Archive of feed items published on the 13th of August 2013
MRSA strain in humans originally came from cattle from Science Blog
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood from Science Blog
The Hyperloop: L.A. to S.F. in 30 minutes? from LA Times - Science
Schools can administer insulin without licensed nurses, court says from LA Times - Science
A worm’s-eye view of immunity from MIT Research
Study challenges popular perception of new 'hookup culture' on college campuses from Physorg
Singapore firm launches in-flight Muslim prayer app from Physorg
Study examines how truck drivers react to marketplace demands for speed and flexibility from Physorg
A man's occupation linked to time spent on housework, study finds from Physorg
More siblings means less chance of divorce as adult from Physorg
VIDEO: 'Hyperloop' transport idea unveiled from BBC News: Science & Nature
US intelligence group to review privacy issues from Physorg
Facebook to buy firm specializing in voice translation from Physorg
Israel army shoots down rocket near Egypt border from AP Health
OPINION: World's first lab-grown burger? Don't forget the semi-living steak from Science Alert
Baby corals survive acidic ocean from Science Alert
Unlikely new anti-cancer target from Science Alert
New epilepsy genes revealed from Science Alert
N.Korea unveils 'secure, homemade' smartphone from Physorg
A Limit on Consumer Costs Is Delayed in Health Care Law from NY Times Health
New Laws and Rising Costs Create a Surge of Supersizing Hospitals from NY Times Health
Hackers attack exiled Tibet government website from Physorg
Researchers develop method for high-throughput taste evaluation from Physorg
Personal jetpack gets flight permit for manned test from Physorg
Gardening tools go mobile from Physorg
Poachers kill rhino in Kenyan capital park from Physorg
Beyond dinner: Invasive shrimp mounted for display from Physorg
Looking for a buzz in urban meadows from BBC News: Science & Nature
Murders could follow maths law from BBC News: Science & Nature
Skywatchers enjoy meteor shower peak from BBC News: Science & Nature
Recipes for Health: Cold Sesame Noodles With Cucumber and Sweet Pepper from NY Times Health
California billionaire unveils futuristic 'Hyperloop' transport from Reuters:Science
Patent battle between Apple, Samsung moves to federal appeals court from Physorg
Meteorites' age is at center of Mars history debate from Physorg
New species of shark found off South Carolina coast from Physorg
Mine those asteroids: Strathclyde team finds easy 12 from Physorg
The fine line between 'sexting' and child pornography from CBC: Technology & Science
Talk to the phone: Google's Moto X virtual assistant raises smartphone bar from CBC: Technology & Science
Mars food study researchers emerge from experiment from Physorg
Thai police seek to monitor chat app for crimes from Physorg
Mars food study researchers emerge from experiment from AP Science
Russian accused in theft of 160 million credit cards pleads not guilty from Physorg
Morning has broken from European Space Agency
Study finds 'ray' wings sold to consumers include vulnerable species, can be mislabeled from Physorg
Manchester Britain's 'city of languages' from Physorg
Baby corals pass the acid test from Physorg
'Talking' to structures to boost public safety from Physorg
VIDEO: What happens to the brain as we die? from BBC News: Science & Nature
The light inventor who is poor but proud from BBC News: Science & Nature
Molecular logic-based computation from Chemistry World
Can A Treatment To Stop Alzheimer's Disease Before The First Symptoms Finally Be In The Horizon?
