Archive of feed items published on the 21st of August 2013
Critics say California relies on outdated approach to fire prevention from LA Times - Science
Diplomatic Flap Threatens E.U.-Israeli Research Ties from Science NOW
Studies explore weapons/arrests in domestic violence cases from Physorg
Tech experts debate the smarts of the 'smartwatch' from Physorg
VIDEO: Charity to create 'a million ponds' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brazil Amazon town takes a stand against deforestation from Physorg
Japan upgrades Fukushima leak to highest level in two years from Physorg
Jumpy caterpillar shies the Sun (w/ Video) from Physorg
No pet hates as dog donates blood to save cat from Physorg
Human activity is 'almost certainly' driving climate change, IPCC leaked report says from Physorg
Half of 2011 papers now free to read from News @ Nature
Dental scanner allows researcher to sink his teeth into entrepreneurship from MIT Research
Japan raising Fukushima leak alert from BBC News: Science & Nature
The city of 2050 from BBC News: Science & Nature
An osprey's extraordinary journey from BBC News: Science & Nature
7 questions on GCSE science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hawaii to study tiger sharks amid spike in attacks from Physorg
US Air Force lacks volunteers to operate drones from Physorg
Facebook aims to get more people online from Physorg
China Telecom profit rises after it offers iPhone from Physorg
Jumping caterpillar navigates by sun from BBC News: Science & Nature
Top Quark - The Shortest Lived Matter In The Universe
Romanian science in free fall from News @ Nature
Italian recalls ISS spacewalk scare from BBC News: Science & Nature
Can we restore the world’s coral reefs? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: New York City's greenest taxi from CBSNews - Science
Dazzling Meteor Streaks Over Canary Islands (Photo) from
Ocean sound: The Oregon Coast rules when it comes to ambient noise from Physorg
Dynamically reconfiguring images with flexible OLED FlexCam (w/ Video) from Physorg
New Zealand passes law allowing domestic spying from Physorg
Stemming the tide from Chemistry World
Earth-Size 'Lava Planet' With 8.5-Hour Year Among Fastest Ever Seen from
Engage! Warp Drive Could Become Reality with Quantum-Thruster Physics from
Plants can change greenhouse gas emissions after warming from Physorg
A new approach to making climate treaties work from Physorg
Catalogs of distant, faint sources dark fields [rejected] from Physorg
New Mycotoxin detection device goes from prototype to production from Physorg
New steps in the quest to break the code of life from Physorg
The walls have ears: Princeton researchers develop walls that can listen, and talk from Physorg
Newly unearthed ruins challenge views of early Romans from Physorg
Lowest temperature for life discovered from Physorg
Ball lightning captured in the lab from Chemistry World
Pig Whipworm Eggs - A Natural Approach For Crohn's Disease
New Zealand investors better informed on expenses but not on par with Australia, says research from Physorg
Dogs could act as effective early warning system for patients with diabetes from Physorg
Smart energy to power refugee camps from Physorg
Novel 3-D oral scanner helping dentists go digital from Physorg
VIDEO: Violence of star's birth revealed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Q&A: Fukushima leak problems from BBC News: Science & Nature
Daily life shapes sustainable transportation from Physorg
World's first 2560x1440 Quad HD LCD panel for smartphones from Physorg
Next generation of explorers takes the stage from Physorg
RheinMobil project yields first trends for economic efficiency, operation, and ecological benefit from Physorg
Temperature responsive polymer stops overheating problem from Chemistry World
Sniffing Out New Strategies in the Fight Against Alzheimer s Disease from Scientific American
Explainer: Light-years and units for the stars from Physorg
Federal agencies remapping coastal areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy from Physorg
Teleportation just got easier—but not for you, unfortunately from Physorg
VIDEO: How to entice tiger to tape measure from BBC News: Science & Nature
Startup's Gadget Catches Smartphone Cheaters from Live Science
Got Space? Startup Cashes In On Storage Shortage from Live Science
The brilliance of diamonds from Physorg
New tests for determining health and environmental effects of nanomaterials from Physorg
