Archive of feed items published on the 11th of February 2015
Elementary teachers' depression symptoms related to students' learning from Physorg
Better how-to videos from MIT Research
A-Rod apologizes to New York Yankees from UPI
UC, strawberry growers settle legal fight over research from LA Times - Science
London hospital isolating 2 patients with Ebola-like symptoms from CBC: Health
B.C. mother had to travel across U.S. border to find medicine for her son from CBC: Health
Urban Outfitters asked to pull tapestry resembling Holocaust garb from UPI
Despite rising demand, transplant surgeons get pickier with donor hearts from LA Times - Science
Twitter CFO's Twitter's account hacked from UPI
New global 'ratings agency' ranks the 500 institutions with power to end deforestation by 2020 from Physorg
Depression in Teachers Impacts Classroom Learning from Live Science
Elephant patrols seek to protect Indonesia's rainforests from Physorg
Greece to scrap controversial gold mine project: minister from Physorg
IBM sues Priceline over patents from Physorg
Foreign companies feel China targets them in investigations from Physorg
SpaceX unmanned spaceship splashes down near Southern California from Physorg
Judge sides with government in lawsuit over surveillance from Physorg
Physics of food shows secrets of popcorn from Physorg
Early action urged to manage livestock during crises from SciDev
UPI Almanac for Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2014 from UPI
Jeb Bush tech officer resigns over controversial tweets from UPI
24-0 Kentucky passes another test, escapes LSU from UPI
Death of the bake sale: New rules mean healthier fundraisers from AP Health
Unmanned spaceship splashes down near Southern California from AP Science
Fed report: Time to examine purposely cooling planet idea from AP Science
High wind scraps SpaceX observatory launch, rocket landing from AP Science
Survival for some endangered species hinges on 'Frozen Zoo' from AP Science
Persevering past roadblocks to build promising Ebola vaccine from AP Science
After 45 years, souvenirs from Apollo 11 come to light from AP Science
Researchers help guard sunken tribe artifacts from turbines from AP Science
Boris the polar bear has 3 teeth pulled at Washington zoo from AP Science
Researchers: Climate change affecting Hawaii Island storms from AP Science
Fitzhugh Fulton Jr., revered test pilot, dies at 89 from AP Science
Big US defense blimp stirs privacy jitters from Physorg
Turning tables, Chile zoo rescues animals, cages visitors from Physorg
Is climate change fuelling war? from Physorg
Survival for some endangered species hinges on 'Frozen Zoo' from Physorg
Fear of missing out drives net addiction in Japan from Physorg
Generation Z: Born in the digital age from Physorg
Voltera team designs circuit board prototyping machine from Physorg
Scientists take first X-ray portraits of living bacteria at the LCLS from Physorg
Europe set for launch of "space plane" prototype from Physorg
New device would let the deaf hear with the tongue from CBSNews - Science
Unwanted texts from fortune teller add almost $300 to Rogers customer's bills from CBC: Technology & Science
Oklahoma shale booming from UPI
Kansas gov. rescinds protection for LGBT employees from UPI
Scientists Take First X-ray Portraits of Living Bacteria at the LCLS from Newswise - Scinews
Digital dating: A guide to looking for love online from CBSNews - Science
And the winner is: not science from News @ Nature
UPI Almanac for Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2015 from UPI
Cracks in the surface coating of gas turbines provide longer lifespan and better thermal insulation from Physorg
Weaker individuals in a population can strengthen its long-term stability, reduce likelihood of extinction from Physorg
Experiment brings precision to a cornerstone of particle physics from Physorg
'Lopsided' supernova could be responsible for rogue hypervelocity stars from Physorg
Advances in medical imaging applied to airborne remote sensing of vegetation from Physorg
Australian police: Two men planned "imminent" IS-linked terror attack from UPI
Oil wanes in Iranian budget plans from UPI
Study examines impact of domestic violence intervention from Physorg
Why comets are like deep fried ice cream from Physorg
Researchers report better solar cells through chemistry from Physorg
New book finds economic fears lead to political inaction from Physorg
Anti-geyser testing completed for SLS liquid oxygen tank from Physorg
NASA spacecraft completes 40,000 Mars orbits from Physorg
The smell of success from Chemistry World
Silicene 'sandwich' transistor a delectable prospect from Chemistry World
Archives: Mandela released - 'Our march to freedom is irreversible' from UPI
President Obama to propose war against the Islamic State from UPI
Helen Mirren laughs off slip at Berlin Film Festival from UPI
U.S. oil trade survey draws mixed reviews from UPI
European space plane prototype set for launch from AP Science