Ex-Google Exec Believes In Crowdfunding Entrepreneurship from Live Science
Home Life Stresses Working Moms More Than Dads from Live Science
Can the International Space Station Really Last Beyond 2020? from
Exercising Caution: Intensive Athletic Activity Could Be Fatal to Those with Sickle-Cell Trait from Scientific American
When Online Shoppers Are Likely to Overspend from Live Science
Google Glass Required? Wearable Tech Hits the Office from Live Science
Hyperloop, Jetpacks & More: 9 Futuristic Transit Ideas from Live Science
How Men's Jobs May Affect Their Housework from Live Science
Extreme Heat May Aggravate Gastrointestinal Problems from Live Science
The Truth About College Students and Casual Sex Revealed from Live Science
JPL, Masten testing new precision landing software from Physorg
Team succeeded in precisely measuring expansion velocity of shockwave of supernova remnant W44 from Physorg
Highest winter losses in recent years for honey bees in Scotland from Physorg
Taiwan's Hon Hai Q2 net profit up 41 percent from Physorg
Power grid increasingly vulnerable to severe weather, report says from LA Times - Science
Poachers kill rhino in Nairobi park from BBC News: Science & Nature
New evidence for room temperature graphite superconductivity leaves experts unconvinced from Chemistry World
Molecular Sieves For SERS from C&EN
Zero-dimensional transistor harvests bubble energy wasted during water electrolysis from Physorg
Researchers detect little-known protein in vertebrate fertilisation process from Physorg
Neutron studies of HIV inhibitors reveal new areas for improvement in drug design to enhance performance, combat resista from Physorg
Enhancer RNAs may open new avenues for gene therapy from Physorg
Can Elon Musk's Superfast 'Hyperloop' Transit System Really Be Built? from
Incredible Technology: How to Live on Mars from
Electrical signatures of consciousness in the dying brain from Science Blog
A hypnotic suggestion can generate true and automatic hallucinations from Science Blog
Tiny Twist in Graphene May Solve a Mystery from Science Blog
Brain’s flexible hub network helps humans adapt from Science Blog
Nanosensor turns pressure into light from Science Blog
Dad’s genes build placentas, study shows from Science Blog
Radioactive Water Leaks from Fukushima: What We Know from Live Science
Installed price of solar photovoltaic systems in the US continues to decline at a rapid pace from Physorg
Rain, rain, don't go away: NASA's GPM mission completes successful Iowa Flood Studies field campaign from Physorg
Research is challenging basic assumptions about dinosaurs—and greatly expanding the number of known species from Physorg
Time to rethink the Rehabilitation of Offenders? from Physorg
Government, teachers and principals heading in different directions on why Asia literacy is important from Physorg
Flatworms lose their heads but not their memories: Study finds memories stored outside the brain from Physorg
Ecosystems change long before species are lost from Physorg
Science is harnessing shock waves to create new materials from Physorg
The big move: A last look at the Muon g-2 ring's departure from Brookhaven from Physorg
Greening Europe's seaports and freight terminals from Physorg
High-angle helix helps bacteria swim from Physorg
Rise in urban beekeeping may have gone too far, scientists warn from Physorg
AC demand in developing countries could put chill on energy supply from Physorg
America’s Next Top Model features Moncton entrepreneur’s app from CBC: Technology & Science
New York investigates 'Wild West' of Bitcoin from CBC: Technology & Science
Video: Texting and driving: New Herzog film shows consequences from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oracle CEO Larry Ellison talks Google, Apple and the NSA from CBSNews - Science
Researchers Optically Levitate a Glowing, Nanoscale Diamond from Science Blog
Are Republicans more open to new product choices? from Physorg
Controlling oxygen may stop batteries from slowly fading from Physorg
Purdue researchers working on missile-defense software from Physorg
Swapping motion-sensing units from Physorg
Social robots see smell from Physorg
New electron beam writer enables next-gen biomedical and information technologies from Physorg
Professors study dilemmas in sustaining red light camera programs from Physorg
Russian rocket pioneer Soldatenkov dies at 86 from Physorg
A new Haramiyid indicating a complex pattern of evolution in Mesozoic mammals from Physorg
Mitochondrial cooperatives from Physorg
Your photos of Perseid meteor shower from CBC: Technology & Science
News in Brief: Mediterranean diet may offset genetic risk for stroke from
Making science personal from Chemistry World
Space History Photo: Atlantis Docked to Mir from
Hyperloop Explained: How Elon Musk's Futuristic Transit System Works (Infographic) from
FDA awards contract to organs-on-chip lab for radiation countermeasures from Science Blog
Elon Musk Unveils Hyperloop Plans from Live Science
Mars: What lies beneath from Physorg
Scientists rely on high-tech eyes to spy on microscopic world from Physorg
Welfare debt a bigger target than unpaid tax from Physorg
Mediterranean Diet Counteracts a Genetic Risk of Stroke, Study Reports from Newswise - Scinews
'Talking' to Structures to Boost Public Safety from Newswise - Scinews
FEATURE: Can people really be addicted to sex? from Science Alert
FEATURE: Master your anger – or at least try to understand it from Science Alert
Is Hair In Food A Health Risk? from PopSci
StatsCan delays household survey release over data problem from CBC: Technology & Science
Hypnotic Suggestion Can Generate Automatic Hallucinations - Study
Is There Really A Greater 'Hookup' Culture On College Campuses Today?