E-paper display powered by NFC from smartphone (w/ Video) from Physorg
Thai police seize 16 'illegal' elephants from Physorg
First scientific method to authenticate world's costliest coffee from Physorg
Study finds loss of sea ice causes ecological changes from Physorg
Peering through the global carbon cycle from Physorg
First update in a century in testing drugs for elemental impurities from Physorg
Research findings give nod to Gonski from Physorg
Largest PV facility for own consumption in Germany from Physorg
Tunnel FET having a new architecture with potential for substantial improvement in performance from Physorg
FDA cracks down on misbranded Halifax diabetes product from CBC: Health
Nova Star Explosion Is Visible to the Naked Eye: Where to Look from
AUDIO: How do birds obey the speed limit? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Different strokes from Chemistry World
Alcohol abuse, eating disorders share genetic link from Science Daily
'Zombie vortices' may be key step in star formation from Science Daily
Home cooking, traffic are sources of key air pollutants from China from Physorg
Web users reward Palestinian who exposed Facebook flaw from Physorg
Better insight into molecular interactions from Physorg
Hue of barn swallow breast feathers can influence their health, says study from Physorg
Investigation reveals birds on roads adapt to speed limits from Physorg
Stem cells: Egg engineers from News @ Nature
Comet makes cataclysmic plunge into Sun from MSNBC: Science
Playing StarCraft can boost brain power from Science Blog
New theory points to ‘zombie vortices’ as key step in star formation from Science Blog
Plasma-treated nano filters help purify world water supply from Science Blog
Pulsars make a GPS for the cosmos from Science Blog
Alcohol abuse, eating disorders share genetic link from Science Blog
New survey of young adults: 7.8 million gained new or better coverage through Affordable Care Act from Science Blog
Disappointed sports fans eat more sugar and fat from Science Blog
How sleep helps brain learn motor task from Science Blog
NFL Thigh Pad Testing Led by UVA Researcher from Newswise - Scinews
Space History Photo: Lunar Landing Research Vehicle in Flight from
Pulsars make a GPS for the cosmos from Science Daily
Honeyguide birds destroy own species' eggs to eliminate competition from Science Daily
Peering into the heart of aquatic embryo development from Science Daily
Human foot not as unique as originally thought from Science Daily
7 Amazing Living Fossils from PopSci
Rise in shark attacks around Hawaii spark study from CBC: Technology & Science
PlayStation 4 to launch in November with built-in Twitch streaming from CBC: Technology & Science
Ruling backing Rogers's dropped-call ads for Chatr questioned from CBC: Technology & Science
Bloomberg puts in place new trader info safeguards from Physorg
Viewing Fukushima in the cold light of Chernobyl from Science Blog
Tank Has Leaked Tons of Contaminated Water at Japan Nuclear Site from NY Times Science
Urgent Task for Insect: Stop a Relentless Vine from NY Times Science
Europe Set to Impose Sanctions on Faroe Islands Over Herring from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Other Voices: Sturgeon Moon from NY Times Science
Interactive Map Color-Codes Race of Every Single American from National Geographic
Supercapacitors Amp Up as an Alternative to Batteries from National Geographic
Oldest Globe of New World Carved on Ostrich Eggs? from National Geographic
Medication errors led to severe harm or death in 36 Ontario cases, report finds from CBC: Health
Blue Moon Photos: August Full Moon of 2013 in Pictures from
Brilliant Red Lightning Sprites Caught on Film from Live Science
Comet Factory | Space Wallpaper from Live Science
Dining In: How Cells Eat from Live Science
Images: Red Sprite Lightning Revealed in Stunning Photos from Live Science
Ancient Artificial Harbor Found in Israel from Live Science
Plasma-treated nano filters help purify world water supply from Science Daily
X-ray vision to detect unseen gold from Science Daily
Playing video games can boost brain power from Science Daily
Better insight into molecular interactions from Science Daily
Viewing Fukushima in the cold light of Chernobyl from Physorg
Tacking Health Care Costs Onto California Farm Produce from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Onion and Zucchini Frittata to Go from NY Times Health