Should UC system's out-of-state students pay even more? from LA Times - Science
System recruits learners to annotate videos from Physorg
ATV to bid farewell to space station for last time from Physorg
Sanitation scores in India have room for improvement from Physorg
Image: Smile, and the universe smiles with you from Physorg
Engineer produces free Braille-writer app from Physorg
Students assess commercial viability of larva meal from Physorg
Synthetic DNA gel points the way to printing artificial organs from Physorg
Dutch government says hack took down its websites from Physorg
Researchers create Soybots, mobile micro-garden, to be on the go from Physorg
In a League of Flying Elbows, the Use of Mouth Guards Soars from NY Times Health
Doulas, a Growing Force in Maternity Culture, Seek Greater Acceptance from NY Times Health
Val Fitch, Who Discovered Universe to Be Out of Balance, Is Dead at 91 from NY Times Science
Self-Driving Vehicles Could Send Car Ownership Plummeting, Report Finds from Live Science
Happy Words Dominate Most Languages from Live Science
How Did Multicellular Life Evolve? from
How Can We Protect Mars from Earth Germs, While Searching for Life? from
Cosmic 'God's Hand' Shines in Telescope Photo, Video from
IXV in pictures from European Space Agency
UAH Scientists Ship Instrument ThatWill Expand View of Global Lightning from Newswise - Scinews
Kim Kardashian takes on snowy NYC in a crop tops and camo pants from UPI
Navy taps Raytheon for V-22 Osprey support from UPI
Veto pen tested with KXL bill from UPI
Oshkosh makes bid for Humvee replacement from UPI
Helen Mirren plays leather wearing boss in new L'Oreal ad from UPI
Twitter CFO's Twitter account hacked from UPI
Groundwater levels decline in western, central Kansas from Physorg
The first kobuviruses described from Africa from Physorg
Energy-efficient rental housing can save residents more than $600 per year, study says from Physorg
It's time to end segregation of special education students, professors say from Physorg
3-D model could help manage US bridge maintenance crisis from Physorg
Analysis of recent earthquake sequence reveals geologic fault, epicenters in Irving and West Dallas from Physorg
Study shows urban habitats provide haven for UK bees from Physorg
Largest study on natural gas transmission and storage sectors finds variations in methane emissions from Physorg
Bamboo water catcher project misses crowdfunding target from SciDev
NIH plan to give ageing scientists cash draws scepticism from News @ Nature
Study: Crocodiles Just Wanna Have Fun, Too from Newswise - Scinews
Smashing Polarized Protons to Uncover Spin and Other Secrets from Newswise - Scinews
Halliburton, Baker respond to DOJ queries from UPI
Halle Berry details new underwear line Scandale Paris from UPI
Marshawn Lynch thinking about retirement from UPI
BAE Systems providing support for Army's Space and Missile Defense Command from UPI
DARPA eyes technologies for dismounted soldiers from UPI
Kim Kardashian takes on snowy NYC in a crop top and camo pants from UPI
Popcorn physics: Why it explodes, jumps and makes the pop sound from LA Times - Science
Arctic spy drones a defence concern as Russia expands reach from CBC: Technology & Science
Canada Science and Technology Museum to remove deteriorating landmarks from CBC: Technology & Science
Nonlinear resonance disaster in the light of ultrashort pulses from Physorg
Bi-annual bat birthing helps Ebola persist from Physorg
Enhancing microbial activity contributes to the remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with pesticides from Physorg
Study finds lamprey decline continues with loss of habitat in Oregon from Physorg
How hot metal shards cast off by infrastructure ignite wildfires from Physorg
Scientists develop novel technique for finding drugs to combat malaria from Physorg
‘Big Bang’ model of colon cancer finds role time plays in tumor-growth dynamics from Science Blog
Study: Listeria pathogen is prevalent, persistent in retail delis from Science Blog
A Pediatric Diabetes Game-Changer from Science Blog
Study: Bilingual infants lip-read more than monolingual infants from Science Blog
Vega lifts off from European Space Agency
Crocodiles just wanna have fun, too from Science Daily
Deep-water wind energy coming to Germany from UPI
Up to 300 refugees feared dead trying to reach Italy from UPI
Europe's mini 'spaceplane' launches from BBC News: Science & Nature
Popcorn's perfect recipe revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Seal wrestles octopus in rarely captured scene in B.C. waters from CBC: Technology & Science
Lanaudière measles test results expected on Wednesday from CBC: Health
Study shows example of a parasite using a bioweapon to control host from Physorg
Michelson-Morley experiment for electrons: Quantum-information techniques used to explore fundamental physics from Physorg
Taking the long view of universities and their unique research role from Physorg
Research pair suggests dark matter could create halos of light around galaxies from Physorg