Is A Treatment To Stop Alzheimer's Disease Before The First Symptoms On The Horizon?
Why Space Station Needs A 3-D Printer | Video from
Baby corals pass the acid test from Science Daily
People prefer products that help them 'save face' in embarrassing moments from Science Daily
DHA-enriched formula in infancy linked to positive cognitive outcomes in childhood from Science Daily
Canine distemper virus: An emerging disease in rare Amur tigers from Science Daily
Bright birds make good mothers from Science Daily
Highest winter losses in recent years for honey bees in Scotland from Science Daily
A hypnotic suggestion can generate true and automatic hallucinations from Science Daily
The Opposite of “Protection”: A Fetish for Used Condoms from Live Science
Grapefruit biomolecules may herald new treatment for heart disease from Physorg
Conceiving naturally after IVF from Science Alert
Ocean acidity continues to increase from Science Alert
Neanderthals were more advanced, study suggests from CBSNews - Science
Fears of 'Testicle-Eating' Fish Overblown from National Geographic
Seafood: 'Ray' wings sold to consumers include vulnerable species and can be mislabeled from Science Daily
Precisely measuring velocity of supernova shockwave from Science Daily
Who benefits from vitamin D? from Science Daily
Enhancer RNAs may open new avenues for gene therapy from Science Daily
‘Safe’ levels of sugar harmful to mice from News @ Nature
Landmark for Many Peoples | Wallpaper from Live Science
More freedom of movement while viewing glasses-free 3-D from Physorg
Bright birds make good mothers from Physorg
Fuel cell innovation: Novel cathode materials with high performance and strong reliability at intermediate temperature from Physorg
Sugar Toxic to Mice in 'Safe' Doses from Newswise - Scinews
Canadian Government Supports the Training of Future Experts in Ocean Sciences from Newswise - Scinews
How Post-Earth Humans Will Survive In Space [Infographic] from PopSci
Stargazer's Photos Reveal Spectacular Arizona Night Sky, But No Meteors from
Photos: Stunning Night Sky Stargazing Images of August 2013 from
Newly discovered 'switch' plays dual role in memory formation from Science Daily
Fuel cell innovation: Novel cathode material which has outstanding performance from Science Daily
Autism four times likelier when mother's thyroid is weakened from Science Daily
New electron beam writer enables next-gen biomedical and information technologies from Science Daily
Penn researchers strive for a more athletic robot from AP Science
Apple reportedly releasing new iPads after iPhone from CBSNews - Science
Stroke Declines Dramatically Over The Past 10 Years
Best Pictures of Perseids Meteor Shower from National Geographic
Elon Musk's Hyperloop concept raises excitement, eyebrows from UPI
Magellanic Stream Mystery | Space Wallpaper from
Alien Planet Eclipse Seen In X-Ray Light: A Cosmic First from
JPL is Testing New Precision Landing Software on Earth from Science Blog
Inducing labour may contribute to autism from CBC: Health
India spurns cancer patents from News @ Nature
Decellularized mouse heart beats again after regenerating with human heart precursor cells from Science Daily
'Talking' to structures to boost public safety from Science Daily
Mediterranean diet counteracts a genetic risk of stroke from Science Daily
Sugar toxic to mice in 'safe' doses from Science Daily
Three Dinosaur Species Become One from Live Science
Doomsday Fear: Could an EMP Throw World into Chaos? from Live Science
Baby Talk: Judge's Name Change Sparks Controversy from Live Science
Researchers date oldest known petroglyphs in North America from Physorg
Computer model predicts red blood cell flow from Physorg
Low-temperature combustion enables cleaner, more efficient engines from Physorg
The positive sides of doping: Scientists boost CdTe solar cell efficiency from Physorg
Crowdsourcing weather using smartphone batteries from Physorg
Why Some Words Sound Fat from PopSci
Study: Soda-Drinking Mice Die Earlier from PopSci
Video: Harnessing the power of wind and waves from CBSNews - Science
Spam-fried noodles on Mars? from CBSNews - Science
NASA’s Juno is Halfway to Jupiter from Science Blog
Europe sets sights on lasers from News @ Nature