Well: How Exercise Can Help Us Sleep Better from NY Times Health
Is the cronut burger to blame for CNE visitors' illnesses? from CBC: Health
Mars Rover Opportunity Reaches Campsite for Martian Winter from Live Science
New Glue-Spitting Velvet Worm Found in Vietnam from Live Science
7 Wild Facts About the Penis from Live Science
What Men Want: Condoms That Fit from Live Science
Hue of barn swallow breast feathers can influence their health from Science Daily
NHL 14 video game embraces fighting from CBC: Technology & Science
Japan nuclear watchdog 'extremely concerned' over water leak from CBC: Technology & Science
Forest-interior birds may be benefiting from harvested clearings from Physorg
Study examines overlooked role fruit-eating crocodilians may play in forest regeneration from Physorg
Lockheed Martin F-35B completes first night vertical landing from UPI
Blue moon Tuesday night [PHOTOS] from UPI
Spongy Material Puts The Squeeze On Waterborne Disease from C&EN
Big Pic: Sunrise Over A Dark Earth, As Seen From The ISS from PopSci
5 Beloved Scientists Who Were Actually Bullies from PopSci
Facebook-led project aims to connect billions without internet access from CBC: Technology & Science
Greenpeace says Russia denies it Arctic access from Physorg
Polyacetylene from Chemistry World
Crocodile Confession: Meat-Eating Predators Consume Fruit, Study Says from Newswise - Scinews
Magnitude-6.2 Earthquake Shakes Acapulco, Mexico from Live Science
Facts About Rhenium from Live Science
Shake Test: Simulating an Earthquake in a Lab | Video from Live Science
Sans Protective Measures, Flooding Damage Could Cost the World $1 Trillion by 2050 from Scientific American
Miniature pump: Polymer gel continuously responds to fleeting stimuli from Physorg
UK govt ordered official to stem Guardian leaks from Physorg
What is to be done about Russian science? from News @ Nature
Spectacular nova star explosion visible with naked eye from MSNBC: Science
Birds Pay Attention to Speed Limits Too from National Geographic
EPA pushes pesticide labels to protect bees from Chemistry World
Astronaut Luca Parmitano describes near-drowning experience in space from CBSNews - Science
British zoo critters weigh-in from CBSNews - Science
Facebook aims to get more people online from CBSNews - Science
Two way traffic for Chinese drug licensing from Chemistry World
ScienceShot: The Best Reason Not to Pester Mom from Science NOW
Well: Supplements Fail to Relieve Joint Pain in Study from NY Times Health
Seven days: 16–22 August 2013 from News @ Nature
VIDEO: Rare night sky double for sky gazer from BBC News: Science & Nature
Zinkle, Seetharaman Named Editors for Metallurgical and Materials Transactions from Newswise - Scinews
IU Anthropologists Will Try Funding Research Through Crowd-Funding Website from Newswise - Scinews
How Small Is Too Small to Qualify as a Discrete Species? from Scientific American
Deadly Tropical Storm Trami Strengthens into Typhoon from Live Science
Canadian Netflix users get access to 'My List' feature from CBC: Technology & Science
A brighter method to determine surface gravity of distant stars from Physorg
Team finds new way to use X-rays to probe properties of solid materials from Physorg
Triple point: Physicists pinpoint key property of material that both conducts and insulates from Physorg
Fukushima: Cosmic rays may peer into nuclear reactor, assess damage from MSNBC: Science
Birth of a star captured in image by ALMA from UPI
Vivid Vesta Terrain | Space Wallpaper from
Blue Moon Majesty Wows Stargazers (Photos) from
Brilliant Red Sprite Lightning Caught on Film from
Bacteria can cause pain on their own from
Brain circuit can tune anxiety from Science Daily
Personality effects on fertility from Science Daily
Hand transplantation: New method for local immunosuppression successful from Science Daily
Crocodile confession: Meat-eating predators eat fruit from Science Daily
Hamster genome decoded from Science Daily
Scan Reveals If Your Civet Poo Coffee Really Comes From Civet Poo from PopSci
The Amazing Mating Dance of the Peacock Spider from Live Science
Big horns clash with longevity in sheep from News @ Nature
Emergence of H7N9 avian flu hints at broader threat from News @ Nature
Cassini Releases Image of Earth Waving at Saturn from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Littlest Continent Had Biggest Role in Sea Level Drop from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Evidence of 3,000-year-old cinnamon trade found in Israel from MSNBC: Science