Engineer pursues biological solar power from Physorg
Mathematics student visits all S-Bahn stations in Berlin by fastest route from Physorg
Drones are more than killing machines, but what happens when they become intelligent? from Physorg
Want to save the planet? Neighbors better allies than family from Physorg
Calculations predict pentagonal graphene from Chemistry World
Europe's spaceplane launch delayed due to ground problems from Reuters:Science
A New Approach For Bowel Cancer
In Gas Turbines, Some Cracks Are A Good Thing
Ignore Phony Controversies, Failure In Real Science Is Good
Crocodiles just wanna have fun, too from Science Blog
One-two punch catches cancer cells in vulnerable state from Science Blog
Want to save the planet? Neighbors better allies than family from Science Blog
Advent of geoengineering may help lower temperature of debate over climate change from Science Blog
‘Microfluidics’ enables production of ‘shape-controllable microgels’ sought for medicine, research from Science Blog
Why comets are like deep fried ice cream from Science Daily
Stroke patients receiving better, more timely care from Science Daily
Elementary teachers' depression symptoms related to students' learning from Science Daily
New evidence on risks of advanced maternal age from Science Daily
Fighting Over Herring—the Little Fish That Feeds Multitudes from National Geographic
Karina Smirnoff departing 'Dancing with the Stars' from UPI
Pink goes nude for Peta in 90-foot billboard from UPI
A curious British airship experiment from BBC News: Science & Nature
2 London, Ont., patients with Ebola-like symptoms from Kitchener-Waterloo from CBC: Health
Participation in school life key to doing well, according to research from Physorg
Europe launches prototype 'space plane' from Physorg
Extremely large telescopes will add more firepower to search the cosmos from Physorg
Live bacterium depicted using X-ray laser from Physorg
Contaminant testing method considered via roo study from Physorg
Astronomers find unexpected 'storm' at galaxy's core from Physorg
El Salvadoran workers face triple threat to securing better treatment from Physorg
Smashing polarized protons to uncover spin and other secrets from Physorg
Fujitsu develops technology for low-cost detection of potential sewer system overflows from Physorg
Temperature dependence and the thermal limits of embryogenesis from Physorg
Stingrays found to reproduce differently depending on geographical location from Physorg
Driverless cars get tested on British streets from CBSNews - Science
Vega VV04 liftoff from European Space Agency
Dynamic side of the early universe: Only 380,000 years after the Big Bang from Science Daily
Effectiveness of device to improve bowel control in women confirmed from Science Daily
Worms in space: Exploring health effects of microgravity from Science Daily
Nicaragua Constructs Enormous Canal, Blind to its Environmental Cost from Scientific American
An International Genetic Study Confirms the History of the Druze Community from Newswise - Scinews
Calif. town uses humor to highlight road safety signs from UPI
Analysis: Will arming Ukraine deter or provoke distaster? from UPI
Former rapper Deso Dogg now active Islamic State extremist, declared terrorist from UPI
Oprah Winfrey picks next book club title -- 'Ruby' by Cynthia Bond from UPI
WTI drifts back below $50 per barrel from UPI
President Obama asks Congress for military force against Islamic State from UPI
Toucan 'to get prosthetic beak' from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: How do you save an endangered pear? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Europe launches spaceplane to test reusable spacecraft technology from CBC: Technology & Science
Consider using technology to cool the Earth, U.S. federal report says from CBC: Technology & Science
Britain starts public trial of driverless cars from Physorg
Why does the Milky Way rotate? from Physorg
New study reveals competition and replacement between two miocene shovel-tuskers from Physorg
No evidence wind farms directly impact health from Physorg
Planck reveals the dynamic side of the Universe from Physorg
Finding joy and inspiration in the pursuit of knowledge from
Mineral hunting, mob math and more reader feedback from
Four hurdles to getting data and science into the SDGs from SciDev
‘Early RNA’ reactions characterised from Chemistry World
New Risks Of Advanced Maternal Age
Oxygen Is Like Kryptonite To Titanium
PathoMap: First Map Of New York City Subway System Microbes Shows Half Can't Be Identified
Energy Drinks Significantly Increase Hyperactivity In Schoolchildren
What Californians Of 2015 Share With 1991 Religious Fundamentalists
European 'Mini-Space Shuttle' Launches Aboard Vega Rocket | Video from
Say Cheese! Hubble Telescope Sees Cosmic Smiley Face in Space from Live Science
Cancer researchers may inspire new area of research in cellular biology from Science Daily
