientists how its interior is different from Earth's
Chinese mosquitos on the Baltic Sea
Nature inspires a greener way to make colorful plastics
Decades-old amber collection offers new views of a lost world
Money talks when it comes to acceptability of 'sin' companies, study reveals
Saving seeds the right way can save the world's plants
Supportive moms and sisters boost female baboon's rank