Researchers granted patent for system that fuses human and computer intelligence from Science Blog
Ancient jewelry from space from CBSNews - Science
NASA satellite captures sun-diving comet during solar explosion from CBSNews - Science
Sometimes It Pays to Be a Weakling from Science NOW
Stars' Twinkling Light Reveals Gravity Strength from
Physicists Pinpoint Key Property of Material That Both Conducts and Insulates from Newswise - Scinews
A Brighter Method for Measuring the Surface Gravity of Distant Stars from Newswise - Scinews
Mother's genes can impact aging process from Science Daily
A brighter method for measuring the surface gravity of distant stars from Science Daily
Forest-interior birds may be benefiting from harvested clearings from Science Daily
Origin of MERS Virus Found in Bats from Live Science
Study: MERS virus match seen in Saudi Arabian bat from AP Science
Physicists pinpoint solid-state triple point where material both conducts and insulates from Science Blog
Walls that can listen, and talk from Science Blog
Brain circuit can tune anxiety from Science Blog
FOR KIDS: Baseball: From pitch to hits from
Physicists pinpoint key property of material that both conducts and insulates from Science Daily
The Confusing Science Of Whether Video Games Are Ruining Your Life from PopSci
Tobacco plants plus antibodies equal possible treatment for Ebola from MSNBC: Science
Bowl with 2,700-year-old Hebrew inscription dug up in biblical city from MSNBC: Science
Cassini releases image of Earth waving at Saturn from Science Daily
Blue Moon Majesty Wows Stargazers (Photos) from Live Science
New results from Daya Bay neutrino experiment announced from Physorg
Lab-made complexes are 'sun sponges' from Physorg
NASA image: Tropical Storm Pewa passing Wake Island from Physorg
NASA sees Typhoon Trami passing Taiwan for China landfall from Physorg
Researchers decode the hamster genome from Physorg
NASA image: Fires in Idaho and Montana from Physorg
Squeal of blood cancer cells put under microscope from CBC: Health
Mental illness patients strain Canada's police forces from CBC: Health
Province releases internal review of prisoner health care from CBC: Health
NSA Internet spy system can access 75 percent of communications from UPI
Solar flare could cause interference and power surges from UPI
Video: Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prison from CBSNews - Science
Well: Study Ties Poor Oral Health to Cancer-Causing Virus from NY Times Health
Advice on Addiction in Boomers, Part 1 from NY Times Health
EPA Responds to Controversial Subpoena from Science NOW
New Results from Daya Bay: Tracking the Disappearance of Ghostlike Neutrinos from Newswise - Scinews
Epigenetics Researchers Study Lifestyle and Cancer at University of North Dakota from Newswise - Scinews
Tuberculosis Genomes Portray Secrets of Pathogen's Success from Newswise - Scinews
Determining Star Size From Star Sounds | Video from
JPL, Masten testing new precision landing software from Science Daily
Mars rover Opportunity working at edge of 'Solander' from Science Daily
NASA Voyager statement about competing models to explain recent spacecraft data from Science Daily
NASA rover gets movie as a Mars moon passes another from Science Daily
Radar images of Asteroid 2005 WK4 from Science Daily
Littlest continent had biggest role in sea level drop from Science Daily
Viewing Fukushima in the cold light of Chernobyl from Science Daily
Shorter Workday Isn't The Key To Happiness, Says Bummer Of A Study from PopSci
How Deadly H7N9 Flu Could Jump from Birds to Mammals from Live Science
Incredible Photos of Peacock Spiders from Live Science
Five US institutions to share meteorite pieces from Physorg
New gamma-ray observatory begins operations at Sierra Negra volcano from Physorg
Rising deforestation sparks concern in Brazil Amazon from Physorg
Astronomers take sharpest photos ever of the night sky (Update) from Physorg
Shorter working hours do not guarantee happier workers from Physorg
A new gene-expression mechanism is a minor thing of major importance from Physorg
Ex-dolphin trainer now looking into mass die-off from AP Science
Multiple genes manage how people taste sweeteners from Science Blog
Sinkhole drains lake in Florida subdivision from UPI
Photos: Rage and Despair in Divided Egypt from National Geographic
Does Chemical X Cause Disease Y, And How Do We Know?