When is a Pollock not a Pollock? Computer analysis verifies authenticity of Jackson Pollock's drip painting from Science Daily
Extreme-temperature electronics from Science Daily
Will your partner stay or stray? Look at finger length from Science Daily
Engineered insulin could offer better diabetes control from Science Daily
Scottish train passenger belts opera for commuters from UPI
Rob Kardashian takes on haters: 'Yea I'm fat now' from UPI
Missy Elliott, Timbaland reunite on new music from UPI
Poll: Pennsylvanians wants Joe Paterno statue back from UPI
High-res images captured by spraying live bacteria across X-ray pulse from UPI
Anonymous hacks Facebook and Twitter of Islamic State from UPI
What makes the feather soar from Physorg
Boston Dynamics unveils latest robot quadruped 'Spot' (w/ Video) from Physorg
Picts offer historians a picture of non-Roman Briton culture from Physorg
Pharmaceuticals found in New York, New England water from CBSNews - Science
European Mini-Space Shuttle Aces 1st Test Flight from
Unexpected 'storm' at galaxy's core: Supermassive black hole blasting gas, transforming galaxy from Science Daily
Want to save the planet? Neighbors better allies than family from Science Daily
Methane emissions vary at natural gas gathering and processing facilities from Science Daily
Babies can identify complex social situations and react accordingly from Science Daily
Nanotubes self-organize and wiggle: Evolution of a nonequilibrium system demonstrates MEPP from Science Daily
Ukraine fighting shifts to Mariupol as diplomats meet from UPI
Israel Aerospace Industries touts new electro-optical payload from UPI
Poll: Pennsylvanians want Joe Paterno statue back from UPI
Analysis: Will arming Ukraine deter or provoke disaster? from UPI
Wanted: The faces of the chemical crowd from Physorg
Agricultural researchers rattled by demands for documents from group opposed to GM foods from Science NOW
Well: Think Like a Doctor: Swept Off Her Feet from NY Times Health
Well: Better Fitness Through Your Phone from NY Times Health
The secret acrobatics of popcorn revealed from CBSNews - Science
Teen's tweet gets her fired before first day on job from CBSNews - Science
A common synaptic deficit in 2 autism-related disorders from Science Blog
Impact of UK research revealed in 7,000 case studies from News @ Nature
Spaceplane re-entry is a European first from News @ Nature
ESA experimental spaceplane completes research flight from European Space Agency
Oil drilling banned in Arctic area that attracts walrus from AP Science
Biology Inspires Idea for Improving Lithium Ion Batteries from Scientific American
Better Batteries Inspired by Lowly Snail Shells from Newswise - Scinews
Fluorescing Food Dyes as Probes to Improve Food Quality from Newswise - Scinews
Feeling Ducky from Newswise - Scinews
More than 100 ancient cult sites found in Israel's Eilat Mountains from UPI
Chelsea Handler mocks pregnancy rumors on Instagram from UPI
Report: Miami Marlins to host 2017 All-Star Game from UPI
Jimmy Kimmel, Jim Belushi, Huey Lewis go fly-fishing on 'Buccaneers & Bones' from UPI
Minnesota police use Taser, chainsaws to free antler-locked deer from UPI
Dad, daughter undergo successful liver transplant, but twin sister still in need from CBC: Health
2 London, Ont., patients with Ebola-like symptoms from Kitchener-Waterloo from CBC: Health
Oil drilling banned in Arctic area that attracts walrus from Physorg
SpaceX tries third time to launch observatory, land rocket from Physorg
Water limiting factor to corn silage quality from Physorg
Wikipedia use—nothing to be ashamed about from Physorg
European space plane splashes down on schedule: ESA from Physorg
Feeling ducky: Extreme mechano-sensitive neurons of tactile-foraging ducks fit the bill for touch research from Physorg
Researchers find link in how cells start process necessary for life from Physorg
Oldest fur seal identified, ending five-million-year 'ghost lineage' from Physorg
Team combats human parainfluenza virus from Physorg
Making a better wound dressing—with fish skin from Physorg
A new variant of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease endangers the Iberian lynx from Physorg
Fluorescing food dyes as probes to improve food quality from Physorg
Better batteries inspired by lowly snail shells from Physorg
Buildings with 'rocking' technology would be more earthquake-resilient from Physorg
Small-scale challenges to the cold dark matter model from Physorg
Borax from Chemistry World
Ultra-High-Frequency Radio Waves Mean A New High-Power Microwave Generator
Bluefin Tuna Hearts Are Tougher Than Yours: How They Stay Warm In The Cold
Faults In Same Protein? What Autism Can Teach Us About Brain Cancer
Cosmic Microwave Background And The Dynamic Side Of The Universe
"Frozen Zoo" is some species' last hope for survival from CBSNews - Science
Apple's "kill switch" may be cutting down robberies from CBSNews - Science
5 Years Of Sun: Our Star’s Best Close-Ups | Video from
Doomed White Dwarf Stars to Spawn Supernova in Colossal Crash from