College Sex: Yes at Parties, No on First Dates from Live Science
Secret Service releases first 100 pages of Aaron Swartz's file from CBSNews - Science
What Seafood Menus Reveal About Hawaii's Changing Seas from National Geographic
US Military's 'Space Fence' Shutdown Will Weaken Orbital Surveillance Network from
Dating oldest known petroglyphs in North America from Science Daily
Norway bars Apple from taking aerial photos of Oslo from Physorg
Panda cub, mother reunited at Taiwan zoo from Physorg
'Testicle-munching' Amazon fish found off Denmark from Physorg
Researchers slow light to a crawl in liquid crystal matrix from Physorg
NASA image: Wildfires in central Canada from Physorg
DNA sequences at the beginning of genes—at least in fruit flies—contain more information than previously thought from Physorg
NASA identifies heavy rainfall in South China Sea's Typhoon Utor from Physorg
Breaking up the superbugs' party from Physorg
Huge congregations view racial inequality differently than others do, study shows from Physorg
Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique from Physorg
Do conservation scientists work too hard? from Physorg
Steven Sibener to Direct Water Research Initiative at Institute for Molecular Engineering from Newswise - Scinews
Wireless Devices Go Battery-Free with New Communication Technique from Newswise - Scinews
Low-Temperature Combustion Enables Cleaner, More Efficient Engines from Newswise - Scinews
Newly Discovered 'Switch' Plays Dual Role In Memory Formation from Newswise - Scinews
Computation-Enabled Design for the Chicago Lakeside Development from Newswise - Scinews
Computer Model Predicts Red Blood Cell Flow from Newswise - Scinews
First Fossil Whale Poop Pops Up in Italy from Live Science
Sweet Disguise: Chocolate-Covered Elephant Ivory Seized in Macau from Live Science
This Baby Panda Reuniting With Her Mom Is The Best Thing You'll See On The Internet Today from PopSci
In 165-Million-Year-Old Fossil, Evidence That Fur Predates Mammals from PopSci
Stomach aches in children tied to anxiety in adulthood from CBC: Health
Meal timing can boost ovulation and improve fertility from Science Blog
Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique from Science Blog
Ecosystems change long before species are lost from Science Daily
High-angle helix helps bacteria swim from Science Daily
How genes tell cellular construction crews, 'Read me now!' from Science Daily
Do conservation scientists work too hard? from Science Daily
Low-temperature combustion enables cleaner, more efficient engines from Science Daily
Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique from Science Daily
Toyota exec: Camry will stay as US top-selling car from Physorg
Philippine refiner claims responsibility for diesel spill from Physorg
Fifth of websites 'lack privacy protection info' from Physorg
New compound prevents first steps of fungal infection from Physorg
US researchers create robot that jumps from Physorg
Urgent! How Genes Tell Cellular Construction Crews, "Read Me Now!" from Newswise - Scinews
DHA-Enriched Formula in Infancy Linked to Positive Cognitive Outcomes in Childhood from Newswise - Scinews
An earthquake in Japan caused large waves in Norwegian fjords from Physorg
Women Still Less Likely to Commit Corporate Fraud from Physorg
Scientists find asymmetry in topological insulators from Physorg
Image Gallery: Hurricane Season 2013 from Live Science
Disney Researchers use automated analysis to find weakness in soccer coaching strategy from Physorg
Early solar system garnet-like mineral named for Livermore cosmochemist from Physorg
Documents show Secret Service kept tabs on Swartz from Physorg
Monarch Butterfly's Birthplaces Pinpointed from Live Science
Explore an Underwater Volcano Live in HD from Live Science
Policing New York: From Broken Windows to Stop-and-Frisk from Live Science
New species of cave fish identified from CBSNews - Science
Musk's Hyperloop Plan Draws Praise, Skepticism from National Geographic
Treasure found in ancient Byzantine garbage pit from MSNBC: Science
Three dinosaur species become one from MSNBC: Science
Why Chinese Kids Are Terrible At Spelling Bees from PopSci
Do Conservation Biologists Work Harder Than Other Scientists?