Best Route To Alpha Centauri? Here's Your Cosmological GPS
Thing(ness) And Silence Studies
After a fire, before a flood: NASA's Landsat directs restoration to at-risk areas from Science Daily
NASA's Fermi celebrates five years in space, enters extended mission from Science Daily
NASA Goddard plays major role in NASA lunar mission from Science Daily
NASA plans to crash helicopter to study safety from Science Daily
Astronomers take sharpest photos ever of the night sky from Science Daily
High-precision measurement of subatomic shape shifting and new result on differences among neutrino masses from Science Daily
'Cryptopalypse' Now: Looming Security Crisis Could Cripple Internet from Live Science
Mystery Settlers Reached 'Step to Americas' Before Vikings from Live Science
Rising mountains, cooling oceans prompted spread of invasive species 450 million years ago from Physorg
Queue-jumping a fact, Alberta medical inquiry finds from CBC: Health
These apes take to swimming and diving like fish to water from MSNBC: Science
Software arranges photo lighting after the shoot from Science Blog
A brighter method for measuring the surface gravity of distant stars from Science Blog
Astronomers use 'flicker' of light to probe distant stars from UPI
Home cooking fires, traffic tagged as pollution sources in China from UPI
New glue-spitting velvet worm found in Vietnam from CBSNews - Science
Earth Waves at Saturn in Colossal NASA Collage (Photo) from
Scientists Pinpoint a New Molecular Mechanism Tied to Pancreatic Cancer from Newswise - Scinews
Christine Fleming Named to MIT Technology Review's Annual Innovators under 35 List from Newswise - Scinews
Mood is influenced by immune cells called to the brain in response to stress from Science Daily
3 Ways To Save Psychotherapy from PopSci
Mom's Genes May Affect How Fast You Age from Live Science
10 Years Of Weather Monitoring From Satellite GOES-12 | Video from Live Science
Syria: What Is Poisonous Gas? from Live Science
Google's startup brings sightseeing app to Glass from Physorg
Rights group wants answers over UK leaks reaction from Physorg
Puerto Ricans charged with Social Security fraud from Physorg
NSA collected thousands of US communications from Physorg
Picture this: Thousands of Earthlings waving at Saturn from MSNBC: Science
Insoles no help for knee osteoarthritis from Science Blog
Freeing pet catfish can devastate ecosystems from Science Blog
Brain circuit can tune anxiety from MIT Research
Scientists use X-ray vision to search for previously hidden gold from UPI
For sheep horns, bigger is not better from
Five Illuminating Years From The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope | Video from
Photographer Spots Giant Snake-Like Tendril on the Sun (Photo) from
Mouse Skin Cells Transformed Into Viable Eggs, Sperm And Babies from PopSci
Red delicious or wolf apple? Brazilian savanna fruits high in antioxidants from Physorg
Researchers reveal hunter-gatherers' taste for spice from Physorg
Warming Antarctic seas likely to impact on krill habitats from Physorg
Hewlett-Packard turns 3Q profit but revenue falls from Physorg
Space station-inspired mWater app identifies healthy water sources from Physorg
Cassini releases image of Earth waving at Saturn from Physorg
Cockroaches in NYC cluster in their own neighborhoods -- and yours from MSNBC: Science
Possible flaw in aircraft autopilot systems could be flight risk from UPI
Removing indoor pollution from Harvard Science
Gamma-Ray Universe: Photos by NASA's Fermi Space Telescope from
Pop! Bursting the Bubble on Carbonation from Newswise - Scinews
5 Things to Know About Fukushima Radiation from Live Science
Heading to College? Here's How to Minimize Your Eco Footprint from Live Science
NASA sees another Earth-directed CME from Physorg
Fermi telescope celebrates five years in space, enters extended mission from Physorg