Spacewalk History: Smithsonian Exhibit's 50 Years of EVA in Photos from
Orbital ATK, Merger of Orbital Sciences and ATK, Begins Operations from
Mistakenly killed wolf was animal from rare Arizona sighting from AP Science
Europe's mini space-shuttle splashes down after test flight from CBC: Technology & Science
School resumes after wind takes out cafeteria roof from UPI
Christina Aguilera shares new photo with baby Summer Rain from UPI
Brandon Browner slams Kanye for Grammy stunt from UPI
Canada developing new assault rifle concept from UPI
Europe's IXV Mini-Shuttle Aces Its First Space Test from MSNBC: Science
Quebec reports 10 measles cases linked to outbreak at Disneyland parks from CBC: Health
Unraveling the complex web of global food trade from Physorg
A novel solar CPV/CSP hybrid system proposed from Physorg
Novel high-power microwave generator from Physorg
Simple Device Identifies Cell Types By Sending Them Through An Obstacle Course from C&EN
Cats and foxes are driving Australia’s mammals extinct from
WhatsApp users may be spied on by hackers from CBSNews - Science
Seven days: 6–12 February 2015 from News @ Nature
National Academy of Engineering Adds Two JPL Members from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Biology Inspires Idea for Improving Lithium Ion Batteries from Scientific American
Unraveling the Complex Web of Global Food Trade from Newswise - Scinews
WCS Praises Administration Plan to Combat Wildlife Trafficking from Newswise - Scinews
Patient Parenting: Sharing of Food Across Generations Contributes to Humans' Long Life Histories from Newswise - Scinews
Florida State - Russian Research Team Explores Vision Complications for Astronauts from Newswise - Scinews
Brain stents show big promise for certain stroke patients from AP Health
Amber fossil suggests dinosaurs may have eaten ancient LSD from UPI
U.S. troops in Ebola fight will return home from UPI
Chris Kyle "American Sniper" murder trial to begin from UPI
Indiana Pacers, New Orleans Pelicans tangle in the Big Easy from UPI
Washington Wizards head north of the border to face Toronto Raptors from UPI
LeBron faces former Miami Heat teammates from UPI
Mom slams 'anti-vaxxers' after newborn possibly exposed to measles from CBC: Health
Team explores vision complications for astronauts from Physorg
Mistakenly killed wolf was animal from rare Arizona sighting from Physorg
Turning plants into meat-like foods to save the planet from Physorg
Methane emissions from natural gas industry higher than previously thought from Physorg
New insight into how rubber is made could improve tires, reduce air pollution from Physorg
HYPER: Neurorobotics And VR Prototype Can Speed Up Physical Rehabilitation
Obama Administration to Target Illegal Wildlife Trafficking from NY Times Science
Actor Anthony Anderson Addresses Addiction Recovery | Video from Live Science
Rescued pit bulls fight stigma by guiding people in need from AP Health
Police issue arrest warrant for Punxsutawney Phil from UPI
Zachary Quinto stars in new 'Hitman: Agent 47' trailer from UPI
Golden State Warriors complete road trip in Minnesota from UPI
Los Angeles Clippers return home to host Houston Rockets from UPI
Pop goes for win No. 1,001, San Antonio Spurs face Detroit Pistons from UPI
Quebec reports 10 measles cases linked to Disneyland outbreak from CBC: Health
Second Acadia University student contracts meningitis from CBC: Health
GTA's York Region confirms 1st case of measles this year from CBC: Health
Carbon release from ocean helped end the Ice Age from Physorg
Astronomers catch multiple-star system in first stages of formation from Physorg
Evolution of the Darwin's finches and their beaks from Physorg
Research finds that malaria parasites are unlikely to jump to humans from Physorg
Nearest primate relatives also susceptible to marketing spin from Physorg
NASA-NOAA satellite sees Tropical Depression Higos sheared apart from Physorg
Stellar nursery gives birth to quadruplets from
The genetic evolution of Darwin’s finches from
Genomes of Darwin’s finches may explain the shape of human faces from Science NOW
Measles by the numbers: A race to eradication from News @ Nature
New NASA Spacesuit Flexes Its Stuff For EVA Anniversary | Video from
Quadruple Star Babies Found in Cosmic Womb from
Did Ocean's Big Burps End Last Ice Age? from Live Science
Oldest fur seal identified, ending 5-million-year 'ghost lineage' from Science Daily
What makes the feather soar from Science Daily
Fluorescing food dyes as probes to improve food quality from Science Daily
Extreme mechano-sensitive neurons of tactile-foraging ducks fit the bill for touch research from Science Daily
Better batteries inspired by lowly snail shells from Science Daily
A new variant of the rabbit hemorrhagic disease endangers the Iberian lynx from Science Daily
Milk allergy? Watch the dark chocolate from AP Health
Amber Rose to appear on 'Inside Amy Schumer' from UPI