Sometimes Doping Is Good
The Best Video Applications For A One-Way Trip To Mars from National Geographic
ORNL finding goes beyond surface of oxide films from Physorg
Icahn claims large stake in 'undervalued' Apple from Physorg
Visteon to sell stake in Chinese JV for $1.25B from AP Health
Researchers adds jumping, climbing to skills of RHex robot from CBSNews - Science
Sun's magnetic field flip, due soon, is a mystery from MSNBC: Science
Ancient Pa. dwelling still divides archaeologists from Physorg
Upsalite: Scientists make 'impossible material'... by accident from Physorg
Brazil demands clarifications on NSA surveillance from Physorg
Even for cows, less can be more from Physorg
Space station boosting biological research in orbit from Physorg
Smart social media bots invading the web from CBC: Technology & Science
Elon's Musk's 'Hyperloop' sparks big reaction from CBC: Technology & Science
Researchers create robot that jumps from CBSNews - Science
Sweet disguise: Chocolate-covered elephant ivory seized in Macau from MSNBC: Science
Big ice may explain Mars' double-layer craters from MSNBC: Science
The New Old Age Blog: Discord in an Intergenerational Home from NY Times Health
National Academy Of Sciences 'Misled The World' When Adopting Radiation Exposure Guidelines
NASA's Juno Spacecraft Is Halfway to Jupiter from
On-line computer game targets disease attacking British trees from UPI
Rocket launches from Va. carrying student projects from Physorg
A&W, Bell Media rapped over internet privacy policies from CBC: Technology & Science
Racial homogeneity in early childhood may affect brain from
Well: Afraid to Get Tested? Slow Down and Think About It from NY Times Health
Observatory: Mapping the Brain Circuitry That Spots Movement, in Flies from NY Times Science
Starry Sky Over Sequoia National Park: Stargazer's Serene Scene (Photos) from
Badger given credit for archaeological discovery in Germany from UPI
What is Selective Laser Sintering? from Live Science
Carrots & Eye Health: How the Myth Began from Live Science
As Furs Fade in the West, Popularity Grows in the East (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Starry Sky Over Sequoia National Park: Stargazer's Serene Scene (Photos) from Live Science
Boas, Chimps or Tigers: Wild Animals Are Not Pets (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Anthropologists study testosterone spikes in non-competitive activities from Physorg
Watch Lab-Grown Heart Tissue Beat On Its Own [Video] from PopSci
Is the Hyperloop just a pipe dream? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Loeb House garden: Colorful blooms of Elizabeth Gray from Harvard Science
NASA's First Step Towards a Replicator: 3D Printing in Space from
Gorgonzola recall leads to shortages in shops, restaurants from CBC: Health
Study: Human impacts on ecosystems go beyond species loss from UPI
Microsoft, facing backlash, backs off on Xbox camera requirement from UPI
Lasers Levitate Tiny Diamonds | Video from Live Science
Your Jetpack Is Ready – Almost from Live Science
Why Some Remember Dreams, Others Don't from Live Science
For dining on Mars, the couscous gets the most stars from MSNBC: Science
New compound prevents first steps of fungal infection from Science Daily
Researchers determine age of oldest known North American petroglyphs from UPI
Rare white rhino killed by poachers in Kenyan national park from UPI
India Sparkles with Promise of Diamonds, Study Finds from Live Science
Study shows high pollution at Lac-Mégantic from CBC: Technology & Science
BlackBerry Q5 goes on sale in Canada from CBC: Technology & Science
Racy Science World ads spark controversy in B.C. from CBC: Technology & Science
Baby monitor hacked, spies on Texas child from CBSNews - Science
Hubble telescope finds source of cosmic stream near Milky Way from MSNBC: Science
Women Still Lag Behind Men In The Corporate World In One Key Way
Is There Really GMO Pot?
