Registration for the Astronomers Without Borders Asteroid Search Campaign is now open!
Astronomers Without Borders and NASA’s International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) are sponsoring a special Asteroid Search Campaign as part of Global Astronomy Month. This search campaign is open to schools and teams around the world. Stuck at home? Participation is online and completely free for the participating teams! Visit the registration link below for more information on how to join this citizen science project. Deadline to apply is March 31. #citizenscience #iascsearch #asteroidsearch Note: Through the IASC, citizen scientists around the world are able to make original astronomical discoveries and participate in hands-on astronomy. All IASC Asteroid Search Campaigns are completely compatible with remote access. Follow us/Like us on Twitter and Facebook @DoNASAScience News Article Type: News ArticlePublished: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 13:07