After a fire, before a flood: NASA's Landsat directs restoration to at-risk areas from Physorg
Acid, not bubbles, responsible for distinctive 'bite' of carbonated beverages, researchers reveal from Physorg
Mars rover Opportunity reaches campsite for Martian winter from MSNBC: Science
Facebook chief unveils plans to improve global Internet access from UPI
Cable companies, ISPs score dead last in customer service satisfaction from UPI
U.S. Dolphin Deaths Rise to 300; Cause Still a Mystery from National Geographic
Facebook Aims to Bring Internet to 5 Billion More People from National Geographic
Archaeologists Uncover First Use of Spices in European Cuisine from Science NOW
AsCan Recites Limerick From Astronaut Application | Video from
NASA spacecraft reactivated to hunt for asteroids; Probe will assist agency in search for candidates to explore from Science Daily
Rising mountains, cooling oceans prompted spread of invasive species 450 million years ago from Science Daily
Antipsychotic drug use in children for mood/behavior disorders increases type 2 diabetes risk from Science Daily
Why Are Rain Clouds Dark? from Live Science
Iceland is Cashing in on Endangered Whale Meat (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Researchers say human foot not unique, more like those of great apes from UPI
Red Giant Stars: Facts, Definition & the Future of the Sun from
Liangfang Zhang Makes MIT Technology Review's Annual Innovators Under 35 List from Newswise - Scinews
Lab-Made Egg and Sperm Precursors Raise Prospect for Infertility Treatment from Scientific American
Tuberculosis Genomes Show Why It's A Wildly Successful Pathogen
Astronomical Camera Resolution Makes Night Sky Images Sharper Than Ever Before
Overuse Of MRI Leading To Unnecessary Breast Removal
ScienceShot: The Secret of the Frozen Frogs from Science NOW
Disease caused by repeat brain trauma in athletes may affect memory, mood, behavior from Science Daily
What is your heart attack risk? from Science Daily
Lab-made complexes are 'sun sponges' from Science Daily
Growing share of HIV/AIDS burden shifts to changing group of regions from Biology News Net
Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen's success from Biology News Net
Genome researchers at Bielefeld University decode the hamster genome from Biology News Net
What is an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)? from Live Science
NOAA Retires Powerhouse GOES-12 Weather Satellite from Live Science
Butter-Cow Prank Does Nothing to Help the Cause of Animals (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Star's twinkling light can reveal strength of gravitational pull from MSNBC: Science
That horned sea monster? It could be a shark ... or an oarfish from MSNBC: Science
Prehistoric Europeans spiced food from BBC News: Science & Nature
Secrets of Whale Shark Migration Revealed from National Geographic
New Telescope Tech Takes Sharpest Night Sky Photos Ever from
One of NASA's Newest Astronauts Wrote a Limerick to Get Hired from
Sharpest-Ever Night Sky Photos: Gallery from
Neolithic chefs spiced their food from News @ Nature
Copper may play key role in Alzheimer's disease from LA Times - Health
Video: Report: Pope Benedict had "mystical experience," God told him to resign from CBSNews - Science
Scientists use computers to model ocean-spanning trek of coral larvae from UPI
Gaia: The 'impossible space mission' ready to fly from BBC News: Science & Nature
Language diversity in California linked to ecological diversity from LA Times - Science
How women achieve a healthier weight may impact long-term health of offspring from Science Daily
Experimental Ebola treatment protects some primates even after disease symptoms appear from Science Daily
Tuberculosis genomes portray secrets of pathogen's success from Science Daily
Genesis and evolution of H7N9 influenza virus from Science Daily
Putting sleep disorders to bed: New way to improve internal clock function from Science Daily