Saints and Pelicans owner Tom Benson ordered to undergo mental evaluation from UPI
Yemen's Houthis confiscate U.S. Marines' weapons from UPI
College basketball Hall of Famer Jerry Tarkanian dies at 84 from UPI
74-year-old man takes down suspected shoplifter from UPI
'Frozen Zoo' Puts Species on Ice (and Heats Up Debate) from MSNBC: Science
Second Acadia University student with meningitis 'doing very well' from CBC: Health
Europe tests space plane in step to strategic goal from Physorg
Facebook, partners unveil alliance on cybersecurity from Physorg
iPhone thefts down thanks to Apple "kill switch" from CBSNews - Science
IXV awaits ship from European Space Agency
Darwin’s iconic finches join genome club from News @ Nature
Light fantastic from News @ Nature
Optics: Leading lights from News @ Nature
Optics: Super vision from News @ Nature
Stem-cell star lands in same venture as disgraced cloner from News @ Nature
Apes prefer the glass half full: Nearest primate relatives also susceptible to marketing spin from Science Daily
How much sleep do we really need? from Science Daily
Breakthrough in stroke treatment: Stents from Science Daily
Carbon release from ocean helped end the Ice Age from Science Daily
Scientists kick robot that's so much like a dog you wish they would stop from LA Times - Science
Genome study unmasks evolution of Darwin's finches from LA Times - Science
DNA Reveals How Darwin's Finches Evolved from National Geographic
Multiple-Star Birth Revealed in Stellar Nursery from National Geographic
Montreal restaurants test out new smartphone payment app from CBC: Technology & Science
Thai teens urged to skip the sex on Valentine's Day from UPI
U.S. to drop cholesterol warnings from UPI
Taylor Swift helps fan cope with breakup playlist from UPI
'Penny Dreadful' gets a new premiere date -- May 3 from UPI
'In The House' star Maia Campbell arrested at Waffle House from UPI
Chicago Mayor backs cheating Little League team from UPI
R2d2 beats Mendel: Scientists find selfish gene that breaks long-held law of inheritance from Physorg
Low-oxygen zones in the shallows leave oysters more vulnerable to dermo from Physorg
Canada shuttering key big-lens observatory from Physorg
Love online is about being real, not perfect from Physorg
Glowing amino acid lights up growing brain cancer from
Well: Premature Delivery Tied to Heart Risks in Mother from NY Times Health
Well: Reducing Blood Pressure Lowers Risk of Diabetes Complications from NY Times Health
Well: Measles and Day Care from NY Times Health
Liftoff to splashdown from European Space Agency
SpaceX to Launch DSCOVR Satellite Today Ahead of 'Moon Blackout' from
Analogue quantum computers: Still wishful thinking? from Science Daily
Birth of a star quartet from Science Daily
Unraveling the complex web of global food trade from Science Daily
Largest ever genome-wide study strengthens genetic link to obesity from Science Daily
Italian petition seeks to ban repossessing cats from UPI
Andrew Garfield out as Spider-Man to be relaunched as teen from UPI
Lily James stars in new trailer for 'Cinderella' from UPI
Former Mexican governor linked to luxurious U.S. properties from UPI
In a first, astronomers catch a multiple star system in the process of forming from Science Daily
Evolution of Darwin's finches and their beaks from Science Daily
Brain's GPS system influenced by shape of environment from Science Daily
How CBD, a component in marijuana, works within cells from Science Daily
Scientists Crack the 'Pop' Behind Popcorn from MSNBC: Science
Amy Schumer, Bill Hader star in first 'Trainwreck' trailer from UPI
Wash. polar bear undergoes tooth extraction from UPI
Mario Vazquez Raña, former UPI owner and IOC member, dead at 82 from UPI
Grand Canyon wolf was shot and killed in December, feds confirm from UPI
Costa Concordia captain convicted of manslaughter from UPI
AC/DC announces North American concert tour dates from UPI
Nick Jonas to host Nickelodeon's 2015 Kids' Choice Awards from UPI
U.S. measles tally for 2015 now at 121 cases from
Scientists sequence the genome of Darwin's finches from CBSNews - Science
How Ancient Buildings Were Made, TV Series Explores | Video from Live Science
Love online is about being real, not perfect from Science Daily
Meth messes up brains of youths far more than adults from Science Daily
Rarely seen Sowerby's beaked whale beached in N.L., DFO to perform necropsy from CBC: Technology & Science
Volkswagen buys Ballard fuel cell technology in $80M deal from CBC: Technology & Science
Decoding Water: Physics Webcast to Explore Scarcity of Our Most Precious Resource from Newswise - Scinews
Darwin finches' messy family tree from BBC News: Science & Nature
Sen. Cruz introduces bill to strip benefits from same-sex couples from UPI
Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Viola Davis to be Oscar presenters from UPI
Bioeroding Organisms 'Tearing Down' Coral Reefs | Video from Live Science
Engineering Marvels: Series Explores Mysteries of Ancient Buildings from Live Science
