In Europe, Smoking Prevalence Stays The Same But People Who Want To Quit Are Up
Monday, September 7, 2015 - 13:40
in Health & Medicine
Europeans love to smoke but the good news is that the people who at least say they want to quit has risen in the last seven years, according to results from the latest EUROASPIRE surveys. EUROASPIRE is a series of cross sectional surveys of the practice of preventive cardiology in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and people at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) across Europe. Four EUROASPIRE surveys have been conducted under the ESC's EORP initiative. EUROASPIRE III, conducted in 2006 to 2008, included for the first time people at high risk of developing CVD in general practice from 12 countries. The primary care arm of EUROASPIRE IV was carried out in 2014 to 2015 in 14 countries. read more