Children of obese mothers face heart risk in midlife from CBC: Health
Computer model predicts red blood cell flow from Science Daily
Children with allergy, asthma may be at higher risk for ADHD from Science Daily
Meal timing can significantly improve fertility in women with polycystic ovaries from Science Daily
Crowdsourcing weather using smartphone batteries from Science Daily
Winter losses of honeybees in Scotland worrying scientists from UPI
Smartphone battery sensors may soon help predict local weather from UPI
Lightning-Sparked Idaho Fire Burns More Than 90,000 Acres from Live Science
Ancient mammal relatives cast light on recovery after mass extinction from Physorg
Shortening tails gave early birds a leg up from Physorg
Bone-eating worms thrive in the Antarctic from News @ Nature
Urgent! How genes tell cellular construction crews, 'Read me now!' from Biology News Net
Virus-derived particles target blood cancer from Biology News Net
Baby corals pass the acid test from Biology News Net
MRSA strain in humans originally came from cattle from Biology News Net
New technique lets wireless devices communicate, no batteries needed from UPI
Hearing A Word Can Help You See The Invisible from Live Science
What Is Peak Oil? from Live Science
Trove of Pristine Shipwrecks May Be Buried Around Antarctica from Live Science
Is BMI Best? 8 Steps to Your Healthiest Weight (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Bone-Eating Worms Found in Antarctic Waters from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Ancient Eel-Like Creatures Were First Vertebrates With 'Teeth' from Science NOW
New Species of Naked Bone-Eating Worms in Antarctica from National Geographic
Study: Early birds lost long, bony tail in favor of versatile legs from UPI
Chilean authorities probe possible poisoning of Andean condors from UPI
Mokele-Mbembe: The Search for a Living Dinosaur from Live Science
Tech tycoon Larry Ellison on NSA surveillance from CBSNews - Science
Billionaire investor Carl Icahn tweet boosts Apple shares from CBC: Technology & Science
Trove of pristine shipwrecks may be buried around Antarctica from MSNBC: Science
Officials encouraged by growing numbers of endangered primate in China from UPI
Researchers identify 12 'easy' candidates for asteroid mining from UPI
NASA Administrator Previews 'Year of the Earth' at JPL from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Light slowed to a crawl in liquid crystal matrix from Science Daily
Shortening tails gave early birds a leg up from Science Daily
Ancient mammal relatives cast light on recovery after mass extinction from Science Daily
Analyst: Don't expect to talk to Siri on Apple's 'budget' iPhone from UPI
Mars food study researchers emerge from dome from CBC: Technology & Science
'Stowaway' ants spread around world from BBC News: Science & Nature
Antarctic likely to preserve wrecks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Brain scans may help diagnose dyslexia from Science Daily
Brain scans may help diagnose dyslexia from MIT Research
Tractor beam produced with unstructured light from Physics World
Anthropologists study testosterone spikes in non-competitive activities from Science Daily
Toxicologist says NAS panel 'misled the world' when adopting radiation exposure guidelines from Science Daily
Cost of sustainable red light camera programs? Shortening yellow lights and increasing speed limits results in more crashes from Science Daily
Super-fast quantum computers? Scientists find asymmetry in topological insulators from Science Daily
New culprit that may make aging brains susceptible to neurodegenerative diseases identified from Science Daily
Extinctions of large animals sever the Earth's 'nutrient arteries' from Science Daily
Breaking up the superbugs' party from Science Daily
More accurate multiple sclerosis diagnostics possible from Science Daily
Heat waves increase incidence of infectious gastroenteritis and IBD flares from Science Daily
Tommy Amaker to be honored in D.C. from Harvard Science
New strategy to disarm the dengue virus brings new hope for a universal dengue vaccine from Science Daily
MRSA strain in humans originally came from cattle from Science Daily
More siblings means less chance of divorce as adult from Science Daily
A man's occupation linked to time spent on housework, study finds from Science Daily
Scientists plan new, potentially controversial bird flu research from LA Times - Health
OxyContin maker closely guards its list of suspect doctors from LA Times - Health
Schools can administer insulin without licensed nurses, court says from LA Times - Health
Virus-derived particles target blood cancer from Science Daily
Love and work don't always work for working class in America, study shows from Science Daily
Study challenges popular perception of new 'hookup culture' on college campuses from Science Daily
Alien Life on Europa? Funding Gap Means We May Never Know (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Early surgery better than watchful waiting for patients with severe mitral valve regurgitation from Science Daily