Smartphone kill switches credited with stifling theft from Physorg
Melissa Rivers to release book about mom Joan Rivers from UPI
Texas teen's tweets get her fired over Twitter from UPI
Struggling Venezuelan economy harming foreign businesses from UPI
Report: Florida led Southern states in per capita lynchings from UPI
Japan seizes passport of citizen en route to Syria from UPI
U.S. research workforce lags by some measures from
Opportunity Rover on Mars to Hit Marathon Milestone Soon from
Esophagus Swelling Condition Makes It Hard To Swallow | Video from Live Science
People with Mental Disorders Risk an Early Death from Live Science
Terrible at Remembering Names? Blame It on the Music, Not the Memory from Newswise - Scinews
SpaceX Counts Down to Launch but Skips Rocket Landing from MSNBC: Science
Monster Storms Once Plagued East Coast and May Return from MSNBC: Science
Injured toucan to get 3D prosthetic replacement beak from UPI
Andy Murray, Stan Wawrinka move on to second round in Rotterdam from UPI
U.S. to Withdraw Nearly All Troops Fighting Ebola from NY Times Health
Cold Air Invasion Coming: What’s the Role of Warming? from Live Science
SpaceX makes 3rd try to launch observatory, land rocket from CBC: Technology & Science
4 Clever (and Kind of Sad) Ways Animals Adapt to Humans from National Geographic
Witnessing War's Horrors Through a Photojournalist's Lens from National Geographic
3 Questions: John Charles on enabling IS&T to meet MIT’s evolving needs from MIT Research
Bacterial armor holds clues for self-assembling nanostructures from Physorg
Monster hurricanes hit northeast in past warm ocean periods like those in our future from Physorg
Opioid withdrawal in Ontario newborns way up over 20 years from CBC: Health
Astronomers catch early formation of multiple star system from UPI
Lucy Liu talks about directing zebra-centric episode of 'Elementary' in the snow from UPI
Spice Girls: Listen to four previously unheard songs from UPI
Aston Villa F.C.: Paul Lambert sacked as manager from UPI
Wasps may turn ladybugs into zombies with viral weapons from
Raman Technique Helps Surgeons Excise Brain Cancer from C&EN
Trian Presses For Seats On DuPont’s Board from C&EN
Dot Earth Blog: Student Filmmakers Focus on Coral Reef Revival in Curacao from NY Times Science
SpaceX makes 3rd try to launch deep-space observatory from CBC: Technology & Science
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) Names 2015 Society Awardees from Newswise - Scinews
Baidu quarterly profit rise of 16 percent misses mark from Physorg
Microsoft buys smartphone calendar app Sunrise from Physorg
Automatic Whale Detector, version 1.0 from Physorg
Gator blood contains naturally strong germ fighters, new research finds from Physorg
Long-term changes in dead wood reveal new forest dynamics from Physorg
Patients get preliminary negative for Ebola in London, Ont., hospital from CBC: Health
Study ties more deaths, types of disease, to smoking from AP Health
Charles Barkley says analytics are useless in the NBA from UPI
Smoking’s Health Toll Worse Than Previously Thought, Study Says from NY Times Health
Chemists Couple Nucleophiles From Two Name Reactions from C&EN
Wolf hailed as conservation comeback has been confirmed dead from Science NOW
Sewage sludge could contain millions of dollars worth of gold from Science Blog
A New Species of Hummingbird? from Science Blog
Common Biomarkers of Sleep Debt Found in Humans, Rats from Science Blog
Carbon release from ocean helped end the ice age from Science Blog
Evolution of a natural gene network explored by researchers from Science Blog
At MIT, food for thought from MIT Research
Gov. Scott Walker Punts on Evolution Question from MSNBC: Science
Review: Why subscribe to Office when so much is free? from Physorg
Tech firms back California bill to limit warrantless searches of phones, laptops from Physorg
3-D printing aims to rewrite the script on cooking and tech from Physorg
US Congress approves Keystone XL pipeline, defies Obama from Physorg
Tesla's 4Q profit falls on strong dollar, delayed shipments from Physorg
Shares of cybersecurity firm FireEye up on 4Q beat from Physorg
BitTorrent teams with studio for original online video from Physorg
US hopes EU will pool airline passenger data from Physorg
Open source virtual reality platform takes on 13 new partners from Physorg
Watch the SpaceX DSCOVR launch live from UPI
Study: two dead stars destined for dramatic supernova from UPI
Brits debut driverless cars from CBSNews - Science
Circadian clock – Angelman syndrome link established from Science Blog
New research suggests severe weather will continue, be more variable from Science Blog
Terrible at remembering names? Blame it on the music, not the memory from Science Daily
A gene that shaped the evolution of Darwin's finches from Science Daily
New approach to childhood malnutrition may reduce relapses, deaths from Science Daily
Plant extract fights brain tumor from Science Daily
Misfit Flash: Fitness Tracker Review from Live Science