NASA recycles spacecraft to search for asteroids from AP Science
There she GOES: Powerhouse NOAA weather satellite retired from MSNBC: Science
Britain to crack down on cellphones looking like car key fobs from UPI
South Korea's LG Electronics unveils highest-resolution phone display from UPI
Earliest use of spices on foods in Europe dated to 6,100 years ago from UPI
News in Brief: Natural antifreeze prevents frogsicles from
Mothballed telescope gets new life as asteroid hunter from Reuters:Science
The bitter and the sweet: Fruit flies reveal a new interaction between the two from Science Daily
MERS virus discovered in bat near site of outbreak in Saudi Arabia from Science Daily
Researchers open a door for solid state physics: Laser processes observed with X-rays on a solid from Science Daily
Bacteria make us feel pain… and suppress our immune response from Science Daily
Schizophrenia symptoms linked to faulty 'switch' in brain from Science Daily
Poor oral health linked to cancer-causing oral HPV infection from Science Daily
Use of tPA for ischemic stroke nearly doubled from 2003 to 2011 from Science Daily
Elevated levels of copper in amyloid plaques associated with neurodegeneration in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Kick It Up a Notch! Ancient Europeans Spiced Their Food from Live Science
5 US institutions to share meteorite pieces from AP Science
FEATURE: Australian endangered species: Leatherback Turtle from Science Alert
FEATURE: A solar magnetic reversal means there's no need to flip out – yet from Science Alert
Latest Radioactive Leak at Fukushima: How Is It Different? from National Geographic
NASA Extends Life of Gamma-Ray Hunting Fermi Space Telescope from
Doctors say NHL owners too accepting of violence from CBC: Health
Former astronaut C. Gordon Fullerton dies from AP Science
Monitoring tobacco crops from Science Alert
Pandas threatened by China's booming economy from CBSNews - Science
High-tech spoon designed to counteract tremors in Parkinson's patients from UPI
New tests for determining health and environmental effects of nanomaterials from Science Daily
First scientific method to authenticate world's costliest coffee, from the feces of the palm civet from Science Daily
Psychotherapy lags as evidence goes unheeded from Science Daily
Impaired autophagy associated with age-related macular degeneration from Science Daily
Vasco da Gama: Facts & Biography from Live Science
American Running of the Bulls Not Much of a Thrill (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Children, obesity and depression from Science Alert
The biology behind a beer's 'bite': You're tasting carbonic acid! from MSNBC: Science
Mothballed telescope to morph into asteroid hunter from MSNBC: Science
Sleeping spacecraft to be awakened for new asteroid hunts from UPI
Shorter working hours do not guarantee happier workers from Science Daily
Grandmothers who raise their grandkids struggle with depression, study suggests from Science Daily
Carbon monoxide penetrates gypsum wallboard from Science Daily
A new gene-expression mechanism is a minor thing of major importance from Science Daily
'Virtual heart' precision-guides defibrillator placement in children with heart disease from Science Daily
Dr. Oz helps save British tourist hit by runaway taxi from CBC: Health
Former NASA shuttle commander C. Gordon Fullerton dies from CBSNews - Science
OPINION: Uncovering a buried treasure from Science Alert
Photo competition celebrates ecology from BBC News: Science & Nature
That horned sea monster? It looks like a shark ... or an oarfish from MSNBC: Science
Neutron study aims to improve HIV drugs from Physics World
Prison education cuts recidivism and improves employment, study finds from Physorg
Survey highlights barriers to interdisciplinary environmental science from Physorg
Earth-Directed CME On The Way