"My Marvellous Metronome" - Simple Yet So Often Frustrating - Can It Help You Become More Rhythmically Precise?
Saturday, May 17, 2014 - 10:10
in Mathematics & Economics
The metronome seems such a simple thing, just a machine that goes tick tick, and you then play in time with it. So, why is it that beginner musicians often have so much difficulty keeping in time with it? And why is it that humans find it hard to play like a metronome, why doesn't that come natural to us?Many musicians and entire musical cultures with a wonderful sense of rhythm don't use a metronome at all. Yet many western musicians spend hours every day with the tool. Do we need it, dos it help - and if so what's the best way to work with a metronome. And what about ways of working on rhythm without using a metronome at all? read more