Cigarette smoking is even more deadly than you think, study says from LA Times - Science
SpaceX launches deep-space observatory on 3rd try from CBC: Technology & Science
Mutation Order in Tumor Genes Affects Cancer Outcome from Scientific American
Mysterious Sea Lion Die-Off Strikes Again on California Coast from National Geographic
SpaceX Launches Satellite but Skips Rocket Landing from MSNBC: Science
Did Violins Evolve? Scientists X-Ray Stradivari from MSNBC: Science
Social media lends hand to US-bound migrants from Physorg
SpaceX launches observatory on third try, nixes landing test from Physorg
Putting the password problem in perspective from Physorg
Chapel Hill student killings a hate crime, dad says from UPI
SpaceX rocket blasts off to put weather satellite into deep space from Reuters:Science
Katrina-size hurricanes once hit New England; will they again? from CBSNews - Science
Lift-Off! SpaceX Falcon 9 Launches DSCOVR Satellite | Video from
Why Exercise and Diet Changes May Not Be Enough to Treat Obesity from Live Science
Footage of 1915 Chicago ship disaster that killed 844 found from AP Science
Oyster disease thrives in nightly dead zones from Biology News Net
Long-term changes in dead wood reveal new forest dynamics from Biology News Net
First-in man: Tumor suctioned from vein to allow minimally invasive kidney surgery from Biology News Net
'Space weather' mission launches from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches from BBC News: Science & Nature
SpaceX Launches Satellite but Skips Rocket Landing from MSNBC: Science
Review: Using the sun to charge your phone is getting easier from Physorg
DSCOVR successfully launched on SpaceX rocket from UPI
5 Years On The Sun - Time-Lapse Video from
SpaceX Launches DSCOVR Space Weather Satellite, But No Rocket Landing from
Google buys Altamont wind energy to power Googleplex from Physorg
German company crowd funds sustainable, ethical condoms from UPI
Josh McCown released by Tampa Bay Buccaneers from UPI
Treating the uninjured side of the brain appears to aid stroke recovery from Science Daily
Spain's King Felipe VI cuts salary by $66k per year from UPI
SpaceX rocket blasts off to put weather satellite into deep space from Reuters:Science
Jasper CEO Jahangir Mohammed on the Internet of Things from Physorg
Woods: I'll return when my game is ready from UPI
Tests planned on mysterious 'milky rain' in U.S. Pacific Northwest from Reuters:Science
SpaceX successfully launches rocket after third attempt from CBSNews - Science
SpaceX launches NOAA solar storm sentinel from CBSNews - Science
Wave Function: Schrödinger's Cat Gets A Reality Check
Male And Female Exercise Difference: Oxygen Uptake In Respiratory Muscles
Synthetic Biology: New Genetically Modified Plants Have Better Drought Tolerance
Since Paramedics Are Probably First Line Of Treatment For Stroke, Let Them Give Drugs?
The Hurricanes Of The Medieval Warming Period Were Doozies
SB 203: California's New Warning Label Drive Targets Soda, But Not Sugar-Filled Juice
Scientists take first X-ray portraits of living bacteria from Science Daily
Smashing polarized protons to uncover spin and other secrets from Science Daily
How Health Authorities Might Improve Communication about Vaccinations from Science Daily
Unwanted impact of antibiotics broader, more complex than previously known from Science Daily
New therapeutic principle for Parkinsonian dyskinesia shows clinical effect from Science Daily
After Miscarriage | Coping with Pregnancy Loss from Live Science
Emma Stone, Bradley Cooper star in first 'Aloha' trailer from UPI
Researchers discover how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop from CBSNews - Science
6 of the Most Audacious Science Hoaxes Ever from National Geographic
Predicting plant responses to drought from Science Daily
Advent of geoengineering may help lower temperature of debate over climate change from Science Daily
Novel non-stick material joins portfolio of slippery surface technologies from Science Daily
Power efficiency in the violin: Key design features boost violins' acoustic power from Science Daily
Tesla Motors announces surprise $16M loss in Q4 from UPI
Hepatitis: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention from Live Science
'60 Minutes' correspondent Bob Simon, 73, dies after car crash from UPI
Heidi Klum, Mel. B, Howie Mandel to return as 'America's Got Talent' judges from UPI
For most strokes, clot-retrieval device boosts effectiveness of drug treatment from LA Times - Science
New Lookout for Solar Storms Lifts Off on SpaceX Rocket from NY Times Science
House Passes Keystone Bill Despite Obama’s Opposition from NY Times Science
Rose E. Frisch, Scientist Who Linked Body Fat to Fertility, Dies at 96 from NY Times Science
Lease Deal for Pier 55 Park Off Hudson River Is Approved from NY Times Science
Commuter with measles prompts California transit warning from AP Health
Geophysicists blast their way to the bottom of tectonic plates from Physics World